Talented Genius

Chapter 2053: Stuff in the box

In the early morning, the sun is shining, birds and flowers are scented, a scene full of spring.

The golden sunlight shone through the thin curtains on Ye Tianlong's eyes, awakening him faintly.

Gently sniffing the faint fragrance between the jade's hair in his arms, Ye Tianlong kissed Qin Ziyi's delicate face.

Qin Ziyi didn't react at all, still lying in Ye Tianlong's arms and dreaming sweet dreams.

Last night, Qin Ziyi squeezed Ye Tianlong viciously and exhausted himself. He still hasn't recovered.

Ye Tianlong put his hand into the thin quilt and gently touched Qin Ziyi's slender thigh, feeling the firmness and greasiness.

Then he picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. He wanted to watch the morning news. The screen quickly turned on, and it happened to be playing the case of the male and female robber.

A spokesperson for the Horse Police and Andrew attended the press conference together and announced to the public that under the leadership of the National Police and the assistance of the Horse Police, the male and female robbers had been killed successfully.

Andrew declared that this battle was of great significance. It not only declared the end of the rampant era of male and female robbers, but also severely deterred the world-class Jiangyang robbers.

At the same time, the police froze the billions of illegal funds of Jack and Mary, so that this money would not become the capital of the bad guys.

Most importantly, killing the male and female robbers also prevented the risk of the Malaysian central vault being robbed.

Andrew showed the black box, which contained not only one million dollars but also the Malaysian treasury building surrounded by red pen.

This shows that the male and female robbers came to Malaysia to rob the gold in the vault, and now they were killed in advance to avoid a **** storm...

Ye Tianlong looked at the newspaper and the box with a smile across his mouth. It was still very useful to steal a post and change posts, at least the national police would not bite himself.

In addition, he found that Andrew, the minister, was indeed extraordinary. He was still calm in the face of nearly a hundred reporters, and that general style made him express his appreciation.


When Ye Tianlong was thinking about how to deal with Andrew in the future, the mobile phone on the bedside table vibrated, and he reached out and took a glance.

Red arrow.

Ye Tianlong pressed the answer button, and then put it in his ear to say: "Red Arrow, call so early?"

Ye Tianlong glanced at the wall clock. At six o'clock early, he took his hand from Qin Ziyi's body, and then he took his cell phone to the outside lobby.

Red Arrow's voice soon came from the ear: "Ye Shao, sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you so early, but the box has been cracked."

"The things inside are precious and important. I really can't help it, so I'll call you early."

His tone was filled with excitement, as if he had found a treasure.

Ye Tianlong showed a hint of interest: "What?"

Hong Jian hesitated: "Ye Shao, it is not convenient to speak on the phone, because after I cracked the black box, I found that there was a locator inside."

"Although the male and female robbers have already died, the role of the locator is meaningless, but for safety reasons, let's meet before we talk."

"If possible, let's meet at Apollo Garden."

Red Arrow said with a sense of caution: "I believe I won't let you down."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Okay, see you in an hour."

He knew that Red Arrow would not be aimless, it must be that the box had something very important, so he would be so cautious.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong took a bath, and quickly washed up, then left a note for Qin Ziyi and went out.

However, out of consideration for Qin Ziyi's safety, he let Can Shou secretly protect her for one day, lest the male and female robbers have accomplices to avenge her.

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong appeared at the foot of the Apollo Garden.

Since Ye Tianlong took over the Apollo Garden, it has been taken over by the Dalmatians and has become a temporary camp for the dog camp. Chu Zifeng also stayed here temporarily.

Entrance to the top of the mountain, six checkpoints, all dangerous, Kaka is stable, but it is no longer fortified against Ye Tianlong, and the car went unimpeded to the top of the mountain.

"Sect Master, are you here?"

Chu Zifeng obviously knew that Ye Tianlong would be coming, so as soon as the car parked in Crescent Villa, Chu Zifeng greeted him with a respectful expression.

Ye Tianlong asked: "Has the red arrow arrived?"

Chu Zifeng hurriedly responded: "No, he will arrive in fifteen minutes, and Tianmo is bringing Tianmen children to protect him."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, and then stretched out his hand to pat Chu Zifeng's shoulder: "King Chu, his complexion is a bit bad, it seems that the upper rank is not going well."

"I seldom participated in Chu affairs before, and I have always had low prestige."

There was a touch of helplessness on Chu Zifeng's face: "In addition, his father has built four headquarters, so it is easy for old officials to support themselves."

"Father is dead. Although I was awarded the King of Chu to take charge of the entire Chu group, Chu Shu, Chu Zhong, and Chu Ji did not obey me."

"They even joined forces to oppose me, declaring that they had separated from the Chu Clan and were working on their own. They heard that they would fight against Tianmen to avenge their father."

"By the way, Jiuwenlong, who is in charge of the pornography, gambling and drug business, also declared independence in Pakistan, and his business and account are no longer open to me."

"Ye Shao, I am almost a polished commander now."

The dark business and the underground black net were banned by Ye Tianlong, and the teams in his hand were swept away by Ye Tianlong earlier, and Chu Zifeng was almost empty-handed.

"It's okay, don't worry, things will get better."

Ye Tianlong thought for a while, relieved Chu Zifeng and smiled: "I'll give you two reassurance pills. First, the nine-stripe dragon will not survive this weekend."

"Second, in the next month, I will let Dog Camp fully assist you. You can suppress Chu Shu, Chu Zhong, and Chu Ji with all your strength."

"Don't worry about the consequences, don't be afraid of the dead, let go and get rid of all those who stand in your way."

He pressed Chu Zifeng's shoulder: "Only in this way can you stand up and become the true King of Chu."

Chu Zifeng's eyes lit up, and then respectfully replied: "Thank you to the master."

Ye Tianlong shouted: "Dalmatians!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Dalmatian flashed out, with indifference and undisguised respect on his face.

"Dalmatians, go to Elder Gongsun and ask for a letter of appointment from Tianmen, stating that Chu Zifeng is the new King of Chu, and the rest of the Chu family must obey."

Ye Tianlong's voice was deep: "After you get the letter of appointment, you will follow the king of Chu for a while. Those who do not respect the king of Chu will be killed without mercy."

The Dalmatian whispered back: "Yes!"

"Thank you, the master!"

Chu Zifeng apologized to Ye Tianlong again. He had already seen how powerful dalmatians were. With Kenying and their help, Uncle Chu and the others shouldn't worry.


When Chu Zifeng was discussing arrangements with the Dalmatians, Ye Tianlong went to the kitchen to fetch bread and milk. He was in a hurry and had not eaten breakfast yet.

After eating, he wiped his mouth and looked at the clock again: "Why haven't the red arrows come yet?"

Almost at the same time, at an intersection five kilometers away, three off-road vehicles stopped in front of the red light, waiting for the green light to pass.

Hongjian sits in the front one, and the two behind are eight Tianmen children, who are dedicated to protecting Hongjian.

While holding the box tightly, Red Arrow looked at the jumping clock, muttering faster and faster.


At this moment, there was a harsh tire rubbing sound in front of him.

Tian Mo's eyes were cold for an instant, he turned abruptly, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the car leaned out sideways.

As soon as the front of the car was moved away, a van rammed past, wiped the doors of the car, and slid more than ten meters to a stop.

Tianmo instinctively wanted to step back. At this moment, there was a stab at the back and two vans blocked.

The car was immediately blocked by three vans, and then the door opened with a ‘crash’, and more than 20 people in black appeared.

Each holding a katana.

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