Talented Genius

Chapter 2049: One sword


After the four national police masters fell to the ground, Zhang Yi and Cai Yong yelled when they saw it, threw down their guns and rushed to fight.


The two tried their best to fight against Jack, but they still did not hold a round. They were kicked in the abdomen, fell seven or eight meters, and vomited bitter water.

Jack frustrated the six people in one breath, and shook his head disdainfully: "It really disappoints me. There is no one who can fight."

Murong Jun exhaled a long breath, stood up, his eyes were like a knife: "What are you crazy? The captain hasn't taken any action yet."

Although many people were asked to help in the operation today, and the gunfight just now was very embarrassing, it doesn't mean that Murong Jun has no trouble.

So he roared and shot Jack at him.

"Good job!"

Seeing Murong Jun's momentum like a rainbow, Jack not only was not afraid, but laughed, his hands were wrong, and he directly challenged.

In the first dozen moves, the two sides directly bumped into each other, and the fists, soles of the feet, and the body continued to collide, making a series of sounds that attracted everyone's attention.

Zhang Yi and Cai Kang couldn't help but feel happy when they saw Murong Jun's tie with Jack, and they almost called Murong Jun to cheer.

Qin Ziyi looked at the two fighting men and asked Ye Tianlong: "Tianlong, who will win?"

Ye Tianlong swept past the leisurely Mary, then looked at the intense scene, and whispered back: "Captain Murong is afraid that he will suffer."

"Captain Murong will suffer?"

Cai Yong snorted: "Captain Murong is so powerful, how can he suffer from invincibility?"

Zhang Yi didn't like Ye Tianlong's arrogance: "That's right, I didn't see the captain will win? Besides, Captain Murong can't do it, can't you do it."

Cai Yong jokingly said, "Didn't you say that male and female robbers are scumbags in your hands? You have the ability to take a look."

Zhang Yi frowned: "I'll be shot flying if I'm afraid of going up... Hey, Captain Qin, you take him away a bit, don't hinder the captain's performance..."

Qin Ziyi's face turned cold and wanted to fight back, but Ye Tianlong pulled her back a few steps, and then let her stay in a safe corner.


Almost just moved away, only to hear Jack blast out, breaking Murong Jun's block, and hitting Murong Jun's chest.

Murong Jun's complexion changed drastically, and at the critical moment, he could only retreat with all his strength while struggling to stop him.

It's a pity that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Jack's punch down the mountain.


Murong Jun couldn't resist, he snorted, and flew out, smashing Cai Yong and Zhang Yi.

"Hurry up and call for support!"

Murong Jun got up and supported the two men, then turned to look at Ye Tianlong and Qin Ziyi: "Quick!"

Qin Ziyi took out his cell phone and dialed the police station number, but the other end was busy.

"One more punch."

At this moment, Jack laughed wildly, his momentum was like a rainbow, his back suddenly bulged, his right foot stomped on the ground, and the figure looked like a tiger leaping.

He punched Murong Jun's chest again, who was struggling.

Murong Jun, who had just suffered a little injury, was Jack's opponent, but he hurriedly resisted but could only offset a three-point strength, and the rest of the power was on him.

Murong Jun spouted a mouthful of red blood, his body fell a few meters out and fell in front of Ye Tianlong and Qin Ziyi.

"team leader!"

Cai Yong and Zhang Yi struggled to get up from the ground, rushed to Murong Jun's side and shouted, seeing his miserable look, they all looked desperate.

Murong Jun struggled and knelt on the ground, and then shouted at Qin Ziyi and Ye Tianlong: "Didn't you let you call support? Why are you still here?"

Seeing Jack approaching slowly, Zhang Yi was also angrily complaining: "You killed us..."

Qin Ziyi bit her lip and said, "Captain Murong, it's okay, there is Tianlong..."

Cai Yong hates that iron can't make steel: "What heavenly dragons, earthworms, we can't beat them, so what can you do?"

Murong Jun supported half of his body and waved to Qin Ziyi and Ye Tianlong: "We are going to die anyway, let's block for you."

"You two, run away, remember to tell the headquarters..."

Having said that, he looked at Ye Tianlong who was slowly standing up, and shouted anxiously: "What are you going to do? You are not leaving?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong walking towards Jack and Mary, Zhang Yi angrily shouted: "Don't be aggressive, waste our efforts."

She stamped her feet with anger.

"Jack, stop playing, the car is here."

At this moment, Mary hung up the phone, then turned her head slightly: "Kill them, go!"

Jack didn't respond, but stared at Ye Tianlong who was coming, with a trace of inquiry and solemnity in his eyes.

Mary was taken aback for a moment. She raised her head and followed Jack's gaze. She saw Ye Tianlong approaching slowly, with a smile on her face.

