Talented Genius

Chapter 2048: Things are fine

"Captain Murong, Captain Murong!"

Zhang Yi and Cai Yong also brought a few people to respond, and they held guns to the front as they approached Murong Jun, their expressions very nervous.

"Unexpectedly, it was a friend from the National Police who came."

At this moment, a very magnetic voice came from the pale white smoke, and then a pair of tall western men and women walked out of the hall.

The man was handsome and handsome, with sapphire blue eyes very charming, and he held a sword in his hand.

This ancient saber was popular in Europe and North America in the seventeenth century. The sword is long and slender, suitable for piercing, and is generally used by knights.

The Zorro in the animation used this kind of sword, so it was later called the "Zorro" sword.

The woman is just a blonde stunner, charming and lovely, but at the moment she has put on a long skirt to cover her seductive body like a devil.

She is holding a white box in her left hand and a police gun in her right hand.

"Jack, Mary!"

At this time, Zhang Yi and Cai Yong, who had seen countless photos, subconsciously called out each other's name, and then looked more nervous and raised the gun.

"Boom boom!"

When several police officers including Zhang Yi and Cai Yong pulled the trigger, Mary and Jack shook their bodies a few times and quickly avoided the bullets.

At the same time, the police gun in Mary's hand also blasted fire, turning over five police officers with guns, and then flying Cai Yong's gun with one shot, and then emptying the gun.


The empty gun hit Zhang Yi's finger, she screamed in pain, and released the police gun in her palm.

She subconsciously wanted to pick up the gun, but seeing Jack's ancient sword flashed, she directly removed the police gun, and Zhang Yi and the others couldn't help but open their mouths.

Seeing Murong Jun and the others being beaten into dogs, Ye Tianlong wanted to help, but at this moment, he felt the breath of the four powerhouses approaching.

He frowned slightly, not knowing whether the opponent was a friend or an enemy, so he suppressed the idea of ​​shooting and pressed Qin Ziyi's police gun.

Qin Ziyi whispered, "Why don't you do it? Are you still angry with Murong Jun?"

Ye Tianlong gently shook his head: "Listen to me, wait a while."

After speaking, he looked around and locked in the breath of the four powerhouses.

"It's rare to see each other once, so why use a knife and a gun?"

At this time, Jack slowly withdrew the ancient saber, his sapphire blue eyes were very charming: "It's really disappointing to make it so **** on such a good day."

He didn't kill Zhang Yi and Cai Kang, he wanted to keep a few live hostages, waiting for the arrival of the car.

He also saw Ye Tianlong and Qin Ziyi, but he only regarded them as national police rookies, and didn't care at all. When necessary, he shot two headshots.

"You have committed crimes and crimes, and you can't escape."

The strength of the male and female thieves made Murong Jun's eyelids jump, but he still stared at Jack strongly and shouted, "Hurry up and surrender."

Zhang Yi and Cai Yong also echoed: "Yes, we are already surrounded here, so surrender."

Jack said noncommittal: "We just came to Malaysia to stroll around, see the scenery, and wait for our old friends. We are really not malicious to the world."

"Who knows if you bite here, it disturbed our interest and disturbed our plan."

Jack's voice remained warm and moist: "We are really upset."

Having said that, he also glanced at the box in Mary's hand, as if there were extremely precious things there.

"Just such a small number of people want to catch us, which is too small for us."

Mary said with a smile: "In the past ten years, the number of police officers and sergeants who died in our hands has not been one hundred and eighty."

"Ten years ago, in order to **** an aircraft for a customer to study, we killed 30 soldiers at a French air base and then left with the plane."

"Eight years ago, in order to get a research sample from Switzerland, we bloodwashed a laboratory guarded by a reinforced platoon and then took the sample away."

"Six years ago, a 500-person round-the-world cruise ship became a ship of death in our hands."

She joked lightly: "You guys want to arrest us, it really humiliates our strength."

Murong Jun's voice sank: "You are criminals, we are the police, and arresting you is for the people."

"This world does not rely on mouth to blow, but on strength."

Mary's smile suddenly became charming: "You trash can't catch us in ten years."

"not necessarily!"

Murong Jun snorted, then blew a whistle.

"Swish swish!"

Following Murong Jun's whistle, four figures flashed in the villa, one with a strong personality and a sad expression, leaning towards Mary and the others.

Jack and Mary glanced at them and smiled at the corners of their mouths: "Yes, these four look a little wise."

Zhang Yi and Cai Yong were very excited, but they didn't expect Murong Jun to have a hole card.

Murong Jun didn't talk nonsense, and roared: "Take it."

The masters sent by the four national police became cold, and moved forward, rushing towards Jack and Mary.

Mary didn't shoot, but smiled and took a step back. Jack threw the ancient saber to Mary, then twisted his neck to fight.

Jack swept away his previous cynicism and replaced it with fierceness.

The four national police masters were like an IP, approaching Jack extremely fast.

The powerful and unmatched energy first pierced through the cold air and attacked. The palms they protruded were inexorably changed, and they seemed to be able to attack any part of Jack.

Cai Yong and the others are very excited: this group of people is extraordinary.

Murderous moment was overwhelming.


Jack let out a big laugh and moved quickly and unscrupulously.

The four national police officers stagnated slightly, their eyes shot with incredible expressions, and their confidence suddenly weakened a bit.

It turned out that every time Jack swayed, it was aimed at their siege. The most shocking thing was that he could avoid the next move like a foresight.

This makes their endless ultimate moves unable to be successfully displayed.


As the thoughts turned, Jack deceived his body forward, his fists turned into thousands of shadows, and attacked the four.

The four screamed and fists together to fight.

Ye Tianlong looked at the scene before him. Although the four of them were strong, Jack still had to win, and the results of the four were not optimistic.

"Boom boom!"

Sure enough, after five rounds, there was a loud noise, and the five people in the fierce battle separated at the same time. Jack, if nothing had happened, their faces were pale with blood on the corners of their mouths, and they were injured.

Jack didn't stand still at all, and jumped up to perform a domineering roundabout kick, sweeping to the front two national police masters.


The two didn't have time to retreat, and they wanted to raise their hands to block the attack, but they were slow for a while, one fell to the ground like withered grass swept by the wind, the other stubbornly held on.

Jack used his waist and eyes, and with the help of the whirling kick, he volleyed around 180 degrees, his right leg cleverly retracted, and his left leg kicked straight.

The action is full of dazzling volume, unbiasedly stepping on the third person's chest.


The burly national policeman opened his mouth and vomited blood, his face was pale and knelt on the ground.

Jack flew upside down with a step, his muscles bulged and rocked into the fourth person.

Jumping up and sweeping his legs, changing his moves, taking out his legs, and then flying backwards and hitting people, Jack completed the horrifying moves, obviously a master of all battles.

The four national police masters fell to the ground with painful expressions, but they gritted their teeth and fought again...

"It's really reckless."

When Jack kicked the four of them again without comment, Mary’s phone vibrated and she took it out to answer. After a while, she smiled softly:

"Mr. Mask, rest assured, everything is fine and everything is fine."

"see you later……"

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