Talented Genius

Chapter 2063: Make a choice (four more)

The monstrous firelight, the invisible dry well, the zombies running around, the dreams of the past, impacted Ye Tianlong like a tide.

Every time he thinks of those dreams, Ye Tianlong will sweat profusely, but he has never regarded it as a nightmare.

Even if he finds out that the little boy No. 81 is himself, Ye Tianlong only regards him as thinking day by day and dreaming at night, never thinking that he is related to dreams.

After all, it was just a dream.

Now that Lin Chenxue pointed out that he was a genetic warrior, Ye Tianlong's self-comforting defense line began to collapse.

For the first time he gave birth to panic. Isn't the dry well and isolated island a dream, but a part of his own long-term memory?

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong's mouth was dry and his expression was a little unnatural. The temperature of his forehead was hotter than the towel.

Lin Chenxue caught Ye Tianlong's situation and asked in a soft voice, "Did you remember something?"

Ye Tianlong coughed and pressed his nose: "No, I... still don't have any impression."

Lin Chenxue stared at Ye Tianlong and said, "You have no impression. It doesn't mean you haven't experienced it."

"Although many genetic warriors are experimenting with adults, the most suitable target for genetic modification is children under eight years old."

"Because they have a simple mind and are easy to obey, and their reactions to the body are the most true. They will not be suppressed by will, and the data are the easiest to highlight."

Lin Chenxue made an inference: "There is a high probability that you were transformed before the age of eight. If you don't have memory, then you were experimented at about five years old."

Ye Tianlong felt a little bit in his heart, his memory was only after he was six years old, that is, after meeting Yan Fei, but before he was six, he knew nothing.

What Lin Chenxue said is very consistent.

"This is still absurd."

It was just that Ye Tianlong quickly sat up straight and retorted: "If I am really transformed and I am so perfect, how come no one controls me?"

"It should be very labor-intensive to remodel this, right?"

Ye Tianlong put forward a reason: "The other party spent so much money to transform me, but didn't control me, let me be free and learn from Lei Feng?"

Although he looked righteous and confident, he already had an answer in his heart.

If you are really transforming people and being able to be at ease in this way, it is not that the person in charge learns from Lei Feng, but that an accident happened and he slipped through the net.

For example, Bloody Night on the Isolated Island, almost dead, and I accidentally survived...

But Ye Tianlong resisted such an answer.

"I don't know this. I'm just explaining your body. No matter how many reasons you have, the objective fact of genetic modification does exist."

Lin Chenxue's conversation turned: "I have another proof, that is, although your body has been successfully transformed, there is still a hidden danger."

"That is the hidden danger of killing that is inevitable to transform people. When the body becomes stronger due to genetic modification, the killing mood exponentially increases."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "When a person becomes stronger, there are more things that can be decided. It is understandable that the intention of killing and killing has skyrocketed."

"This is one aspect, and there is another aspect, that is, when the gene changes, the fists and strength are stronger, and I like to use people to practice."

Lin Chenxue held Ye Tianlong's hand: "If this killing gene is not properly suppressed, it is easy for people to lose their minds and become a killing machine."

"I discovered during your inspection that your killing gene was suppressed very well before, but for some reason, it started to skyrocket."

"Use the tenth order to mark the killing gene. In Tiandu, your killing gene was only the second order. When Mingjiang checked it, it had reached the fifth order."

"I guess it was the First Battle of Heaven. Something inspired your killing gene, so now you will have nosebleeds, will be irritable, and will be violent."

Lin Chenxue told Ye Tianlong of her judgment.

Ye Tianlong frowned: "If I were really modified, then when the killing gene reaches the tenth level, what will happen to me?"

"A monster!"

Lin Chenxue's eyes were worried: "A monster that has lost all feelings and consciousness is also an unstoppable killing machine."

The corner of Ye Tianlin's mouth moved. He thought of the video Hong Jian showed him, the genetic warrior with flesh and blood, and his heart was slightly chilled.

Although he feels absurd that he is transforming people, Ye Tianlong feels very uncomfortable when he thinks of the dream of the dry well.

Moreover, a touch of irritability impacted his soul unconsciously, so he looked at Lin Chenxue and said, "Is there a way to suppress or treat it?"

Ye Tianlong also thought of the six needles in the black box. Red Arrow said that the data showed that Mi Jun had achieved good stability in terms of stability.

If you are really transforming people and injecting those needles, you don't know if you can suppress the killing mood?

He absolutely does not want to become a monster on the video.

"There is no cure for the root cause, but there are palliative drugs that can help stabilize your condition, and it won't skyrocket to the tenth order for at least a year."

Lin Chenxue let out a long breath, and then gave Ye Tianlong a website address and password: "This is my website address and password for a storage space."

"You log in and there are a lot of information in it, one of which is about your file. If you take a closer look, you will find what you want."

She exhorted: "You must take medicine on time."

Feeling Lin Chenxue's care, Ye Tianlong didn't read the website. On the contrary, he directly shredded the paper to turn it into powder, blowing it, and falling to the ground.

Lin Chenxue looked startled: "Tianlong, you--"

"Lin Chenxue, listen, no matter whether I am transforming people or not, I will never go to the website to read the archives, let alone take medicine."

Ye Tianlong put on a rather unreasonable posture: "You discovered that I have a modified gene in me, and you must be responsible for it to the end."

"If you want me to live well, you will get me out of this prison and become my personal doctor."

"Use your ability to contain my killing gene, not only to treat the symptoms, but also to cure the root cause."

"If you want to die, I won't go for treatment. Let the killing gene skyrocket."

Ye Tianlong firmly stated his attitude: "Becoming an unconscious monster is far better than watching you die with emotion."

Lin Chenxue was taken aback for a moment, then her eyebrows erected: "Ye Tianlong, you are a rogue."

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "When I first met, you said that to me."

Lin Chenxue was very angry: "Do you want to use your death to threaten me? Tell you, I won't compromise for you."

"Then I won't look at the information, nor will I go to the treatment, anyway, just as you didn't find that I had any signs of transformation, I didn't even notice it.

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "I think I haven't seen you today, and I don't know that I am a genetic warrior. Everything develops according to God's will.

Lin Chenxue almost died of anger: "You are not responsible for yourself and your brothers——"

Ye Tianlong tit-for-tat: "You are not responsible for yourself if you are different? Are you not responsible for me if you are different?"

"Okay, time is almost there, no more chatting."

Ye Tianlong looked at his watch, then got up and went out: "You want me to live, first survive by myself and come out."

"I hope to see your appeal tomorrow."

"In addition, I will go to the Rong's house later, and Rong Shengli will try my best to protect you..."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong walked out of the house and left the small courtyard neatly.

"Ye Tianlong, you bastard!"

Lin Chenxue bit her lips tightly, tears in her eyes: "You can't do this...you can't do this..."

She had to make a choice!

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