Talented Genius

Chapter 2069: Break in

Thinking that he was the Rong family tester, that he was the only living thing in the isolated island, and that he was changing into a monster, Ye Tianlong felt a fire in his heart.

A child who is as gifted as himself, being genetically modified with inhumanity, is really violent and wastes heaven's efforts.

If it wasn't for the Rong family to experiment, maybe he was smarter now, so Ye Tianlong was very rude to get out of Rong Shengli.


Hearing Ye Tianlong's yelling, the four Rong family guards were so angry that they shouted: "Why can you slander Rong Lao?"

The four of them all went to touch the guns in the waist, trying to pull Ye Tianlong off and beat him up.


Ye Tianlong didn't give him a chance, and his body exploded out of the car window, hitting the four people with imposing momentum.


The four Rong family guards screamed, and they fell seven or eight meters with their guns. Each one was in pain. Two ribs broke and it was difficult to stand up.


Ye Tianlong stepped over them, then carried the black box and walked forward: "Ye Tianlong is visiting, won't Rong Shengli come out to see the guests?"

The sound spread far and wide, and it was also very loud. Almost the entire Rong family could hear it, and suddenly the noisy garden was silent.

Afterwards, a large number of Rong family guards appeared from the front, armed with live ammunition, and several snipers also occupied the commanding heights, locking Ye Tianlong's body.

Rong Yina also appeared soon, as stylish and exquisite as ever, seeing Ye Tianlong, Rong Yina was first taken aback, and then angry:

"Ye Tianlong, is your brain flooded?"

"Do you know what place this is? How can you make trouble in the Rong family?"

Rong Yina's eyebrows were upside down: "How can you call Grandpa's name?"

She already knew that Ye Tianlong was reckless and beat Quan Tailong, whom she admired, into a dog last time, but she still didn't expect Ye Tianlong to come to Rong's house to make trouble.

Hearing Rong Yina's words, Ye Tianlong hummed noncommitantly: "Isn't the name called, is it engraved on the tombstone?"


Rong Yina was almost vomiting blood by Ye Tianlong, and then she yelled, "You are too rude, come here, take him down."

The elite of the Rong family saw Ye Tianlong alone, without a weapon in his hand, so he put away his knives and guns and surrounded him.

"These wastes want to stop me too?"

Ye Tianlong didn't panic at all, he laughed loudly, and rushed forward without retreating. He flashed past his opponent like a phantom.

Before Rong Yina and the others could see clearly, they heard a dozen elite Rong family screams, and then jumped on one foot one by one, with tears on their faces.

On the other foot that was raised, there was a smear of blood on the front of the shoe. There is no doubt that Ye Tianlong's toe was trampled on.

"Ye Tianlong, shameless!"

Rong Yina was about to die of anger. She had seen a rogue, but she didn't expect that a rogue like Ye Tianlong would step on a person's toe, and she would be a jerk.


Ye Tianlong ignored it, and shook his body to avoid a dozen guns, and slammed on the Rong family elite behind him.

The members of the Rong family wailed again and again, and jumped with one foot on their hands. Those who didn't know thought that they were collectively dancing.

Then, Ye Tianlong turned around and came to Rong Yina's face. Before Rong Yina could evade and draw his gun, he stretched out his hand and patted that pretty face:

"Rong Shengli won't get out, then I can only go in and find him."

Rong Yina's pretty face was touched by Ye Tianlong, and her carefully tossed makeup took an instant. She retreated three steps in a row, angrily:

"Son of a bitch."

Ye Tianlong let out a big laugh, then shook his body, flashed into the door of the Rong family, and rushed towards the main building not far away.

Today, when he came to the Rongjia Garden, Ye Tianlong had two goals, one is to negotiate to save Lin Chenxue, and the other is to test the strength of the Rong family's nephew.

He wanted to see how many masters there are in this secretive place.

As for the Rong family's gunman sniping himself, Ye Tianlong was not worried at all. He tossed outside for so long, Rong Shengli must have known his arrival.

The old guy had already watched him through surveillance 80%. As long as he saw him, he would definitely know the black box, so he wouldn't let the Rong family shoot.


The fact is also true. When Ye Tianlong appeared in the garden grass, two sniper bullets came in mid-air, but after the two shots, there was no follow-up.

After listening to the earphones, the other guards of the Rong family also yelled and put away their guns, then took out the swing stick and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong moved, dodged again and again, and after hitting the four people, he passed through the encircling circle and took straight to the building in front.

