Talented Genius

Chapter 2081: Ever thought about the consequences?

Although the two women have bright smiles and can drip water out of the tender ones, everyone can feel the smell of gunpowder between the two women.

In addition to Lin Chenxue and Ning Hongzhuang who had fought openly and secretly before, there was also the current victory or defeat for the position of the "positive palace".

Sister, come out, Ning Hongzhuang puts herself in her sister's position, implying that Lin Chenxue is below her.

Lin Chenxue said that he was the owner, and Ning Hongzhuang was just a dispensable visitor.

The smell of gunpowder is full.

Not only did Ye Tianlong's mind trembled, Confucius and Bai Shikang also took a few steps back amidst the laughter, leaving the battlefield to divide the two women.

They all know that to be a peacemaker at this time is to offend two women at the same time.

Ye Tianlong looked at Confucius and Bai Shikang very depressed, and then raised a smile to Ning Hongzhuang: "Hongzhuang, why are you here?"

"I happened to come to Beijing for business, and I happened to see guests at this meeting. I knew you were having a dinner here tonight, so I brought a bottle of wine."

Ning Hongzhuang still smiled brightly, her breath was blue: "I just didn't expect that sister Chenxue is here."

"Sister Chenxue, after being closed for a few days, her complexion has changed a lot, and her complexion has also changed."

"In this way, I will come to my sister when I leave, and I will give you a few sets of Red Makeup No. 1."

She hid the needle in the cotton: "You don't know, the Red Makeup No.1 given to me by Tianlong is now popular in Southeast Asia, and women want to use it."

Lin Chenxue didn't get the slightest anger, she smiled: "It's really boring inside, but thanks to Mr. Ning for your kindness, Hongzhuang No. 1 has won her."

"For me, cosmetics have three points of toxicity, so I rarely use cosmetics."

"Furthermore, Tianlong just sent me the Chenxue No.1, which is the sauce used in the Prairie Restaurant. Food supplements are much better than cosmetics."

"I also believe that in the future, Chenxue No. 1 will be popular all over the world, not only for women, but for men, children and the elderly."

She said softly: "If President Ning likes it, I will send you a batch at that time, and you will find that Chenxue No. 1 is much more valuable than Hongzhuang No. 1."


Ye Tianlong's whole body was stiff and his eyes widened invisibly. The two women were too terrifying, and they fought so softly, completely setting themselves up on the stove.

He couldn't bear the scene a bit, and the two women might as well have a good fight on the spot.

"Morning Snow One?"

Ning Hongzhuang smiled: "I know the popularity of the Prairie Restaurant, and I know the sauce it uses, but I have never heard of Chenxue One."

"I heard that the sauce in the Prairie Restaurant is called the old godfather. When did you become the old godfather?"

She tilted her head to look at Canshou: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Canshou or Yun Ji if the sauce is called Old Godfather."

Canshou grunted, with a pained expression, clutching his stomach and ran out of the wing, and closed the door with his backhand.

Ye Tianlong, who was about to cover his stomach, opened his mouth wide, his hand was too unjust, and he used up the moves he wanted to use.

Lin Chenxue's pretty face changed slightly when she heard Ning Hongzhuang's words, and then she turned her head to look at Ye Tianlong:

"Tianlong, tell President Ning that you missed too much, made a delicious sauce, and named Chenxue No.1."

She slowly approached Ye Tianlong, and her red lips lightly opened: "Your affection for me is not shameless. You can tell Ning the process honestly."

Ning Hongzhuang also got close to Ye Tianlong and smiled: "Tianlong, you really miss Chenxue, so you made Chenxue No.1?"

"Hurry up and tell the truth to Sister Chenxue, otherwise Zhehua's ancestor's coffin board will no longer hold..."

Confucius and Bai Shikang shifted subconsciously and once again moved away from the realm of right and wrong.


Ye Tianlong couldn't hold back the two women's fights, so he hurriedly shouted to stop the two women from interrogating, and then spoke solemnly:

"Good day, what is the noise? Didn't you hear the name is Hongzhuang No.1, Chenxue No.1?"

"That means that they are all things I gave you, and they are all my intentions. In my heart, you are all number one, with big ends."

"Why do you have to prove who is number one?"

"Everyone is a family and we should live in harmony. Only in this way can life be prosperous, sweet, and be a god."

Ye Tianlong also took a pair of chopsticks on the table: "And the ancients said that one chopstick keeps folding...Two chopsticks keep folding even more..."

The chopsticks are ivory and a bit hard.

Hearing these words, Ning Hongzhuang and Lin Chenxue's momentum weakened by two points, and they slowly retracted their edges and sharp edges.

"Our minds should be external, not internal friction."

Ye Tianlong looked at Ning Hongzhuang: "Isn't the Tianmen internal fighting lesson enough?"

Ning Hongzhuang was taken aback when thinking of the terrible Tianmen, her pretty face softened.

Ye Tianlong coughed again and watched Lin Chenxue say: "I feel my nosebleed is going to flow again..."

Thinking of Ye Tianlong's condition, Lin Chenxue also took all her sharpness away, her eyes softened.

"now it's right."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "Come on, shook the grudge with the little hand."


Lin Chenxue and Ning Hongzhuang laughed almost at the same time, and Ye Tianlong gave Ye Tianlong a blank look, then bit his lip and tried to reach out to each other.

Two white and smooth hands were held together.

"it is good!"

Bai Shikang and Confucius applauded together, with unspeakable applause on their faces, not for Ye Tianlong's happiness, but for exclaiming Ye Tianlong's flickering skills.

The iceberg and the volcano, shaking hands and making peace in Ye Tianlong's nonsense, are really models they worship.


Just as Ye Tianlong wiped the sweat on his forehead and escaped for a while, suddenly the thick door of the room shook, and then a figure fell in with a muffled grunt.


A man in Chinese clothes fell on the ground with his feet upside down, his nose and face were swollen, his expression was painful, and a **** tooth was spit out from his mouth.

Before he was struggling, two flat-headed men rushed over and kicked the man in Chinese clothes, causing the latter to scream again and again.

Confucius and the others in their twenties were all stunned. They didn't expect that someone would come to make trouble in this place. You must know that fighting is strictly prohibited in Shuiyun.

And this room is a supreme guest. In fact, there are also top Chinese figures here tonight.

Any one of Ye Tianlong, Confucius, Bai Shikang, Ning Hongzhuang, etc. can make waves in the capital.

But in such a high-risk situation, a stupid fork came out and broke in, and even beat people in front of Ye Tianlong and the others.

"Old Joe?"

Ye Tianlong was the host of the banquet and naturally wanted to preside over the overall situation. He walked up from behind to take a look and immediately recognized the injured man as Qiao Zhenxing.

"Bang! Bang!"

Hearing that Ye Tianlong was familiar with the man who was beaten, Confucius turned his head slightly, and the figure of Old Ghost Li flashed and flew out of the sky, kicking twice.


The two flat-headed men couldn't resist, their chests shook, a pain, and then they screamed and fell out the door...

"Who beat it?"

Not far away, a group of Chinese-clothed men and women showed up with a dozen hunks, and Chen Wangbei's disdainful and proud hum was heard:

"Have you thought about the consequences for the people who moved our Sunyue Group?"

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