Talented Genius

Chapter 2071: Hands of Rong Shengli

Hearing the words Lin Chenxue, Wang Gobi's expression changed.

In the past few days, Lin Chenxue's three words are absolutely taboo to Rong Shengli. No one dared to talk in front of him, even he dared not ask more.

After all, at the expense of Lin Chenxue, Rong Shengli still felt guilty in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong not only spoke about Lin Chenxue, but also put on a posture of Xingshi's questioning.

"Morning Snow?"

When Wang Gobi's eyelids twitched, Rong Shengli sat up straight, a pair of deep eyes falling on Ye Tianlong and stretched out his hands:

"Are you here today for Chenxue?"

Rong Shengli pointed his finger: "You want to intercede for her? You just have to know that I am the Rong family here, not the task force. I can't help you."

"I'm not here to intercede, I'm here to inquire about sin."

Thinking that he was an experimental product, and thinking that Lin Chenxue was imprisoned, Ye Tianlong did not give Rong Shengli a good expression:

"Chen Xue regards you as a grown-up, as a relative, and dedicated herself to the Rong family, but you use her as a **** to calm the Jin family's anger."

Ye Tianlong's words are sharp: "Don't you think this is shameful? Don't you think you have no responsibility?"

Wang Gebi couldn't stop screaming: "Tianlong, don't be rude..."

"It's not that I want to be rude, but that Mr. Rong is doing too much."

Ye Tianlong looked at Rong Shengli with sharp eyes: "Lin Chenxue has always trusted the Rong family, and never doubted that the Rong family would harm her."

"She will not question the permit that the Rong family showed her at the beginning, she will only believe it, and then unconditionally obey to do it well."

His voice was invisibly uplifted: "When the Rong family asked her to build a ‘nuclear bomb’, or a ‘nuclear power plant’, don’t you have any points in your mind?”

Rong Shengli didn't get angry with these words, but stared at Ye Tianlong with a sneer:

"Although you offended me and made me very unhappy, I don't care about you because of your affection and righteousness to Chenxue."

"It's just that I want to correct you a little bit. It doesn't matter if you and I said it, everything depends on the evidence and the conclusion of the task force."

"The state-owned state law, the family has its own rules."

"Although I love Chenxue's suffering more than you, and hope she can come out safely, I can't ignore her and protect her."

"This has nothing to do with the anger of the Jin family, it's only related to my bottom line."

"I don't care what you think or think, even if I believe that my strong man has a broken arm, I have a clear conscience, and I will not be afraid of your accusations."

Rong Shengli's expression did not change, and he maintained a strong look at Ye Tianlong: "Young people, love is great, but you can't override the laws of the country."

"I also advise you, it's best not to make too many moves, not to mention going to prison. You have to trust the country and the task force."

His teacup rested on the table vigorously: "Otherwise, not only will Chenxue not be saved, it will also make you irresistible."

The anger that Ye Tianlong had originally accumulated turned into a joke in Rong Shengli's reprimand. The fox is really old and cunning, and his words are not leaking.

"Old Rong, don't talk about these nonsense, I came to you with all my hardships, not here to listen to your preaching."

"I'm here to solve the problem."

Ye Tianlong is straight to the point: "I hope you will let Lin Chenxue appeal again, and then another insider will carry the matter."

Rong Shengli snorted: "Did you not understand what I said? I won't intervene in this matter, and I won't be able to intervene. Everything will wait for the result of the task force."


Ye Tianlong didn't talk any more nonsense, and directly put the black box on the coffee table.

Wang Gebi's nerves tightened instantly, and he was about to rush forward at any time to throw the box down.


Rong Shengli saw the black box, a wave of waves flashed in his eyes, but he soon recovered his calm: "What? Come prepared today?"

"Is it a bomb or gold? Is this threatening and tempting me? Wouldn't it be naive?"

Rong Shengli took a sip of tea and said, "What do you think of me, Rong Shengli."

Ye Tianlong slapped the black box and said, "Old Rong, I snatched this box from the male and female thieves in Furong Villa, Malaysia."

"I opened the box and looked at the contents. It was the Mi Army's files about genetic warriors, with videos, notes, and potions."

He smiled very playfully: "I don't understand it very well, but I know one thing, the genetic warriors of the Mi Army have merits in terms of stability."

"Although Lin Chenxue is now charged with researching genetic warriors without authorization, I know in my heart that the Rong family has more expectations of genetic warriors."

"Otherwise, Tianyao No. 1 would not be born, and there would be no terracotta warriors and horse experiments developed with Tianmen."

"This Mi Jun's genetic file doesn't mean anything to me, but it must be of great benefit to you."

Ye Tianlong hit Rong Shengli’s deep heart: "At least it can improve the deficiencies of Tianyao No.1, and let Rong Lao take a few bends."

"I know I know a little bit, but in order to save Chenxue, I don't care about the danger of killing people."

"I brought the black box over today, just to make a deal with you, let Lin Chenxue appeal and let her come out safely."

"I will give you this valuable box that cost Mi Jun decades of hard work."

Ye Tianlong also opened the black box, revealing the original materials such as notebooks, hard drives, and needles inside.

He clearly captured the unchanging Rong Shengli, and there was a wave of waves in his eyes.

However, Rong Shengli quickly recovered his calm, his voice invisibly raised: "Ye Tianlong, do you know what you are doing?"

"You robbed the illicit loot, not only did you not hand it over to the police or the country, you also came here to bribe me with this anti-human thing."

"Believe it or not, the police will arrest you when you make a phone call? You will even be condemned by people all over the world."

Rong Shengli scowled and said, "For Lin Chenxue's sake, I won't call the police. Get out of here."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Lao Rong really doesn't make this deal?"


Rong Shengli slapped the table and roared: "How can an old man make such an evil deal with you if he has been upright and law-abiding throughout his life?

"If you don't take it away, don't blame me for turning my face and denying anyone."

He also pointed his finger at Wang Gobi: "Pharaoh, prepare to call people from the Ministry of Security to come over."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Old Rong is a man, and Tianlong admires him. It seems that I am reckless."

"Okay, this thing won't save Chenxue, and it doesn't make much sense to keep it."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong picked up a white glass bottle from the box, twisted it open, and poured a stream of white liquid on the notebook and hard drive.

Wang Gebi's nose twitched twice, his face changed slightly, alcohol.

Then, Ye Tianlong took out a box of matches, drew out one, and with a bang, a touch of flame lit up.

"Let it be practiced by Chenxue."

With a flick of his finger, the match flew straight to the notebook with alcohol...


Just when the burning match was about to fall, a big hand stretched out and grasped the hot red match.

Rong Shengli's hand.

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