Talented Genius

Chapter 2073: crisis

Yun Ji welcomes Ye Tianlong into the most luxurious wing, and also prepares a table of the richest meals.

While waiting for Hongjian and Di Kuangtian to come, Ye Tianlong continued the topic just now:

"What you said, Qiao Mingyue, is an industry owned by Mingyue Group? Is that the Taiwanese wholly-owned group?"

Ye Tianlong further confirmed: "The president is called Cai Shuihui?"

Yun Ji was stunned when she heard the words, and then nodded and replied: "Yes, everything Ye Shao said is correct. It is the Mingyue Group."

"Qiao Mingyue takes care of a woman named Kong Xiaocui, who knows how to play tricks."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Kong Xiaocui? Is she the person in charge of Qiao Mingyue?"

Yun Ji nodded slightly: "Yes, I also heard that she is planning to expand Qiao Mingyue in the future, and it will expand according to the opening route of the Prairie Restaurant."

She added the last sentence: "In other words, Qiao Mingyue will fully dig our people in the future."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Learn from McDonald's?"

"It's far worse than McDonald's. At least people coexist and compete, and Qiao Mingyue is directly poaching and slandering people."

Yun Ji smiled and asked: "Ye Shao, do you have friendship with Mingyue Group?"

"There is no friendship, but grievances will soon be there."

Ye Tianlong secretly cried out that the world is really small, and then looked at Yun Ji and asked: "We have some money, so why did the other party dig the wall?"

"How much does Qiao Mingyue pay to dig a chef? Can we not afford it, or can't find a better chef?"

He has a hint of curiosity: "Aren't our salaries too low?"

Although it is a very depressing thing to be dug into the wall, it is also normal in the business field. People go to higher places and conditions determine everything.

However, Ye Tianlong also knows that for employees, if the conditions of the other party are not doubled and their own salary is too low, they will not change jobs randomly.

It is better to be cooked than cooked.

So Ye Tianlong first looked for the reason for himself.

Yun Ji's pretty face raised a touch of grievance, and her red lips lightly opened: "Ye Shao, our salary is definitely higher than the market price."

"Now the executive chef of a five-star hotel has a monthly salary of only 30,000, and the lowest salary of our eight chefs has a monthly salary of 33,000."

"You usually work ten hours a day, with six days off and one day off. Various allowances, bonuses, and dividends are not included."

"Compared with the market, our salary is really not low."

She sighed faintly: "And I have also checked Qiao Mingyue's salary for digging a wall. It is not much higher, but it is about 20% more than the grassland restaurant."

"Even Qiao Mingyue's welfare is not as good as the grassland restaurant. We provide international tours at least twice a year, and we can still bring family members."

Yun Ji has been busy opening branches all over the world recently, and the Jingcheng restaurant has produced this change, which not only disturbs her pace, but also makes her ashamed to trust Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong was stunned when he heard the words: "The high school two achieved a job-hopping? The benefits are not as good as ours? Are these chefs obsessed?"

Yun Ji smiled bitterly: "I also wondered, and people asked them, but none of them told the real reason, only that I liked Qiao Mingyue's salary."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of the tea, "Even if they are poached, don't we have talents?"

Yun Ji pointed to the dishes that came up slowly: "Now what I use is to reserve talents, but the standard is so bad that I can't hold it."

"As for high-paying employment, we are doing it now, but it will take a little time."

"After all, chefs of a certain level are in short supply of talents. Hiring a good chef is equivalent to digging others' walls."

Yun Ji revealed her determination: "But Ye Shao can rest assured that at most one week, I can settle the predicament and put the restaurant business on a normal track."

"I believe in your abilities."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, put down the teacup, and said, "It is understandable that the other party will take away the chef, but they can even take away our guests?"

"Even if the chef's skill level is a little bit poor, it is impossible to make a few tables now."

He added: "What did you mean by slandering the other party?"

The Meadow Restaurant is about his wallet, Ye Tianlong has to care about it, and this is also a gift from Tutuhachi, he can't let the other party down.

