Talented Genius

Chapter 2076: Diners are crazy

His voice is deep and strong, and with a sense of confidence, it makes people subconsciously obey.

A group of apprentices looked at each other, and finally plucked up the courage to start cooking.

"I can't help myself."

Jian Simei and a few female apprentices curled their lips in disdain, feeling that Ye Tianlong was purely deceiving herself.

The meals made by these apprentices can satisfy the guests, which is simply the biggest joke in the world.

Half an hour later, the three foods Ye Tianlong wanted were presented, one grilled lamb chop, one hand-caught lamb, and one Mongolian smoked chicken.

These three foods were sold differently by Jane Sime and the others, and they were also short on the market.

Jian Simei laughed, yin and yang weird: "Don't be embarrassed, these three things will be brought out, and the sign will be smashed immediately."

More than a dozen chefs also laughed: "You don't have all the hairs, just learn our cooking, it is ridiculous."

Several female apprentices also smiled and bent over: "I don't know how high the sky is, even our level is not as good as..."

A group of male apprentices lowered their heads subconsciously.

"Hold your head up for me."

Ye Tianlong checked with his chopsticks: "You may not be as good as theirs, but you can see that you are working hard."

"Just add a little more sauce and they will be perfect."

He smeared a spoonful of "old godfather" on every food:

"Come, bring the dishes out to the guests yourself, you will be praised."

A group of apprentices nodded in fear. Although they were worried about being scolded by the guests, they felt Ye Tianlong's encouragement and went out with three kinds of food.

Jian Sime and the others were all noncommittal, and went out one by one as if they were watching a good show, wanting to see how Ye Tianlong and the others ended up.

"Manager Yun, we are your old customers, how much money you spend every month, don't you know?"

"But you were too much today. Not only did the level drop drastically, but you didn't care about it, so we lost face."

"I knew you were like this, we shouldn't have supported you like this. We can get a 20% discount when we go to'Qiao Mingyue'."

"We are not greedy for small and cheap, we are not bad for money, but we are chilling towards you."

When Ye Tianlong brought a group of apprentices to the hall, the only three tables of guests in the hall were venting their anger at Yun Ji.

Yun Ji was almost overwhelmed.

Jian Simi and the others all smiled when they saw it, guessing that Ye Tianlong must also be ashamed, and would beg them to come back then.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand and said loudly, "Today is indeed our fault. I didn't care about cooking and lost my standard."

"But after everyone's criticism, we realized the mistake, so we just did three things again."

"Please try it everybody."

"If you have tasted it and feel that we haven't taken care of it, then not only will we not charge for this meal, but all the previous consumption will be returned."

Ye Tianlong landed and said: "This is our sincerity."

Yun Ji was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly spoke out to support Ye Tianlong: "This is our shareholder, and his words are the restaurant's words."

"Young man, this is what you said."

When the three-table gold medal client heard these words, he fell silent, one of the big beards stared with big eyes:

"If we are dissatisfied, we will refund all the fees, and I will find Tutuhachi to complain."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Okay, I am a shareholder, I can call the shots."

The waiter quickly brought their dishes back, grabbing lamb, Mongolian smoked chicken, and grilled lamb chops one by one.

"What does this do? Why is it so ugly?"

"Yeah, it's not as good as it was just now."

"The selling is so bad, the taste is definitely not good, the restaurant is really bad."

When the guests saw the dishes they brought up, they exploded one by one, and their anger became more and more exuberant, and Jian Sime and the others smiled brighter.

A female apprentice even dismantled the platform directly: "This is what the apprentice did."

The bearded people were even more angry when they heard this:

"What? The apprentice did it?"

"You let the apprentice cook for us? It's unreasonable!"

"The Prairie Restaurant really doesn't want to open it, right?"

When the first apprentice's cheeks were hot, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "No matter who made it, everyone will try it before evaluating it."

The bearded man was very annoyed when he saw it, and felt that the Prairie Restaurant was really insincere.

He put on a glove directly, grabbed a piece of lamb with his hands, and sent it into his mouth with an ugly expression.

He has already thought about it, he must attack the restaurant. He loved it a lot before, and he will step on it today. Bad reviews must be bad.

So when he stuffed mutton into his mouth, he put on a posture of vomiting out, ready to give Ye Tianlong and the others a blow.

But when the lips and tongue touched the lamb, the beard was instantly overwhelmed by the smell.

He subconsciously took a bite of lamb, and the whole person was shocked.

All the anger, all the unhappiness, were shocked by the deliciousness of the lamb caught by the hand and turned into an expression of wonder.

Lips and teeth retain fragrance, good color and taste, endless taste, smooth and tender...

"How can this be hand-caught lamb? How can this hand-caught lamb be so delicious?"

The beard chewed the lamb excitedly, and exclaimed uncontrollably: "Oh my God, it's so delicious, it's so delicious."

Phoenix dragon liver is nothing more than this.

The few men and women around them who looked disgusted and waited for their comrades to give a terrible conclusion were as excited as they heard the beard beaten up with blood, they were all surprised.

Is it so delicious?

They were dubiously putting on their gloves, and then took a piece of mutton to taste. At this taste, they all looked dull, and then became excited:

"So delicious, so delicious! Really delicious."

Their faces all showed blazing heat and undisguised madness.

Grabbing lamb by hand seems to have a magical power, which makes the taste buds have an unprecedented sense of comfort, and makes people unable to restrain the desire to continue eating.

Soon, the whole table followed and ate, and robbed them one by one.

The guests at the other two tables began to feel a bit exaggerated, but after eating grilled lamb chops and Mongolian smoked chicken, they were all ecstatic.

Suddenly they felt that the dishes they had eaten before were all scum, but today's food is considered delicious.

"It's so delicious, it tastes so beautiful."

"Let me have a taste, my goodness, delicious."

"I want to have a taste too, give me a taste."

The guests at the three tables quickly became confused, scrambling to taste what these dishes were.

Some people even gnawed the bones of sheep, smoked chicken gnawed into a pile of scum, grabbed the mutton and swept away, the plate was about to be licked...

"Boss, one more set, no, three sets, five sets!"

"Boss, I want to order, I want to order again!"

"I want to book three tables, and I want to bring someone over tonight..."

Jane Sime and a dozen chefs were all dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe the scene before them. Can the dishes made by eight apprentices be so delicious?

They wanted to taste it, but they couldn't even find the scum.

The eight apprentices are also stunned. They know their level, but they are still very happy to watch this scene.

Yun Ji was even more excited. She had a strong hunch that the Prairie Restaurant would not only come alive, but would also rise to the next level.

When the three-table gold guests were eating happily, Ye Tianlong stood on the high platform and made an announcement pointing to the eight apprentices:

"From now on, you will be the chefs of the restaurant, all with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, enjoy the chef's benefits, and dividends will be calculated separately.

The eight apprentices were taken aback for a moment, then cheered: "Long live Ye Shao, long live Ye Shao."

Ye Tianlong pointed his finger a little more, pointed at Jian Simei and the group shouted:


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