Talented Genius

Chapter 2054: Mask old man

"Protect Red Arrow!"

Tian Mo kicked the car door to go out and locked the car door. Without asking more, he knew that the enemy was rushing to the box. This thing was valuable in their hands.

Red Arrow pressed down in front of the car window and shouted: "Be careful!"

Although the dazzling katana made Red Arrow's eyelids jump, he still held his mind and locked the doors and windows while calling Ye Tianlong.

Regardless of whether Tianmo can deal with it, Red Arrow hopes to have support, after all, the box is too important.


When Tianmo flashed a black knife, the seemingly calm road suddenly rang out with a violent sound.

Twenty-six men and women in black were in trouble at the same time, raising their hands together, and 26 darts poured out.

The darts exploded on the way, changing into three, and 78 darts were covered.



Tian Mo's face changed slightly, his wrist flicked, and he waved a circle, knocking down dozens of darts.

It's just that he can deal with darts calmly, but the three Tianmen children who got out of the car door were too late to react, and their bodies were shocked just as they pulled out their weapons.

Several strands of blood spattered from his body.

The dart pierced their vitals and cut their vitality. The three of them fell to the ground without screaming.

The remaining five Tianmen children were frightened and angry. They drew their sabers and wanted to rush forward desperately, but they could only temporarily endure the hatred when thinking of Red Arrow's safety.

They moved quickly around the Red Arrow car.


The darts attacked and killed three people, and the twenty-six enemies rolled on the spot, scattered like a phantom, and rushed towards Tianmo and the others at an extremely fast speed.

They are extraordinary in their postures, and they are quick and fierce, making it difficult to capture. On the way, their right hand shoots a crossbow arrow with a sharp and piercing sound.

"Be careful!"

Seeing the enemy so difficult, Tian Mo's expression couldn't stop changing. He swept down a dozen crossbow arrows, and the Tianmen children waved their sabers to keep them away.

Four or five shots were shot on the body, making a few marks, making the red arrow's eyelids jump.

"court death!"

After Tianmo blocked two waves of attacks, he swept his left foot, and a wave of crossbow arrows reflected back.


The first few people in black waved their samurai swords and smashed all the crossbow arrows reflected by Tianmo, but the power of the crossbow arrows made their mouths painful.


When the enemy formation was slightly stagnant, the sky ink moved, and when the sky ink moved, it immediately reached them in front of them, and seemed to be about to rush into it abruptly.

Seeing Tianmo bursting over, the man in black clenched the weapon in his hand and chopped it up without saying a word.

Only a loud sound that can be heard properly, like the sound of wind, like the sound of rain, and then suddenly another brilliance flashed under the sun, splitting the eyeball and splitting the human wall.


The three black-clothed necks splattered blood and flew out, knocking over the seven or eight companions behind them, and the formation was slightly messed up.

The sky ink did not stagnate, the sound of the knife became clearer, the knife glowed like electricity, a splash of blood red, and the morning breeze was extremely bloody.


A man in black screamed and fell to the ground. Before disappearing his consciousness, he saw the black knife that had killed himself pierced into the chest of another companion.

The armor on the latter's body was as fragile as paper, and then the body of the companion flew up and down, overturning five or six latecomers.

After his vitality was extinguished, the red was like a guiding line, straight toward the path.

Tianmo beats like a ghost, and shoots like a devil. In a flash, he held a black knife and killed seven or eight people.

The black-clothed enemy was slightly stunned. It seemed that Tian Mo was so sturdy, he was busy brandishing his katana to block it.

Several people in black circled half a circle, then turned to Tianmo and rushed forward, preparing to join the battle group from behind.


Tian Mo didn't even look at them, kicked a samurai sword on the ground, and one person was directly pierced in the chest, bursting out a lot of blood.

As the other companions waved their swords forward in grief and indignation, Tian Mo kicked the dead man's body, and the corpse fell into the air with a bang, knocking down several people.

Only at this moment of effort, Tianmo waved his sword again and again, and cut the three retreating enemies to the ground.

The blood stained the ground.


At this time, four samurai swords took the opportunity to pass to Tian Mo's back, Tian Mo's right hand flashed, and the black sword suddenly slanted.

Only heard the constant sound of ‘Dangdang’, and four weapons flew into the air.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tian Mo slid his blade and swept across abruptly, only to hear three screams, and the three of them had been smeared in their necks by black knives.

He died on the spot.


Seeing Tian Mo killed four more companions, the other enemies not only did not retreat, but became even more crazy.

They came to kill, but they were chopped down by Tianmo.

Tian Mo's face was not solemn, he kept the calm and indifference he should be, holding the blood-stained black knife and swiping it again and again.

The knives were as bright as snow, and among the snowflakes, there were red patches with them, and the knives were broken in their hands, and they clanged non-stop.

Although these attackers were brave enough and their strength and speed were amazing, Tianmo still couldn't resist them.

After only half a cup of tea time, Tianmo killed nearly ten people again, and among his opponents, no one could stop him with a knife.

All those who besieged Tianmo fell to the ground and were killed.


Seeing Tianmo slaughter all around, the five Tianmen children looked happy, and yelled out a word, and at the same time accelerated their offensive.

Soon, they cut off the three enemies they were fighting against.


At this moment, a car that didn't know when it was driving over suddenly exploded and shot out a masked old man.

He rushed straight into the Tianmen children who were protecting Red Arrow.

As soon as the Tianmen boy swung his sword, he saw the palm of his hand flashing, and there was a sharp pain in his chest, and then he vomited blood and flew out.

One by one was seriously injured and lost combat effectiveness.

Hong Jian's face changed drastically, as if he didn't expect the other party to be so powerful.

The old man in the mask stared at the box in Red Arrow's hand, pressed his palm on the bulletproof glass, and violently applied force.


The bulletproof glass shattered instantly and countless particles splashed around. The red arrow instinctively moved to the other side to open the door while pulling out the firearm behind it.


Just when the masked old man was about to take down the red arrow, he saw a flash of light from the sword, and Tian Mo was horizontal in front of him.

Twenty-six men in black and eight Tianmen children fell on the ground.

"Are you going to block me?"

The masked old man carried his hands on his back, staring at Tian Mo who was blocking the way, and said coldly, "Do you know that those who block me die?"

The masked old man is tall and tall, although his head is full of white hair, he does not see the old attitude at all. Standing there, it gives people a look of standing pine and cypress.

It's just that the eyes are like electricity, without the slightest emotion, which is shocking.

Tianmo pointed his sword away and pointed, "No one can take the box!"

"You are looking for death!"

There was a strong pressure on the masked old man, and Tianmo was able to act as if nothing had happened because of his tyrannical skill.

But the injured Tianmen nephews couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.


Tian Mo took a step, the black knife stretched diagonally, and the wind shook his clothes.

This simple starting style, but because of Tianmo's body, suddenly soaring soaring murderous intent, it showed a thousand horrendous...

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