There are more than a dozen buildings connected to the Rongjia Garden, which is not much different from the ancient palace.

Therefore, after avoiding a few batches of Rong family guards rushing into the building, the noise and rants were reduced by more than half.

Ye Tianlong looked around and found that the doors everywhere were open, and the quiet courtyard of Gu Mu Sensen could be seen from outside.

It seems that everyone can enter and exit here, but everyone is afraid to enter easily.

No matter who arrives here, he will inevitably have a sense of admiration and vigilance. Although the door here is open, who dares to take a step beyond the thunder pond?

Ye Tianlong hesitated for a moment, and finally went deep. According to his information, Rong Shengli lived in the last villa.

Ye Tianlong's swallow-like figure, passing a small yard, suddenly heard a few shouts: "Stop!"

This short shout was not over yet, and six figures flashed out under the cornice in several corners at the same time.

These six people are all in gray clothes. They are more than 40 years old, and on their six solemn and majestic faces, there are a pair of shining eyes.

At this moment, these six pairs of bright eyes all stared at Ye Tianlong like swords, and immediately surrounded Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong was slightly startled: "The Rong family master, as expected, you should not underestimate it."

However, although I was a little surprised in my heart, his face was calm, his right foot slammed, and the turf and dirt hit the sky and covered the earth.

The six people in grey clothes did not expect that Ye Tianlong would suddenly make a move, but still use a trick like splashing soil, subconsciously squinting his eyes and reaching out to block.

Ye Tianlong clicked a few gravels on his right foot, and hit the six people with ugly expressions.

The six of them just slapped off the dirt and grass clippings when they saw the gravel rushing over, hurriedly screamed and slapped them.

"Boom boom!"

The stone was shot down by six people one after another, but the palms of the six people were also aching, half of their arms were almost weak, and they secretly called Ye Tianlong's strength.


In this gap, Ye Tianlong slid over the grass, rushed out of the gap between them, and ran forward quickly.


The six people shook their painful right hand again and again, and after regaining some strength, they chased Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong swiftly threw off the six of them, and continued to rush forward like a cheetah, quickly narrowing the distance between himself and the target building.


At this moment, a slender red figure threw down from the third floor and fell to the ground like a fairy.

While shouting, she suddenly waved her long sleeves, drifting like flowing clouds, rushing like lightning, wrapped around Ye Tianlong's neck.

The opponent's flying sleeve skill can be either rigid or soft, and soft can grab the weapon in the opponent's palm, and can just break the opponent's neck in one stroke.


Feeling the crisis, Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly, and at the same time his figure rose to the sky, quickly avoiding the opponent's attack and strangulation.

The red-clothed woman slammed into the air and yelled, "Sure enough, she is so skilled, no wonder she can come to Rong's house to go wild."


Ye Tianlong, who rolled out, didn't respond, just grabbed the high-pressure water pipe next to it and pressed it.

The water pipe suddenly fluttered and twisted, and frantically sprayed water at the woman in red.

The red-clothed woman moved to avoid the lasing shot of the water gun, but the spray area of ​​the water pipe was too large, and she was still stained with water...

The red-clothed woman had a pretty face sullen, and stepped back subconsciously. At this time, Ye Tianlong escaped early...

Ye Tianlong quickly escaped from the entanglement of the Rong family masters, passing through several villas very quickly, and the shiny bluestone slabs on the ground slipped past his feet.

"Ye Tianlong!"

When Ye Tianlong could see Rong Shengli's study room, a low voice came from the side, accompanied by a powerful breath.

This breath is thick and heavy, but it also seems quiet and precipitation.

It is like a vast ocean, which makes people feel depressed when they are in it. There is a kind of desperate situation of falling into the sky and no way to go!

The other party didn't do anything, just restrained Ye Tianlong with his aura, just like a beast in the deep mountains, without a pounce, waiting around makes people daunting.


Ye Tianlong felt the aura of a strong man, not only was he not afraid and afraid, but he released even more fierce killing intent.

He makes me stronger.

If Ye Tianlong was just an unsheathed sword before, then at this moment, he is a peerless magic weapon.


That thick awe-inspiring breath seemed to have been torn apart by Ye Tianlong in an instant, and could no longer have the slightest influence on Ye Tianlong's mood.

Ye Tianlong turned his head and looked over, and saw a middle-aged man appear in front of him with undisguised surprise on his face.

Ye Tianlong recognizes the other party, the eldest son of Rong family:


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