Talented Genius

Chapter 2068: Get out and see me (five watch)

Gongsun Jishi nodded: "Yes, the experiment codenamed Terracotta Warriors and Horses."

"The Rong family said that they have accepted an important task of the state, to change the people's physique through drugs, so that Chinese people are no longer sick men of East Asia."

"The Rong family hopes that Tianmen can provide children in the orphanage to participate in the experiment. There will be no accidents, no killings, just observation of some data."

"After the research is successful, Tianmen children will become the first batch of physical reformers, bringing Tianmen's combat effectiveness to a new level."

He added the last sentence: "For this reason, the Rong family also found an isolated island as a base."

Hearing the isolated island, Ye Tianlong's heart stunned, another verification.

Elder Gongsun's voice was low and deep: "Although the master of the family feels a little bit paradoxical, he feels that the Rong family is also a famous family and will not ravage those children."

"In addition, the children of Tianmen will become the first batch of reformers, so that the combat effectiveness of Tianmen will rise to a new level, which has a great temptation for the old masters."

"Therefore, after thinking about it, the old sect master ordered the selection of people from the orphanage under Tianmen, and then selected 600 children to be sent to the island."

"At that time, Tianmen was led by the sect master, so his authority was very high. The whole Tianmen would support the things he decided."

"I was worried about this kind of experiment, but out of recognition of the master's ability, I finally made no objection."

Gongsun described what happened back then: "The owner also sent nearly a hundred elite to assist the experimenters to ensure the safety of the island personnel and the smooth progress of the experiment."

Ye Tianlong asked, "Why should the children of Tianmen be stationed? Shouldn't the Rong family elites control it?"

Elder Gongsun’s tone began to become angry: “Because Rong Shengli said that the Rong family tree is very popular, the Rong family’s nephew’s garrison will attract the attention of all parties.”

"The master can only mobilize elite to help."

Ye Tianlong secretly called the Rong family really cunning, so he dug a hole for the Tianmen, and the Tianmen was stationed. If something happened, it would definitely be a scapegoat.

"The experiment started very smoothly, and the island was also up and down. In the mid-term, many breakthroughs were heard and more than a dozen good seedlings appeared."

"Two of them responded very well, one is the 49th, a girl, and the other is the 81st, a boy."

Ye Tianlong's body shook. He didn't expect that there would be a number eighty-one, and he didn't expect that another girl would also be transformed.

I just don't know if the little girl survived.

Elder Gongsun changed his words: "The master received a call from Rong's family one day. After listening to it, the master asked me to take five people to the isolated island."

"The master asked me to pick up No. 49 and No. 81."

"On that early morning, the island changed, thousands of people killed each other, and the blood stained the sea red."

"I saw an accident, so I wanted to go and take a look. It turned out that the warships and helicopters from the nearby military district came before the island."

"Without a word, they razed the entire island to the ground, six of us were blown up, five of my men died, and I was injured."

"It's just that my life is hard. I was thrown out a few nautical miles by the air wave, and then was rescued by a fishing boat holding a wooden board."

"When I returned to the shore, I found fragments of shells in the hand holding the wooden plank, and the sea water had been soaked for several hours, and the operation could not be saved."

Thinking of the past, Elder Gongsun was fortunate: "Broken a hand is painful, but it is nothing compared to the person who died on the island."

"There were no people on the island who were killed to death. They were also bombarded with slag, and the Rong's gun was refilled in the back. All the people on the island died that night."

"Because the leaser of the island is the Tianmen Group, and the guards stationed on the island are the children of Tianmen. The three times the coast guards routinely inspected the sea and bumped into Tianmen."

"So Tianmen was detained with a heinous anti-human gangster, plus the evil consequences of the previous expansion, the black and white officials joined forces to suppress it."

Speaking of this, Elder Gongsun breathed a little bit quickly: "Tianmen couldn't hold it at all, so it quickly fell apart."

"In order to save a little blood, the sect master told us to escape overseas, and he went to negotiate with the Rong family."

"He took all the responsibility for the isolated island, and the Rong family let go of the last bit of blood from the Tianmen."

"If the sect master takes the initiative to carry this black pot, and Zhao Ditian intervenes in this matter, the veterans and the four gods of wealth are probably already dead."

After hearing Elder Gongsun's words, Ye Tianlong fell into silence, as if digesting the history of Tianmen, and also seemed to feel the cruelty of the rivers and lakes.

After waiting for a while, Elder Gongsun whispered: "Master Yemen, Master Yemen..."

Ye Tianlong struck a joke, and when he reacted, he asked: "Have you seen the forty-nine and eighty-one himself?"

Although Ye Tianlong became more and more sure in his heart that he was the only survivor of the isolated island experiment, otherwise Elder Gongsun would not talk about the 81st.

But he still wanted to see the description of Elder Gongsun.

"I haven't even been on the island, the whole island was razed, how could I have seen them two?"

Elder Gongsun sighed with emotion: "But I have seen one-inch photos of them at that time, and both of them are pretty and very cute."

"Especially on the eighty-one, just looking at the eyes of the photos can make people feel strange."

Gongsun Jishi suddenly slapped his thigh: "By the way, the little boy has the same name as you, and he is also called Ye Tianlong..."


Ye Tianlong opened his mouth instantly, and his whole body became cold subconsciously.

The three words Ye Tianlong were the only ones he remembered when he was rescued by Yan Fei, and they became his name.

If ‘Ye Tianlong’ is really his name before the age of six, then Gongsun Jishi’s words will once again prove that he is an isolated island.

At this point, the absurdity in Lin Chenxue's mouth gradually became a fact. Ye Tianlong was not only genetically modified, but also the only living thing in the island experiment.

This also indirectly shows that Lin Chenxue said that there is no water, and the skyrocketing of his killing genes is not frightening. His body is indeed changing.

Ye Tianlong muttered to himself: "Master, would I really want to be a monster like this?"

Thinking of the genetic warrior in the video, Ye Tianlong hit a spirit, and made him more determined:

Must save Lin Chenxue out.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, he tossed a red arrow all night, raised a smile and handed the black box to Ye Tianlong. Obviously everything was done.

Ye Tianlong opened it and read it again. After confirming that there were no flaws, he drove to the Rongjia Garden.

When he appeared at the entrance of Rong's house, the time was already pointing to nine o'clock, so the entire Rong's garden was very lively and crowded.

"Stop, who?"

As soon as Ye Tianlong's car reached the checkpoint, it was unceremoniously stopped by the Rong family elite:

"What are you doing here?"

These guards obviously don't know Ye Tianlong, so seeing that it is not the car of the five people, their attitude is very poor.

"Tell Rong Shengli, get out and see me."

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