Talented Genius

Chapter 2064: Tea House Storm

Coming out of the Hongcheng Prison, Ye Tianlong got into the car, and then called Hongjian and asked Hongjian to come to Beijing from Malaysia.

After making the phone call, Ye Tianlong asked Canshou to find a teahouse to drink tea, and he was quiet after breakfast.

He refused to believe Lin Chenxue's words, but knew in his heart that she would not make a joke about it, and that nosebleeds and hostility were also happening.


Ye Tianlong leaned on the car and pulled off a button, looking at the passing scenery outside the window and muttering to himself:

"Young Master Ben is really transforming people. He must pull out the black hand behind the scenes and kill him. No, I will also give him two shots."

Although the physical transformation has brought a series of advantages to Ye Tianlong, it also allowed him to develop in the direction of monsters without human consciousness.

Really become a monster, how to eat hot pot in the future? How to sing? How to pick up girls?

While feeling bored, Ye Tianlong dropped the car window and blew the morning breeze again, so that his emotions could be restored to stability, and then he began to integrate all his dreams.

Soon, after Ye Tianlong sorted out the nightmare he had been worried about before, he thought of the destruction of the Tianmen that Ning Hongzhuang once said to himself.

Ye Tianlong came up with a few key words: welfare house, isolated island, big fire, dry well, Tianmen, and Rongjia.

Ye Tianlong tried to make a guess. He grew up in the Tianmen Welfare Institute and was sent to the isolated island by Tianmen to do experiments when he was five or six years old.

The experimenter came from the Rong family, and the code was Tianmen children. I don’t know why, but the experiment changed and people on the whole island killed each other.

Afterwards, in order to destroy the evidence, the Rong family shelled the entire island and razed the island to the ground, but he fate to escape from the dry well.

I am the only survivor on an isolated island, and a perfect model for successful experiments, and then let my life after the age of six be open...

Ye Tianlong had a guess in his mind, if he had been transformed, then the guess would be infinitely close to the truth.

He checked the time and was about to contact Gongsun Jishi after the meal to find out about the collapse of the Tianmen.

While Ye Tianlong was thinking about it, the car arrived at the Beijing Tea House, and Ye Tianlong touched his stomach, then let go of his extra thoughts and got out of the car door.

He took a candid hand to a table on the second floor and took a seat, ordered seven or eight kinds of snacks, and also a pot of unsweetened chrysanthemum tea.

"Ye Shao! Ye Shao!"

As soon as Ye Tianlong handed the dishes to the waiter, a happy voice came over, and then five men and a woman approached.

Can Shou tensed his nerves subconsciously, but after seeing the leader, he dissipated sharply.

Ye Tianlong turned his head to look, with a smile on his face: "Young Master Qiao, early, how come you have time to drink tea? The injury is healed? Mr Qiao doesn't care about you?"

The visitor was Shao Dong Qiao Xing Xing of the Qiao Group, who had made trouble for Zheng Xiaolan in Mingjiang Tianlong antiques, and was beaten into a dog by Ye Tianlong.

Later, Qiao Zhenxing also cooperated with Ye Tianlong to go to Manguo to deal with Wei Zhongcheng, but he was abducted by Wei Zhongcheng by using beauty. Fortunately, Ye Tianlong rescued him.

Otherwise, Qiao Zhenxing has long become fertilizer for the weeds in Manchester.

This catastrophe also made Qiao Zhenxing become Ye Tianlong's person, but Qiao Zhenxing was wounded on his body, so he stayed in the capital to recuperate during this time.

Ye Tianlong didn't expect to meet him here.

"I have been recuperating for several months and my injury has healed early."

Qiao Zhenxing asked three bodyguards to sit in the back: "When my father knew that I was with you, he not only didn't shut me down, but also asked me to follow the group."

"I have been at work for two weeks, and it has been so busy that it has just faded a bit these days, so I brought Nini out."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce him, Ye Shao, this is my girlfriend, Sun Nini, Nini, this is Ye Shao, my brother."

As soon as he spoke, he quickly corrected: "No, my boss."

