Talented Genius

Chapter 2074: Guests go crazy

Yun Ji brought Ye Tianlong to the kitchen, and the cook was getting bored and frowning, as if she felt that she was going to be unemployed.

One of the head chefs was surrounded by several female apprentices, and a glamorous woman was even more indifferent, looking at everyone with disdain.

Seeing Yun Ji appear, she nodded slightly: "General Manager Yun."

More than a dozen chefs followed and said hello: "General Manager Yun."

Yun Ji also nodded to them: "Hello everyone, everyone has worked hard, I know it has been difficult recently, but trust me, it will definitely get through."

"As long as you pass this hurdle, everyone will be the hero of this restaurant, and you will reap great rewards."

Yun Ji knew in her heart that people's hearts were the most important at this time, and no matter what happened inside, the restaurant would really close down.


More than a dozen chefs responded, shouting to share the adversity with the restaurant, but they were all weak and disapproving in their eyes.

Obviously they all think that the restaurant can't survive this hurdle. The chef has been dug up, his reputation has been tarnished, and the hearts of the people have been scattered. How can they survive this hurdle?

Ye Tianlong also smelled a scent of ‘conspiracy’ because these people’s eyes were communicating from time to time.

Ye Tianlong looked at the head chef with an arrogant expression. The head chef caught Ye Tianlong's gaze and tilted his head slightly with a disgusting expression on his face.

It seems that she hates being seen by men.

Then, she walked towards Yun Ji, opened her mouth to talk, but saw Yun Ji waved her hand neatly:

"Thank you for your support. There are not many guests at noon. You can take turns to rest. I came here because Ye Shao has something to do."

She led Ye Tianlong to the middle: "He needs your help."

The chef and they looked at each other, and temporarily suppressed what they wanted to say.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ye Tianlong, and I hope you can help me find some food ingredients..."

Ye Tianlong greeted everyone politely, and then reported dozens of food ingredients in one go.

Although the chef and the others were curious about the appearance of Ye Tianlong, they subconsciously thought that he was just a chef when they heard that he asked for food ingredients.

The somewhat charming head chef pouted even more, and did not put Ye Tianlong in his eyes at all. What cooking skills can a young man in his twenties have?

They didn't move, they just asked a bunch of apprentices to help Ye Tianlong find something, and they watched all this coldly.

After Ye Tianlong collected all the raw materials, he ordered a few more tools and glass jars.

Then, he entered an operation room to play tricks and asked Yun Ji to entertain Hong Jian and the others.

Yun Ji didn't know what Ye Tianlong was going to do, but she didn't ask too much. After telling the kitchen to cooperate closely, she went to entertain Hong Jian and the others.

It took more than an hour before Ye Tianlong walked out of the operating room, his face was exhausted, but his eyes flashed with light.

Yun Ji appeared at this time, raising a smile and asking: "Ye Shao, are you done?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Just finished."

"That's good, eat together. Hongjian and the others have been here for more than half an hour, but if you didn't go to the table, they wouldn't move their chopsticks."

There was a touch of helplessness on Yun Ji's face: "We must wait until you."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "What are these guys doing so politely..."

"Chef Jane, it's not good. The guests at table 3 have to return the dishes. The quality of the grilled lamb chops is too old!"

"Chef Jane, the guests at Table 6 were angry, saying that the lamb with their hands had no taste."

"Chef Jane, the guests at table 9 said Mongolian smoked chicken is not very cooked..."

Just when Ye Tianlong was going to have dinner with Yun Ji in the wing, several waiters walked in with the dishes, all with grievances being criticized by the guests.

"The guests say they are loyal customers of the restaurant, and they are very upset when the Prairie Restaurant deals with them like this."

The waiter finished the sentence: "I must give them an explanation today, otherwise I will not only stop coming to the restaurant for dinner, but also send Weibo to accuse us."

"Can they eat?"

Hearing complaints from customers, the head chef shouted impatiently: "The Prairie Restaurant eats in a rough style. They don't want to eat if they don't know the goods."

The waiter said weakly: "All three tables are gold medal VIPs."

