Talented Genius

: Chapter 2075 Fire them

Several female apprentices also followed Jane Simei to fool around.

Obviously, a group of people had already negotiated, taking advantage of the prairie restaurant crisis to take advantage of the fire, otherwise there will be no shop in this village.

Hearing the shouts of these people, the waiter was confused with seven or eight male apprentices.

Yun Ji's pretty face also became fierce, unexpectedly these people threatened like this: "You really want to rebel, aren't you?"

Jian Simei raised her mouth: "It's not that we want to rebel, but that the cloud manager ignores our rights and interests. We naturally want to fight."

"Manager Yun, if you don't agree to our request today, let alone we go out to discredit the restaurant, you will not be able to pass the current level."

"The three-table gold VIP customers are all the owners who spend millions of dollars a year, and they are the last guests in the restaurant."

Jian Simei looked like eating the grassland restaurant: "They are angry, and there is a sign, the restaurant really doesn't need to be opened."

At this time, several waiters came in violently, with anxiety and grievances on their faces:

"The cloud manager, three-table gold customers are still going crazy, saying that they have always trusted the restaurant so much, and they have supported the restaurant so hard."

"They also brought friends over for dinner, but the restaurant was too much today."

"It's no longer a problem of a decline in standards, but a lack of care for diners. This meal made them lose face and became a laughing stock of friends."

"They must give an explanation if they want the restaurant..."

Ye Tianlong frowned. He decided not to disappoint these guests. In addition to their plight and support, there was also Tutuhachi's friend.

Hearing what the waiter said, Jian Simei's face was triumphant: "Manager Yun, did you hear that? Now the customer is going crazy and the restaurant is about to be demolished."

"If you want to calm their anger, it is to agree to all our requirements, and then I will redo these dishes for them."

She stated her attitude directly: "Otherwise, the restaurant won't survive today!"

Several female apprentices yelled, "Manager Yun, please promise me Master, now only my Master can save the field and the restaurant..."

"You don't need to calm the anger of the customers, and the Prairie Restaurant will not close down.

Before Yun Ji could respond, Ye Tianlong said faintly: "We will never be threatened."

"I now give you one last chance to return to work immediately and cook well to maintain your standards."

Ye Tianlong glanced at Jian Simei and the others: "I will protect you in the future!"

"Ye Shao, there is no need to speak beautifully."

The opportunity Ye Tianlong gave was a bluff in Jian Simei's eyes, and he was even more sure that he was indispensable to the restaurant.

She shrugged: "Maybe the Prairie Restaurant will rise in the future, but our youth is too short to wait."

"We are now following the restaurant to share our troubles, and you only give 30,000 yuan. How much can you give us if you survive the difficulties in the future?"

"Maybe we will find someone at that time, and we will cross the river to demolish the bridge and kick us away, so we should make the treatment clear now in black and white."

A dozen chefs and a few female apprentices followed and nodded, obviously knowing that there are not many opportunities to take advantage of the fire.

"It's impossible to increase the salary, your attitude, your level, it's impossible to give you 80,000."

Ye Tianlong said coldly: "What you can grasp right now is to cherish the opportunity to make up, and think of heaven and hell."

Jian Si Meinong ridiculed: "If this is the case, then there is nothing to say, Ye Shao, let us go."

"I don't want to keep my sister here. We have a place to keep my sister. Let's go to Qiao Mingyue, which is much better than here."

When Yun Ji joked about Jian Simi and missed a good opportunity, Ye Tianlong was already laughing noncommittal:

"Leave you alone? Well, get out of the man with you."

Ye Tianlong stared at Jian Simei and smiled: "I also want to thank you for getting out of here, or how can I give the newcomer a chance? I just hope you don't regret it."

He tilted his head slightly to Yun Ji: "Let the finance settle their wages and give them the rest of the day."

Yun Ji nodded and took out the phone to inform Finance.

"Then we thank Ye Shao!"

Jian Simei couldn't bear the nonchalantness in Ye Tianlong's eyes, and squeezed a sneered smile in reply:

"We also wish the Prairie Restaurant to survive the storm, but now in this world, without money, ability and backstage, we can only beg for mercy like a dog."

The tone is harsh and mean.

Ye Shao said lightly: "Thank you for your concern!"

Jane Simei looked arrogant and stopped answering. She took off her chef's uniform and threw it aside. A dozen chefs also took off their clothes, seeming to be going to the dark one by one.

A few female apprentices surrounded Jian Simei, twittering:

"The restaurant is trying to face and suffer. It is obviously abandoned by us, but it is really hard to say that it fired us."

"That's right, what about Ye Shao, the bravado is weird, and what gives us a chance to eat..."

"Don't he recognize the situation?"

Jian Simei swept past Ye Tianlong who was talking with Yun Ji, and said with a touch of indifference at the corner of her mouth:

"It's normal. If he wants to save face, give him some face, man..."

Jane Sime snorted: "I'll see how the restaurant can get through this without us."

She believed that Yun Ji would definitely invite them back.

At this time, Ye Tianlong glanced at the remaining seven or eight male apprentices: "Are you going to **** off with her, or stay and share troubles with the restaurant?"

Seven or eight male apprentices hesitated, and finally stood beside Ye Tianlong and Yun Ji.

They know their value, and if they follow these chefs, if they can find a job, they may not be good for them. After all, they are not good at learning.

And the Prairie Restaurant is not low. Instead of going with these chefs and then being abandoned by them, it is better to stay in the Prairie Restaurant and get two more months of salary.

"You idiots, stay here and drink northwest wind, I tell you, don't want to find a job in the future."

Jian Simei scolded her face sharply: "I let the restaurants block you."

The female apprentice is also fierce: "Without a master to follow you, you white-eyed wolves will all be finished."

The other chefs also scolded these apprentices for being ungrateful, but they did not act excessively. After all, these apprentices had no technical content.


Ye Tianlong glanced at these apprentices, and then asked:

"Who can make Mongolian smoked chicken?"

A big-nosed apprentice raised his hand weakly: "I...just do a normal...!"

"Who knows how to catch lamb?"

A round-faced apprentice also stood up, with a low voice: "I just learned."

"Who can grill lamb chops?"

Another big-eyed apprentice stood up: "I..."

They didn't know what Ye Tianlong meant, but when they heard him ask, they stood up, Yun Ji also expressed curiosity, not knowing what Ye Tianlong meant.

"You three, go make these three foods right away."

Ye Tianlong issued an instruction: "There are other apprentices, assist them with all their strength."

"Manager Yun, send two good wines to the guests and let them wait for half an hour."

Yun Ji nodded: "Okay."

"Oh my God, are you asking the three of them to cook and set the three tables of gold customers?"

"So naive, do you think their food stalls can satisfy customers?"

"That is, what they have made is not as good as the three in front of them."

Seeing Ye Tianlong's intentions, Jian Simi and the others sneered at them one by one.

A group of apprentices also lowered their heads, a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"go with!"

Ye Tianlong slapped the apprentices on the shoulders: "You don't need to consider the final result, just show your sincerity and show all your standards."

"Trust me, today is a turning point in your life."

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