Talented Genius

Chapter 2078: Under control (six more)

At three o'clock in the afternoon of the second day in the Prairie Restaurant, at the entrance of the Red City Prison, Ye Tianlong leaned in the car and fell asleep.

The remnant hand controlling the steering wheel didn't bother him, but turned the music down a bit, then stared at the exit and waited for Lin Chenxue's shadow.

Although Ye Tianlong said yesterday that it would take ten hours to make five bottles of top-level and 30 ordinary-level old godfathers, it turned out to be noon today.

He stayed in the operating room for almost 20 hours, producing eight bottles of top level, and a hundred bottles of average level old godfather came out on the wall.

There was no way, the guests were so popular, the restaurant closed at ten o'clock was squeezed by the guests until twelve o'clock, and just like that, a bunch of people picked up numbers.

Ordinary sauces make customers crazy.

The business volume of the Prairie Restaurant was more than that of the previous week. Yun Ji and the others really had cramps after counting the money, which made Jian Simei and the others regretful.

So when he saw Ye Tianlong fell asleep, his hand was quietly guarding him, while his eyes looked at the front door.

The efficiency of the Rong family was very high, not only allowed Lin Chenxue to file a complaint yesterday afternoon, but also allowed Wang Nima to plead guilty for Lin Chenxue as soon as possible.

Four o'clock this afternoon was when Lin Chenxue walked out of Hongcheng Prison.

As time passed, Canshou calmly looked ahead, Ye Tianlong hugged the pillow and fell asleep, looking at him, he seemed to be asleep.

But when the time was pointing to four o'clock in the afternoon, the sleeping Ye Tianlong snorted, then opened his eyes and sat up.

Ye Tianlong wiped his face with a wet tissue, and asked Canshou: "What time is it?"

Canshou replied softly: "It's exactly four o'clock."

"Just right!"

Ye Tianlong, who had slept for more than two hours, rubbed his aching hands, then pushed the car door and got out: "The air is so good."


At this moment, the heavy steel doors in the front opened layer by layer. Klang Dang Kang Dang was very nice, because it symbolized freedom at this moment.

Ye Tianlong raised his head and looked over. In his field of vision, a slender figure was gradually becoming clear, gradually walking outside.

Not who is Lin Chenxue?

Lin Chenxue, dressed in black, walked out of the outermost steel door, not only felt the vitality of everything, but also saw the **** that made her entangled.

Lin Chenxue's heart began to beat, staring at the front, staring at the familiar face.

Ye Tianlong stood in front of her and looked at her silently.

All the unhappiness in the past, all misunderstandings, fell apart in this catastrophe.

Thinking of Ye Tianlong's rogue that day, Lin Chenxue's heart almost immediately stopped beating, and sweet tears of grievance continued to accumulate in her eyes.

They just stared at each other silently, without speaking for a long time.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!"

The love in the eyes of the two, as the steel doors hit one after another, opened like flowers in their gazes.

At this moment, what words in the world can express their happiness and joy?

After a long time, Lin Chenxue squeezed out: "Bad son!"

Ye Tianlong did not speak, he pressed her on the steel door and kissed her without mercy...

Lin Chenxue punched and kicked Ye Tianlong away, but could not escape from the clutches of the latter, and was pressed firmly on the steel door and kissed.

Lin Chenxue struggled for a while, moving smaller and smaller, and finally, her hands hooked Ye Tianlong's neck...

I don't know how long it took. The two men stopped all their movements. Lin Chenxue panted, staring at Ye Tianlong with shame and sweetness.

"I rescued you."

Ye Tianlong squeezed Lin Chenxue's chin and smiled, "Remember, in the future, marry a chicken and follow a chicken, and marry a dog as a dog."

Lin Chenxue cursed with no anger: "Get out!"

Then she asked curiously: "How did you say Fu Rong sheltered me? Yesterday he asked me to write a complaint. I couldn't believe it."

"Very simple."

Ye Tianlong put his finger on the woman's red lips: "I use what he likes for someone I like."

Lin Chenxue narrowed her eyes slightly: "What is it?"

Ye Tianlong was about to respond, but he heard another car noise behind him, and then a Lincoln car slowly drove over.

The car stopped in front of Ye Tianlong, the door opened, and a smiling Wang Gobi emerged: "Ye Shao, Miss Lin, good afternoon."

Lin Chenxue nodded: "Hello, Uncle Wang."

Wang Gebi laughed and said, "Miss Lin, Mr. Rong has prepared a banquet for washing the dust. Let me take you home."

"Go back and tell Elder Rong that Chen Xue will not return to Rong's house."

Without waiting for Lin Chenxue's response, Ye Tianlong replied unceremoniously: "I rescued her by smashing the pot and selling iron. She will repay me in the future."

"As for her kindness to the Rong family, the money she made for the Rong family was written off as early as this incident."

Ye Tianlong remained strong: "If the Rong family still wants to pester her, then I will make trouble with the Rong family again and take my things back by the way."

In any case, he wouldn't let Lin Chenxue return to Rong's house. The old fox Rong Shengli revealed his calculations from beginning to end.

Wang Gebi gave a wry smile: "Ye Shao, everyone is not an enemy, there is no need for this."

Then he looked at Lin Chenxue: "Miss Lin, what do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes widened: "Uncle Wang, I want to remind you that I have one thing in common with Cao Cao, that is, I like to kill in my sleep."

"I haven't woken up yet, don't make me angry, or I will become Cao Cao."

Lin Chenxue almost laughed blankly, hesitated for a while, then looked at Wang Gobi and said:

"Uncle Wang, go back and tell Elder Rong that I won't go back for the time being. With so many things happening, I want to relax."

"Moreover, I also signed an agreement with the task force to stop participating in Tianyao No.1 and similar projects."

She expressed her thoughts: "I can't do much when I go back to Rong's house now. I am going to take a few months off on my own, and visit Elder Rong during the Spring Festival.


Wang Gebi looked helpless: "Then I hope Miss Lin will take care. The Rong family welcomes you back anytime."

Then, he looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled: "Ye Shao, take a step to speak?"

"Chenxue wait for me, I'll talk to Lao Wang, and I'll take you to dinner with Shao Kong and the others."

Ye Tianlong did not refuse, and followed Wang Gobi to the back of the Lincoln: "Pharaoh, what's the matter?"

"Ye Shao, Mr. Rong asked me to ask you..."

Wang Gebi smiled: "The notebook is missing four pages, and the traces are newly torn. I wonder if it's in Ye Shao's house?"

"Damn, it's an old fox. I know it is four pages missing. Yes, I tore it. It's a bit of a mantissa."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Otherwise, who knows if you will let Chen Xue complain?"

He did not hide that he tore up the notebook himself.

Wang Gebi turned his head to Lin Chenxue who was calling, "Miss Lin is out."

Ye Tianlong took out four crumpled sheets of paper from his pocket and gave them to Wang Gobi: "Take them, these things, you treat them as treasures, and I use them as toilet paper."

He doesn't care about these things...

When Wang Gobi smiled and opened the paper to check, Qin Ziyi’s surprise shout came from Lin Chenxue’s phone:

"Chenxue, are you out? Great, I'm still worried that you won't be able to get out."

Qin Ziyi complained a little bit: "Why are you so stupid? It's not what you did. Why do you want to admit it and make so many people worry."

Lin Chenxue smiled and said, "I have not confessed this sin and experienced this catastrophe, how can I still return the kindness of the Rong family for twenty years?"

"How can it be separated from the Rong family..."

Her beautiful eyes suddenly became deep, a little more unfathomable than ordinary people could not guess:

Everything today is under her control.

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