"What about the gold medalists? I can only say that they eat a lot, but it doesn't mean they will eat."

The head chef issued instructions to several chefs: "Say that the meat is too old, cut it for them, if it doesn't taste, sprinkle some soy sauce, smoke the chicken in the microwave."

"How do you talk? This attitude is very bad."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold: "Regardless of whether the guest is reasonable or not, you have to take a look at the food first. Is there really a problem?"

"And your solution attitude is not good..."

Before Ye Tianlong could finish speaking, the glamorous head chef Liu raised his eyebrows and let out a very unceremonious cry:

"I'm the chef, and I say that good food is good. You are a little chef who doesn't know where you come from, know how to cook?"

What's the background of a **** onion guy?

Several female apprentices rolled their eyes and were very upset at Ye Tianlong's gesticulation.

"Jian Simei, pay attention to your attitude!"

Yun Ji exclaimed: "This is Shao Ye, a shareholder of the restaurant, not a little chef..."

When they heard that Ye Tianlong was a shareholder, Jian Sime and the others were slightly taken aback, a little surprised, but they were not at ease. Why would a restaurant shareholder who is about to collapse?

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop Yun Ji from speaking, then took a knife and fork and tried to cut a slice from each dish.

"The quality of the grilled lamb chops is indeed too old, it is difficult to bite it down, the lamb is grabbed by hand, the taste is not enough, and the salt and cumin are less."

"This smoked chicken doesn't need to be eaten. Seeing that the bones and chicken are so strong and there are bloodshots in it, you know it's not cooked."

Ye Tianlong put the knife and fork back on the plate: "The guest's response is not moist, Chef Jane, you really didn't care."

Yun Ji also tasted it, and then stared at Jian Simei with a cold look, and shouted:

"Chef Jane, I promoted you to be a chef, the purpose is to control the kitchen level, but you give me such a grade."

"Are you worthy of me? worthy of your second-level chef title? worthy of the restaurant's salary?"

Yun Ji was not angry and mighty, and the audience fell silent.

A dozen chefs all bowed their heads, Jane Simei also looked awkward, but soon raised her head again:

"Manager Yun, I don't hide it anymore. Yes, I am in a really bad state today, and my level is less than half of the usual."

"But we can't be blamed on all of us, because the restaurant has not raised wages in place."

She spoke out, "The salary is not in place, so how can everyone want to cook, let alone share adversity."

More than a dozen chefs echoed, shouting that the salary was too low.

Yun Ji's eyes became sharp: "The salary is in place? What salary is in place?"

"After the eight chefs were poached, not only did you raise your position by one level, but you also increased your salary by 30%. Are you still not satisfied?"

Her voice sank: "Which restaurant treats you better than me?"

Jian Simei was very proud: "You did raise our salary, but I didn't get the salary of the corresponding position. I increased by 30%, which is about 30,000."

"But Liu Qiang, who was poached from the position of the chef, had a monthly salary of 80,000 yuan, not including dividends."

She was also torn: "It's a total of 80,000, so how can I have the heart to work."

Ye Tianlong understood in an instant, and smiled faintly.

"Yes, the former chef position did earn 80,000 a month."

Yun Ji's words are sharp: "Although Liu Qiang is a bastard, he is a first-class chef, and his level is also a first-class."

"And you are just a second-level chef, and the standard is also very different. In my eyes, 30,000 is enough to treat you well, are you ashamed to ask for 80,000?

She screamed: "I am a short general now. Do you really think you can carry the entire restaurant?"

If it is not for a while to find a suitable replacement, Yun Ji really wants to fire the woman on the spot.

"You don't know how my craftsmanship is. Anyway, if I take the position of chef, I will get that salary."

Jane Simei looked unreasonable: "Otherwise, I won't do it, and the brothers won't do it."

"I want to see, how does this restaurant work without us? I'm afraid not even a single vegetable can be fried."

She raised her arms and shouted: "Brothers, sisters, General Manager Yun ignored our reasonable demands, and we went on strike!"

"Strike! Strike!"

A dozen chefs responded in unison: "Collective strike!"

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