Talented Genius

Chapter 2082: Ancestral Jade

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

Confucius and Bai Shikang were taken aback when they heard the voice from Chen Wangbei.

This is their usual line, and it is also the only word they use. Now that they are being used to yell at it, they all feel it is absurd.

Moreover, although many people don't know the relationship between Qiao Zhenxing and Ye Tianlong, the so-called beating a dog to see the owner, Ye Tianlong is his friend.

This is also indirectly equivalent to being friends of Confucius and Bai Shikang. Now someone beats Qiao to revitalize them in public, isn't it against them all at the same time?

At the same time, it is also against the people in the house!

So after a short stunned, more than 20 children in Beijing almost stood up together, looking out the door with scorching eyes.

Although Bai Shikang and Confucius were still leaning on the sofa, they also focused their eyes slightly, with three points of curiosity:

Who the **** is so arrogant?

At this moment, Ye Tianlong asked his remaining hands to protect Lin Chenxue and Ning Hongzhuang, and walked to Qiao Zhenxing's side to pull him up.

Today he is the boss, this change naturally needs him to deal with.

Ye Tianlong looked at Qiao Zhenxing, who had a blue nose and a swollen face: "Young Master Qiao, what's wrong?"

He took a tissue to wipe the blood on Qiao Zhenxing's face.

"Ye Shao!"

Qiao Zhenxing recognized Ye Tianlong and bowed his head in shame: "I'm really ashamed. I didn't listen to you. The ship capsized in the gutter and was calculated."

Ye Tianlong looked startled: "What is going on?"

Qiao Zhenxing covered his wound and replied: "I was eating with a client opposite, and as soon as I walked out after eating, it was blocked by Chen Wangbei and the others."

"He framed me for stealing his ancestral jade, a butterfly jade, and then turned it out from the wing where I was eating."

"He took a lot of people, not only knocked down my four bodyguards, but also injured me."

At this time, he had already seen Chen Wangbei's group approaching: "It's these bastards."

When Qiao Zhenxing explained the incident to Ye Tianlong incoherently, Canshou also simply told Ning Hongzhuang and Lin Chenxue about the teahouse storm.

Ning Hongzhuang and Lin Chenxue nodded when they heard the words, and felt disgust at Chen Wangbei.

"That's it!"

Confucius and Bai Shikang next to them also suddenly realized, and then there was a touch of playfulness in the corners of their mouths.

They thought that the arrogant and domineering person would be the nephew of the Rong family. They came here to make trouble to add to Ye Tianlong, but they did not expect to be from the Mingyue Group.

Really do not live or die.

Confucius took a sip of red wine: "Jin Xuejun is dead, and all the monsters, ghosts and snakes in Taicheng have emerged."

Bai Shikang nodded playfully: "With one missing transfer person, the relationship is equal to the break, and the Taicheng boss naturally can't sit still."

"Unfortunately, the relationship has not been connected yet, and it is destined to kick the iron plate again..."

"The people of Mingyue Group have suffered a loss tonight. I wonder if the Jin family will come out?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, then poured a glass of red wine to watch the show.


At this time, Chen Wangbei was slowly stepping in, surrounded by a group of Chinese-clothed men and women and Western hunks, arrogantly, as if the emperor was out for inspection.

Most of the men and women in Chinese clothes are in the Taicheng circle, each with brightly dressed collars and proud expressions. The Western hunks are burly and strong, looking at Kong Wu powerfully.

There were almost thirty people in the group, and it was very imposing to press over.

Seeing Qiao Zhenxing talking with Ye Tianlong, Chen Wangbei smiled and said without a smile: "Oh, have you found the patron? It's still a VIP room, it's a good way."

He scanned Ye Tianlong and them disapprovingly, and then turned his gaze on a few ladies. After a moment of flirtatious play, he sneered:

"But I still have to ask, who was the one who injured me just now?"

He spat on the ground with a slobber: "Stand up for me, lest you call the wrong person."

Ye Tianlong stopped Old Ghost Li from taking action, but stared at Chen Wangbei coldly, "Chen Wangbei, did you take revenge on Young Master Qiao?"

"Get revenge on Young Master Qiao? Nothing."

Chen Wangbei is obviously also a person with a brain. A palm-sized butterfly-shaped jade flashed out of his hand. He looked at Ye Tianlong who was familiar with him and smiled:

"He stole my priceless jade. More than a dozen people saw it with their own eyes. I also found the jade in his wing, and everyone got it."

Chen Wangbei did not leak: "I tried to teach the thief, as I should, what does it have to do with revenge?"

"The one who protected the thief and injured me must be an accomplice."

Chen Wangbei pulled off a button and stared at Ye Tianlong and they grinned: "There is one tonight, and you will all be unlucky."

Qiao Zhenxing roared angrily: "Who the **** steals your things, don't spit people."

Chen Wangbei smiled very evilly: "I have seen more than a dozen pairs of eyes, and the butterfly jade is also found in your wing. Do you want to quibble?"

Several guests like passersby echoed: "Yes, we all saw you steal his jade."

Seven or eight fashionable female partners also raised their mouths, with an undisguised sense of superiority:

"We can also testify that Jade found it from his wing."

"That is, the quality is really low if people don't recognize it and get it."

"To make loud noises in public places, to push and spit on the subway, to cross the road without observing the traffic lights, to speculate on the floor and to speculate against each other. What qualities do you have?"

These Chen Wangbei's female companions are very **** and cool, naked and white and straight, and their posture is extremely sultry.

They looked critically at the people on Ye Tianlong's side, more or less disdainful, and opened their mouths to put a hat on Qiao Zhenxing.

Qiao Zhenxing roared: "You are all bastards, you are a group, I didn't steal your butterfly jade at all."

Seeing Chen Wangbei's full smile on his face, Ye Tianlong didn't say anything about it. Chen Wangbei had some brains, and knew how to stop him from being famous.

Unfortunately, he is still self-righteous, and the excuse for revenge is really bad.

However, Ye Tianlong didn't directly expose it, but took a step back and took out the phone, and he quickly opened a software.

Soon, surveillance video of the opposite wing and corridor came from the mobile phone.

"Have you heard, so many people say you stole something from me, and the jade was found in your wing again. It's useless for you to quibble."

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Wangbei's mouth: "For a thief, I usually fight first, and then send it to the police station."

"And I will circulate this matter everywhere, so that Shao Qiao and Qiao's family will lose their face."

Chen Wangbei snorted: "I still want someone to go to the door of Qiao's house and scold Qiao Beidou for being corrupt and lax in tutoring."

Qiao Zhenxing couldn't help but rushed up and grabbed him by the collar: "Asshole, I haven't stolen anything from you, don't spit people!"

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Let go!"

"Young Master Chen, do you dare to catch? Chop your paws!"

"You still dare to steal something, do you want to die?"

Seeing Qiao Zhenxing's madness, he grabbed Chen Wangbei, a group of comrades immediately rushed to him and pulled his hand, and pushed him away fiercely.

Fortunately, the old ghosts of Li did not fall after blocking them.

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest emotional ups and downs, but calmly scanned the surveillance video.

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