"You two, good skills, I admire you."

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "So, today, either you will kill me or I will kill you."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's provocative words, Murong Jun and the others almost vomited blood, secretly crying that Ye Tianlong really didn't know the height of the sky.

They couldn't defeat the male and female robbers. Isn't it ridiculous that Ye Tianlong killed others?

Zhang Yi couldn't help but yelled to Qin Ziyi: "Group leader Qin, call him back soon, don't be embarrassed."

Qin Ziyi had confidence in his eyes: "Don't worry, he will definitely win."

Murong Jun and the others didn't believe it, but they couldn't do much at this moment, they could only adjust their interest rate as soon as possible to recover two points of strength and see if they could escape.

"Then I will see how you beat us to death."

At this moment, Jack was laughing. When the laughter was booming, his left hand suddenly shook, and a flying sword shot at Ye Tianlong.

By surprise.


Cai Yong's complexion changed drastically, the sword was fast and fierce, but it shot out suddenly and couldn't hide it at all. They secretly cried that Ye Tianlong would die.

Ye Tianlong did not evade, he just stretched out a hand and quickly grabbed the other end of Feijian.


Seeing this scene, not only Zhang Yi and the others were dumbfounded, but even Jack and Mary were also astonished. Ye Tianlong's hand was no less than receiving a bullet with bare hands.

Jack's eyelids rarely twitched. He knew the power of the sword just now. It was a shot of his momentum. The strength was not small, and it was as fast as a meteor.

But Ye Tianlong caught it lightly, and Jack could feel his strength.

Murong Jun and the others also took a breath after being surprised. Ye Tianlong had two chances.

"This kid is afraid of being an 8-rank master."

Murong Jun beat his chest and his feet: "It's a pity. He has this kind of strength. Why didn't he shoot with me just now?"

"Having him help me, he would definitely suppress Jack just now, so Mary wouldn't worry about it."

"But he has only taken action now. I was badly injured and I am powerless to help him."

He was very upset, Ye Tianlong shot early, plus the four national police masters, 80% of the situation can be reversed today.

"He must want to be a hero, so he finally shot."

Zhang Yi squeezed out a sentence: "If he can't complete the task today, it's all because of his hiding personalities."

Ye Tianlong turned out to be a master of the eighth rank, Zhang Yi looked unbelievable, she was still jealous of her similar age.

Cai Yong was also sour: "Unfortunately, he harmed others and himself. Without the help of Captain Murong, he couldn't defeat the male and female robbers, and would lose his life."

Qin Ziyi greeted the 18th generation of their ancestors. It was obvious that you didn't let Ye Tianlong help. Now instead of blaming him for hiding his own privates?

It's just that she didn't say it, her eyes were more on the court.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was playing with the flying sword, and looked at Jack with a playful look: "The male and female robbers are really a pair of scum, and they can play sneak attacks."

"I just don't know, can you catch me?"

These two people looked harmless to humans and animals, returning golden girls and jade girls, but they killed so many people while talking and laughing, and they suddenly shot flying swords at him, and they were heartbroken.

Ye Tianlong felt murderous in his heart.

"one move?"

There was a joke at the corner of Jack's mouth, and there was a hint of murder on his cynical face. No one had ever contempted them so much.

The next second, he suddenly raised his hand, and another flying knife shot at Ye Tianlong.

At the same time, he followed closely behind him, rushing towards Ye Tianlong like a beast, with a right hand on the way.

Mary raised her left hand and threw his ancient sabre over.

Jack didn't even look at it. He caught the wind with his sword in his hand and stab sharply, just like a medieval knight.


The ancient saber took Ye Tianlong's throat straight.


Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold, and he let out a low cry, while throwing a flying sword in his hand.


A sound of breaking through the air instantly sounded sternly, this knife, carrying the murderous intent of the corpse mountain and blood, as if from the blood prison battlefield, suddenly piercing.

This sword passed away in a flash!


The flying sword first hit Jack's flying knife, the flying knife broke in two and fell to the ground, and then the flying sword went unabated and hit Jack's ancient saber.

With a click of the ancient saber, countless lines were cracked on the body of the sword, and then all the ‘papap’ cracked, turned into fragments and fell to the ground.

The next second, the flying sword stabbed Jack's shirt.

The invulnerable armor on his body, the moment he was stabbed by the flying sword, banged and exploded, and it couldn't support the penetration of the sword.


Jack was shocked and backed away screaming.

The penetrating power of this sword, as well as the murderous aura on this sword, which failed to achieve its goal, made the stunned Jack despair.


Although Jack struggled with all his strength, the flying sword broke through his armor, penetrated into his burly body, and then came out from behind him.


Jack fell back stiffly and fell heavily on the **** grass, staring at Ye Tianlong in horror and despair.

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