Talented Genius

Chapter 2070: Crazy

Although Ye Tianlong has not dealt with Rongguang, he has also gone through the information of the Rong family, and he also learned something from the discussions between Confucius and Bai Shikang.

Rongguang is the most disciplined person in the Rong family, and also the most conservative. His words are all correct, but they are almost useless.

One center, two basic points, unity and enterprising, and create brilliance together are words that often appear when Rongguang teaches the younger generation.

Therefore, although Rongguang is the eldest son in the Rong family, he is not as sharp as Rong Xueli and other younger generations.


This is the judgment given by Shiraishi Kang.

When Ye Tianlong checked the information, he did not find anything remarkable about the glory, and he subconsciously regarded him as a sticky fellow.

But the aura that came over just now gave Ye Tianlong a feeling that he underestimated this ‘Mediocre Generation’.

When Ye Tianlong was examining Rongguang, Rongguang also looked at Ye Tianlong with a surprised look, a little surprised by the aura he had just exploded.

This should not be the strength of the younger generation.

After that, Rongguang quickly recovered his calm and became unpretentious and shouted: "Ye Tianlong, this is the Rong family, a forbidden place for people who are not allowed to enter."

"You broke in without permission and injured so many of us. Is there still a king in your eyes? Is there a law?"

Rong Guang put on a scolding posture: "Do you think the Rong family is weak to be bullied?"

Since the establishment of the Rongjia Garden, no one has ever broken in like this. Ye Tianlong was the first person to disrupt the garden.

At the same time, Rongguang was still a bit puzzled. Why did his father order the suspension of all organs and the guards to put away their knives and guns.

For offenders like Ye Tianlong, they should be shot dead. Only in this way, no one will provoke him in the future.

"Of course I have the king's law and there are laws in my eyes, and I don't think the Rong family is weak to be deceived."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It's just that I have a generous gift to give Rong Shengli, but your Rong family members are stubbornly blocking it."

"I was worried that the delay would affect Rong Shengli's mood, so I rushed in to find Rong Shengli."

He shrugged his shoulders: "It's a pity that the Rong family is too big, and you have blocked it, so I haven't seen Rong Shengli until now."

"Young Master Rong, how about you do a good job and show me the way?"

At this moment, six people in gray, a woman in red, and a dozen other Rong family masters rushed over, and surrounded Ye Tianlong without saying a word.

These people were full of anger and anger at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong charged this way and didn't make a big fight. Instead, he used small means to get rid of their attack, and also made them feel embarrassed and naturally frustrated.


Hearing Ye Tianlong's outspoken father's name, Rongguang was furious: "Can you call your father's name?"

"Ye Tianlong, if I don't teach you a lesson today, you don't know that the sky is thicker."

"Come on, take it—"

Rongguang issued instructions to a master of the Rong family.

The red-clothed women moved their bodies, compressed the encirclement, and their fighting spirit instantly filled, preparing for a thunderous blow to take down Ye Tianlong's prey.


At this moment, a voice came from the front, and then Wang Gobi appeared. He walked to the crowd and spoke to Rongguang:

"The old man wants to see Ye Tianlong, let everyone not stop him, let him in."

Hearing this sentence, Rong Guang's face changed slightly: "Uncle Wang, Ye Tianlong is so presumptuous..."

Ye Tianlong not only trespassed into Rong's house, but also injured so many guards, and even rushed to the front of Rong Shengli's study, not giving any punishment, it was really frustrated.

Wang Gebi smiled faintly: "Master, this is what the old man meant."

Hearing the meaning of Rong Shengli, Rong Guang's anger had to be suppressed, and he looked at Ye Tianlong bitterly, and then made people move away.

Women in red, they could only hold back their anger and dissipate the ready blow.

Wang Gebi looked at Ye Tianlong, gently side his hand: "Ye Shao, please."

"Russ can be taught."

Ye Tianlong slapped glory on the shoulder, then laughed and walked to the study...

Rongguang didn't get angry, on the contrary, the remaining uncomfortable dissipated, and the whole person returned to calm, his eyes were like ancient wells:

No wave, deep.

Under the leadership of Wang Gobi, Ye Tianlong quickly came to Rong Shengli's study, a large room, antique in appearance, with the smell of sandalwood.

Rong Shengli was standing next to a large desk, walking on the rice paper with a shabby brush, his expression serious, and his pen flying like flying.

He felt Ye Tianlong's appearance, but did not speak or stop, continuing his masterpiece.

Ye Tianlong's expression was desolate, his arrogance was slightly restrained, like a sword in its sheath, no sharpness was revealed.

A hint of compliment was drawn in Wang Gebi's eyes, and then he signaled Ye Tianlong to sit down on the sofa, and he acted dexterously to make a pot of good tea for Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong did not go to the sofa to sit down, but took a few steps forward, approached the desk, and watched Rong Shengli writing, and found that it was a poem by Huang Chao.

"When the autumn comes on September 8, I will kill all the flowers after they bloom. The fragrance of the sky will flow through Chang'an, and the city will be full of golden armor."

The poems are very domineering, Rong Shengli is also full of spirits, his calligraphy is vigorous and powerful, at first glance, he has the level of immersion for many years, and he has the level of a master.

Moreover, each stroke is not only vivid, but also penetrates the back of the paper, transmitting the murderous aura of the overlord.

After dropping the last word, Rong Shengli threw the brush aside, swept his left hand in the air, blowing wind on his sleeves, letting the ink dry.

Afterwards, Rong Shengli carried his hands and looked at Ye Tianlong and asked:

"Ye Tianlong, how did I write this word?"

His tone was as familiar as an old friend, Ye Tianlong didn't care, and he examined his words:

"The writing is good, and the poem is fine, but the killing intent is too heavy."

Ye Tianlong looked at the rice paper with his murderous intent, and said with a pun: "It would be nice if Mr. Rong had two spare points."

"Killing one person is a crime, but slaughtering a man is a male."

Rong Shengli pointed his finger: "You must go all out in everything, and the killing intent must be vivid, otherwise how can you achieve the great cause?"

Ye Tianlong replied neither lightly nor replied: "A person who has achieved hegemony can have killing intent, but it must not be all killing intent."

"The killing intent is too heavy, and the killing intent is too high. If you can't control it, you will go crazy and be controlled by the killing intent."

His words are very sharp: "If you are controlled by the killing intent, it is a killing machine. What is the big cause to talk about?"

Rong Shengli's smile became playful: "You mean, I am crazy?"

Wang Gobi, who was pouring tea, stagnated slightly, smelling a hint of gunpowder.

At the same time, Ye Tianlong felt a pressure, and there were several fierce auras in the room, as if he would come out to attack him at any time.

It's just that Ye Tianlong still has no fear, and calmly greeted Rong Shengli's gaze:

"If Elder Rong hadn't gotten into trouble, how could he sacrifice Lin Chenxue for no reason?"

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