The gorgeous woman next to Qiao Zhenxing took a step forward very cleverly and sensibly, stretched out her hand and smiled: "Ye Shaohao."

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook: "Miss Sun is good."

He looked at the woman, a very delicate and fashionable woman, a bit like Fan Bingbing, not shrewd and unobtrusive, and quite satisfactory.

At first glance, a woman who knows how to deal with others is much better than Qiao Zhenxing's former secretary harem.

The two held hands and divided.

After the introduction, Qiao Zhenxing smiled and asked: "Ye Shao, it is not convenient for us to put together a table? If it is convenient, I will sit down shamelessly."

"If it's inconvenient, I'll meet you later."

Qiao Zhenxing reveals his businessman's wit.

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Of course it's convenient. I didn't have an appointment today. Come and sit together."

"That's good, this meal counts me, Nini, come and sit down."

Qiao Zhenxing happily pulled the chair away for the woman to sit down, and helped her pinch a fallen hair, and then sat down near Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong could see that Qiao Zhenxing seemed to be a little careful with this woman, not only with actions, but also with emotions flowing between his eyebrows.

"Boss, I called to Mingjiang a few days ago. I heard that you have gone to Malaysia and will stay for a while."

While Sun Nini was holding the teapot to pour water, Qiao Zhenxing and Ye Tianlong chatted: "Why are you back so soon?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "I'll be back after finishing the matter ahead of schedule. By the way, how is old Qiao? I haven't seen him for a while."

Qiao Zhenxing took the dish card and ordered more than a dozen dim sums: "He, after throwing things to me, he studies his house of antiques all day long."

"But when he is free, he drags me to nag and asks me to find you, hoping that the baby of the Qiao family can join the Tianlong tour."

"You don't know, Xiaolan and Mrs. Uncle have made the tour very popular. Tickets are sold out every time, and there are scalpers."

"Countless collectors are amazed that the antiques inside are real, long-lasting, and high-end, and countless merchants are willing to pay to take their own things to tour exhibitions."

"Now the antique industry compares the Tianlong tour to the Victoria's Secret Show."

"It's not that I flatter Ye Shao, but it's a real consensus. As long as antiques enter the Tianlong exhibition, their value will double after the lap."

A trace of helplessness appeared on Qiao Zhenxing's face: "The Qiao Group also wants to be exposed, but my father woke up too late. I found Xiaolan yesterday."

"Xiao Lan said that the booths will be full within three months..."

Qiao Zhenxing was a little embarrassed: "Ye Shao, can Xiao Lan squeeze a few places for the Qiao family? Let the Qiao family's baby show his face."

The two chatted and laughed happily, Sun Nini did not interrupt, but Xiaoniaoyiren relied on Qiao to revitalize and poured tea for everyone from time to time, which was very virtuous.

"Is it so popular?"

Ye Tianlong had some unexpected developments in the tour, and then responded with a laugh: "Young Master Qiao, I also want to help you, but Xiaolan is now in full charge."

"She must be the co-ordinator for the entire tour. It's not good for me to cut the queue for you now."

"In this way, I can't help you now, but three months later, I let Xiaolan reserve enough booth for you, how about another 50% off?"

Ye Tianlong gave a gesture.

"Really? Well, that's it."

Although it is not possible to jump in the queue now, there will be enough booths in three months and a 50% discount. Qiao Zhenxing felt that Ye Tianlong was interesting, so he happily served tea:

"Ye Shao, thank you, I will go back and tell the old man later, he will be happy."

Qiao Zhenxing laughed: "Come on, replace wine with tea, and toast you a cup."

He also turned his head to Sun Nini: "Nini, let's respect Ye Shao together?"

Sun Nini smiled and picked up the tea cup: "Ye Shao, thank you for taking care of Qiao Shao."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "You're welcome."

"Ah, isn't this Sun Nini? Yui Bodo from Taicheng."

At this moment, an excited and evil shout came from the aisle, and then a red-haired young man appeared with a dozen Chinese-clothed men and women:

"Why are you here?"

Seeing this person appear, Ye Tianlong found that Sun Nini's pretty face changed instantly.

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