"Ye Shaoyingming."

Yun Ji did not conceal: "The other party played three tricks. The first trick is to let the chefs appear collectively and promote them as the real ‘grassland restaurant’."

"In this way, many diners who liked the grassland restaurant went there."

"Secondly, one of the eight chefs is a scum named Liu Qiang, who stood up to slander the grassland restaurant using waste oil, and Qiao Mingyue reposted it everywhere."

"They formed public opinion for a while and let the Health Bureau step in. Although nothing was found in the end, our business was seriously damaged."

"Third, Qiao Mingyue took the opportunity to play Ming Chu's gimmick, and then gave the diners a chance to comment online..."

Yun Ji pursed her attractive red lips: "As long as they name the three advantages that Qiao Mingyue is better than Prairie Restaurant, they will get a 10% discount on their daily consumption."

"Those diners don't need money, but they don't use money as waste paper. Saying a few good words can save one thousand and eight hundred. Why not?"

Yun Ji exhaled a long breath: "So after this series of serial calls are made, the Beijing restaurant will change like this."

"Now that you come to our restaurant for dinner, what you see in the lobby is Tutuhachi's old friend and our gold medal customer."

"They are our most loyal customers, and they are the last customers."

"They know that the Prairie Restaurant is difficult, and they have seen those slanderous remarks, but they still believe in us and come to support and encourage us."

She sighed softly: "That is, their support maintains the last bit of support in the restaurant."

Ye Tianlong nodded, remembering several tables of guests in the lobby: "After getting through this crisis, give them a discount card."

"For this kind of people who give charcoal in the snow, we must give the utmost sincerity."

Yun Ji respectfully responded: "I understand."

"Is this pretty Mingyue playing Yin? Doesn't she know that I am her ancestor?"

Ye Tianlong shot a cold light upon hearing the words: "The other party recruited blood like this, it seems that we are not right."

Yun Ji's eyes were happy: "Ye Shao, do you have a strategy?"

She whispered: "Should we also do some tricks to put them down?"

"No need."

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "The Prairie Restaurant is a high-end restaurant or a legitimate industry. If it leaves a stain, it will affect its future development."

I slapped the other party with ill-conceived means, not to mention that there is a risk of leakage that will cause public disgust, even if it will not be exposed, it will not cure the symptoms.

Moreover, it is not enough to attract diners, and there will be beautiful stars even after Qiao Mingyue, so Ye Tianlong plans to improve the grassland restaurant first.

The foundation of a restaurant with full seats is that the food is delicious or not.

Ye Tianlong looked at the dozen dishes in front of him: "How can I tell you about being late? Let me try the food first."

Yun Ji nodded immediately: "I understand."

She picked up the knife and fork to cut off the roast lamb and other food in front of her, cut a small piece and put it into Ye Tianlong's plate.

Although Ye Tianlong was a bit hungry, he still picked up his chopsticks and tasted it slowly. After eating four or five dishes, he turned his head to Yun Ji:

"Bring some sauce over here."

Yun Ji slapped her head, and then forgot to bring the sauce from the restaurant, so she quickly moved four or five sauces from the other end.

Ye Tianlong picked up a piece of mutton, took a little sauce and put it in his mouth, after chewing and swallowing, he tasted the remaining dozen dishes.

"The taste is not bad, better than ordinary restaurants, but I'm sorry for this taste at the price."

Ye Tianlong put his chopsticks on the table: "Compared with the previous chefs, this batch is indeed a bit worse."

The dishes in front of him cost 18,000 according to the restaurant, but Ye Tianlong felt that it was only worth 3,000 yuan. This was also the main reason why diners did not come.

Yun Ji sighed quietly: "Yes, this is a fact, but it can't be changed for the time being, so I can only hold on for a while."

"The food tastes a little bit interesting, but you can add sauce to blend it."

Ye Tianlong suddenly remembered something, and a smile appeared on his face: "Go, take me to the kitchen..."

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