Talented Genius

Chapter 2072: Qiao Mingyue (four more)

At 11 o'clock at noon, Ye Tianlong left the study, accompanied by Wang Gobi, safely left the Rongjia Garden.

Seeing Ye Tianlong come out intact, Rong Yina and the others were all shocked. They didn't expect that Rong Shengli would easily let Ye Tianlong leave.

You know, this is the first time that the Rong family has been trespassed in decades, and Ye Tianlong has also injured dozens of people. How can we just let it go?

But no matter how hard it was for Rong Yina and the others to believe, Ye Tianlong had indeed left unscathed.

Rong Yina was puzzled, and wanted to ask Rong Shengli for a question, but was unceremoniously stopped by Wang Gobi. Rong Shengli wanted to be alone.

Rong Yina was so angry that she stomped her feet, but she had no choice but to curse Ye Tianlong in circles.

After Wang Gebi sent Ye Tianlong away, he went to the kitchen to fetch a cup of bird's nest, and then returned to Rong Shengli's study.


Rong Shengli returned to the desk again, holding a brush and writing a big word forbearance, then looked at the words on it and sighed:

"Chinese characters are really the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients. With a sharp knife to the heart, you can still keep your face without changing the color, so it can be called forbearance."

Rong Shengli put down his brush and walked back to the sofa: "I didn't feel much before, but today is a deep experience."

Wang Gobi burst into a smile, and then put the bird's nest on the empty table: "Patient the wind and waves for a while, take a step back and broaden the sky."

"Good point."

Rong Shengli laughed loudly, took a towel and wiped his hands, then walked back to the sofa and sat down, and said, "Ye Tianlong is gone?"

Wang Gebi nodded slightly: "Go, Miss Rong and the others are very puzzled, but they didn't make a fuss."

"What are they puzzled by."

Rong Shengli snorted heavily: "Their brains and courage are half as powerful as Ye Tianlong, and they won't be so restless today."

"Ye Tianlong stirred up the Rong family, wounded dozens of people, and retreated all over, replaced by them, it is estimated that he would have died halfway."

Wang Gebi smiled: "Ye Tianlong does have a bit of courage, but his temper is a little arrogant. If he is not kind, he will hang up today."

"What does it mean to be arrogant? The important thing is ability, means, and strategy."

Thinking of Ye Tianlong's attitude of neither overbearing nor overbearing, Rong Shengli had a touch of appreciation in his eyes: "I don't like Ye Tianlong, but he is really a character."

"Don't you find that he is so similar to me when I was young?"

Rong Shengli took the bird's nest and opened it: "When he was tit-for-tat with me just now, I was a little dazed and saw a young version of myself."

"It's a little bit."

Wang Gebi smiled and responded: "There is tension and relaxation, he advances and retreats freely, he is tit-for-tat, he also understands the opponent's weakness."

"If he can collect his arrogance, his future will be limitless."

He still has a little affection for Ye Tianlong.

"Unfortunately he is not a nephew of the Rong family."

There is a trace of regret on Rong Shengli's face: "Otherwise, I will train him vigorously, and then let him marry Lin Chenxue, and then give him the position of Patriarch."

"I believe that if he comes to inherit my mantle, even if I die in the future, the big ship of the Rong family can still move forward."

"The status of the five major families will not decline because of my death, and will be more brilliant under the leadership of Ye Tianlong."

Rong Shengli's words are very lost: "Unfortunately, he is an orphan, without the blood of the Rong family, and no line of the Rong family."

Wang Gebi chuckled slightly: "Ye Tianlong is very good, but Younger Rong and the others are not bad, they can also take on the big responsibility..."

"A few of them are indeed much better than ordinary people, and they don't have the style of the dudes of the Rong family, but these are far from enough."

Rong Shengli's air is a bit lonely: "A family at the helm, excellence is not enough, you must also be outstanding, with twenty years of vision."

At the end, his voice lowered again, and he concentrated on eating the bird's nest with a spoon.

Ten minutes later, Rong Shengli finished eating the bird's nest. He raised his head and looked at Wang Gobi, and gave a light command:

"Let people contact Lin Chenxue and ask her to submit the complaint before 5 pm."

"Let Wang Nima stand up again and carry this matter down to me, his wife and children, young and old, and the Rong family raise it."

Lin Chenxue is the person in charge of Tianyao No. 1 and Wang Nima is the security officer of the laboratory. His power and status are no worse than Lin Chenxue.

He is still Rong Shengli's loyal loyalty. When Jade Luosha led people to the laboratory, Wang Nima led the people to carry the Jin family's elite charge.

So it is feasible to use him to deal with this matter.

Wang Gebi bowed his head respectfully: "Yes!"

When Wang Gobi was about to go out and make arrangements, Rong Shengli suddenly remembered something: "By the way, has Lin Chenxue's potential meter clarified?"

At the beginning, Wang Gobi and Rong Shengli reported that the potential meter with a value of 80 was broken, and Lin Chenxue wanted to re-order a potential meter with a value of 100.

Rong Shengli knew that Lin Chenxue's character would not easily damage a million-dollar instrument, and that it would cost five million dollars to order a value of 100.

Money doesn't matter, it's just that whose potential is so terrifying and needs a value of one hundred to measure? After all, a value of 80 is suitable for 90% of humans.

It was this matter that made Rong Shengli feel that Lin Chenxue was hiding something from him.

Rong Shengli didn't like this feeling, and he also smelled a touch of betrayal, so when the strong man broke his arm, he didn't hesitate to paint Lin Chenxue's name.

"No, the potential meter she ordered hasn't arrived yet, and it will take three months to ship. Now the person has been arrested again, so I can't find the intention for a while."

Wang Gebi respectfully said: "But I have already found out who used the 80th one."

Rong Shengli narrowed his eyes: "Who?"

"Ye Tianlong!"

Wang Gebi told what he knew: "According to a report by a young assistant, Lin Chenxue took her and another assistant to Ye Tianlong for a test."

"As a result, I don't know what happened, and the machine burned out with smoke."

Rong Shengli's eyes became sharp...

When Rong Shengli guessed the relationship between Ye Tianlong and the number one hundred, Ye Tianlong, who had settled the matter at hand, was walking towards the grassland restaurant.

Things were done well today, Ye Tianlong decided to treat himself well, and he even called Hong Jian and Canshou.

He is going to let everyone have a good meal, anyway, his own restaurant does not have to pay.

Ye Tianlong knew that it was food now, so let them come slowly, don't worry, and give the ‘grassland restaurant’ time to vacate the wing.

But when he walked into the grassland restaurant, Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly. The crowded situation in the past is gone. There are only three or four tables of guests in the entire hall.

Dozens of waiters stood near the tables in a depressed mood, guarding the empty tables.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes widened slightly, a little puzzled at this scene.

"Ye Shao! Ye Shao!"

At this moment, a tall figure walked out from behind the bar and greeted him with joy: "Ye Shao, why are you here?"

It is Yun Ji, a charming woman who can pinch water.

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head and responded: "I'm here to eat... Yun Ji, why are you here... what's wrong?"

"Something went wrong in the Beijing restaurant, and it was almost impossible to hold it, so I flew over to take a look."

Yun Ji smiled and took Ye Tianlong's hand, but when she heard what he said, her pretty face was endlessly guilty:

"There was a restaurant opposite the restaurant, and he dug up our eight chefs."

She has a hint of helplessness: "Let us lower our standards, add some slander, and there will be fewer diners."

Ye Tianlong was angry: "Even our chef dare to dig? Still dare to slander us? What is their origin?"

"Under the banner of Mingyue, Pretty Mingyue..."

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