Talented Genius

Chapter 2079: Morning Snow One


After dismissing Wang Gobi, Ye Tianlong took Lin Chenxue straight to the grassland restaurant, during which he called Confucius and Bai Shikang.

Although the two had only issued a pass this time, Ye Tianlong knew that the pass contained a lot of gold, and they were afraid that they would sacrifice a lot of benefits.

So this time to celebrate Lin Chenxue's release from prison, Ye Tianlong pulled the two of them on.

For Ye Tianlong, today is a happy day. Drinking and eating are more interesting than talking about genetic warriors, so he doesn't mention genetics.


Nearly five o'clock, the car arrived near the grassland restaurant, but it was blocked 50 meters away from the entrance. It was not traffic control, but too many cars.

Ye Tianlong looked over and saw that the parking lot of the Prairie Restaurant was full of cars, and some of them were in the flower gardens or passages.

More than a dozen security commanders were sweating profusely, and many of their voices became hoarse, and they finally vacated the parking spaces, and several cars squeezed in.

The restaurant has a radius of fifty meters, just like a market, with many people, many cars, and a lot of noise.

Lin Chenxue was also shocked: "Why are there so many people? Is there money to pick up here?"

Ye Tianlong's mouth was dry: "Don't tell me I'm here to eat, it's twice as much as yesterday."

He suddenly remembered something and asked Canshou: "Did we remind Yun Ji to stay in the room?"

Canshou was taken aback for a moment, and then weakly said: "There should be."

should have?

Ye Tianlong almost vomited blood. Only then did he remember that he was so busy all night last night that he was so busy today that he forgot to tell Yun Ji to leave a room for himself.

He hurriedly took out his cell phone and called, and the call was quickly connected, but first came Yun Ji's voice commanding the waiter and dealing with the guests.

It could be heard that Yun Ji was also busy flying.

Then, Yun Ji laughed from Ye Tianlong's ears: "Ye Shao, the restaurant is completely alive. The guests are too hot, where are you?"

Ye Tianlong coughed: "Yun Ji, is there any room?"


Yun Ji was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she shouted: "No, the gold medal customers are all set, and there are two tables in the staff dining room."

"I said we can't receive so many guests. Those guests just don't care, saying they can wait slowly, even if they wait two hours."

"If it weren't for Di Kuangtian and they helped to control the field, it is estimated that a lot of guests would have been fighting."

She then reacted: "Ye Shao, do you want a room?"

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly: "I originally wanted to get a room, and Chenxue was released from prison today. I also invited Shao Kong and Shao Bai to dinner."

"Oh, that's it."

Yun Ji is very apologetic: "I'm here to discuss with gold medal customers, let them understand and let them out..."

"No, it's very troublesome, and it will bother the guests."

Ye Tianlong shook his head and refused: "I'd better change a place, but you are busy with hard work, I will bring Chenxue over later."

He knew that Yun Ji was already very busy, and then negotiating with the guests about the room vacancy, I was afraid it would make the scene more chaotic.

Yun Ji's voice is very respectful: "Ye Shao is polite, this is what we should do."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong turned the hand around: "Go to the water and clouds."

Canshou nodded, turned the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and left the grassland restaurant. Ye Tianlong also sent Confucius and the others a text message to change places.

"Tianlong, why is this restaurant so popular?"

Lin Chenxue looked at the crowded grassland restaurant: "Are the things inside delicious?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Forgot to tell you that the Prairie Restaurant belongs to me. The food is pretty good, but the sauces there are superb."

Lin Chenxue gave birth to a hint of curiosity: "The sauce is superb? What kind of sauce is so delicious that makes customers crazy and gives money?"

"Morning Snow One."

Ye Tianlong ran the train with his mouth full: "It's like this. After you were caught, I felt uncomfortable. I thought about you all day, but I didn't have any appetite."

"But I also know that people are iron rice or steel. If you don't eat and you are full, where is the strength to save you?"

"So I played in the kitchen, and then I made a bottle of sauce, named Chenxue No.1, and then I ate it with it, which was especially flavorful."

Ye Tianlong spoke solemnly: "Morning Snow No. 1 not only restored my fighting spirit, but its delicacy also brought the Prairie Restaurant back to life."

"Morning Snow One?"

Lin Chenxue was taken aback for a moment, her pretty face flushed, although she is an adult, she is still not used to Ye Tianlong showing love like this, biting her red lips and squeezing out:


She snorted: "How could you make sauce and take Chenxue No. 1 to bring the restaurant back to life. If you don't blow, you will die."

Lin Chenxue knows Ye Tianlong's character. When he is talking and laughing, it is likely to be the truth, but when he is serious, the eight achievements are self-boasting.


Ye Tianlong looked very serious: "I didn't talk nonsense. If you don't believe it, you will taste it later and you will know if I blow it."

Having said that, he got up and took out a bag from the passenger seat, opened the bag, and a transparent food container appeared in front of Lin Chenxue.

In the exquisite box, there is a sandwich, homemade by Ye Tianlong, painted with old godfather, for today's lunch, I forgot to eat it after falling asleep.

"This is a sandwich I made, and there is Chenxue No.1 in it."

Ye Tianlong decided to replace the'old godfather' with Chenxue No. 1: "If you take a bite, you will know if this is my intention."

Lin Chenxue tilted her head slightly: "I don't believe it."

Ye Tianlong bewitched Lin Chenxue: "Come, take a bite and have a look."

"No... um..."

The sandwiches were cold and there were sauces, Lin Chenxue instinctively resisted, but faced with Ye Tianlong's stubbornness, she had to take another bite.

At the entrance, Lin Chenxue almost screamed when he felt the taste of the sauce, realizing that it was not good, and then covering her mouth in time.

"How is this possible? How can a sandwich be so delicious?"

Lin Chenxue's face was unbelievable. This is the delicacy of the world. Compared with the delicacies of mountains and seas before, this sandwich is enough for ten streets.

Then, she took the initiative to grab the sandwich and ate it gulp.

Originally there was only one sandwich, but five or six bites were gone.

Lin Chenxue licked her lips incessantly, and then put the scraps from the food container into her mouth, rarely losing her dignified image.

"Oh my God, is this really a sandwich? It's so delicious, how can I eat it so fast?"

Looking at the empty food container, Lin Chenxue had an urge to cry, blamed too few sandwiches and blamed herself for eating too fast.

Then she looked at Ye Tianlong again, her pretty face was touched...

Unexpectedly, this **** made such a delicious sauce for himself. It seems that he is really careful...

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Does it taste good? Believe this is the Morning Snow No. 1 I made for you, right?"

Lin Chenxue didn't speak, but her red lips got close, blocking Ye Tianlong's mouth...

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