Talented Genius

Chapter 2083: Dry rack

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Do you want to fight?"

"Grandson, don't you open your eyes to see whose site?"

At this time, more than 20 children from Beijing surrounded Chen Wangbei's group in a fierce manner.

When Qiao Zhenxing met Ye Tianlong, he was equal to someone in their camp. When Chen Wangbei slapped him in this way, he naturally looked ugly.

Seeing the twenty-odd children from Beijing crowding around, Chen Wangbei pulled the collar and sneered: "What? Do you want to fight?"

"I have never been afraid of anyone since I was young."

He found that the young people in front of him didn't know any of them, and thought they were all the children of the rich family with Qiao Zhenxing's grade, so he was naturally worried.

"Chen Shao is mighty!"

"Shao Chen, clean them up!"

The few beautiful female companions were also afraid that the world would not be chaotic, glanced at the children in Beijing very arrogantly, and did not forget to fiddle with the diamond bracelets on their wrists.

There are silly chas every year, this year is so much!

Confucius and Bai Shikang smiled at each other, letting the development of the situation go as a theater.

At this time, Qiao Zhenxing wiped off the blood on his face and roared: "I didn't steal your jade! I never even saw your jade."

Chen Wangbei held the jade in his hand and suddenly kicked it.


He kicked Qiao Zhenxing back two or three steps, and yelled:

"Asshole, dare to speak hard? Still dare to argue?"

"Don't think that calling a few helpers will not dare to hit you, no one will be able to cover you if you want to move you!"

Chen Wangbei also pointed a finger at the children in Beijing: "Don't be unhappy, or even beat you up."

Qiao Zhenxing clutched his abdomen and coughed desperately. It was obvious that Chen Wangbei's kick was very powerful.

More than two dozen Jing seldom saw the anger, and the guy forced one step forward:

"Grandson, you're done."

Most of the seven or eight women in Taicheng disagreed, or curled their lips, or smiled at each other. Today Chen Wangbei has enough people to fight? That is looking for death.

"Come on!"

Seeing Jing Shao approaching, a Chen clan followed and shouted. A dozen Western hunks swarmed in and moved quickly to protect Chen Wangbei and the others.

These people also looked at Ye Tianlong and the others with a murderous look.

"See? These are all retired Mi Army, one hits ten of you."

Chen Wangbei smiled sternly and arrogantly lit up Young Master Jing: "Challenge me and not kill you."

"Shao Chen!"

Before the two sides could fight, a beautiful woman took two steps forward and whispered against Chen Wangbei's ear:

"The security guards of the clubhouse are here, and Dong Cai is also seeing guests at the clubhouse. The matter is violent and Dong Cai is afraid that he will get angry.

Chen Wangbei is not a reckless man. Weigh the pros and cons, especially when he heard that Cai Shuihui was in the clubhouse, he stopped his companions from fighting.

He pointed his finger at Qiao Zhenxing and sneered: "This is the clubhouse. It is not convenient to move you. I will let you go today. This account will be kept."

"If you know it, I quickly apologized for 30 million yuan, and then I washed Sun Nini and sent it to my bed."

"Otherwise, if I see you fight once, I will go to Qiao's house to ask for justice."

After speaking, he waved to a group of companions and hunks: "Go!"

"Who let you go?"

Just as Qiao Zhenxing was very angry, Ye Tianlong, who had watched the surveillance, walked up, and his tone suddenly became cold:

"Framed Young Master Qiao, beat Young Master Qiao, and broke our door. It is not so easy to go like this."

Having said that, he looked at Qiao Zhenxing: "Young Master Qiao, let me ask you a word!"

"Have you stolen his butterfly jade?"

Qiao Zhenxing shook his head without hesitation: "No!"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Okay! I believe you!"

Then, he looked at Chen Wangbei: "Shao Chen, it's all here today. Everyone will play bigger."

"You said Shao Qiao stole your jade. Okay, let's call up all the monitoring of the clubhouse and check it a little bit to see if Shao Qiao stole your jade."

"In addition, let's find an identification expert to identify the fingerprints and see if there is any Qiao Shao's fingerprint on your butterfly jade."

"If the surveillance shows that Qiao Shao stole your jade, or there are Qiao Shao's fingerprints on the butterfly jade, I will cut off his hands in public to apologize to you."

"If the video proves that he is innocent, Jade will not have his fingerprints..."

Ye Tianlong screamed: "Then you leave a pair of eyes!"

These few words, like a knife, pressed against Chen Wangbei's throat fiercely, exuding indescribable killing intent.

Not only the members and bodyguards of the two camps were shocked, but even Confucius and Bai Shikang were shocked. This kid's methods were really harsh.

The few beautiful female companions of the Chen family moved the corners of their mouths, smelling a hint of danger rising.

"Silly fork, I'm not going crazy with you."

Chen Wangbei reacted quickly and snorted: "I said he stole it, but he stole it. Go."

Ye Tianlong sneered: "If you don't figure out what happened today, none of you can leave."

Chen Wangbei coldly hummed noncommittal: "By you?"


Ye Tianlong rushed out without warning and kicked Chen Wangbei suddenly.


Chen Wangbei fell out and knocked over five or six fashionable female companions in a panic.

But he quickly got up again, pointed at Ye Tianlong's nose and shouted:

"Move me? I let you know the consequences..."


Ye Tianlong's hand shook violently, and with a crisp sound, Chen Wangbei's **** were abruptly broken.

Before he could make a scream, Ye Tianlong grabbed the bottle again and slammed Chen Wangbei's head.

The wine bottle was shattered and blood shot, Chen Wangbei screamed back, and several beautiful female companions screamed back.

Ye Tianlong pressed his hands to the crowd: "Fuck him!"

More than 20 children from Beijing roared up.

They, who had already held the guy in their hands, hit Chen Wangbei and the others for the first time.

Although these children from Beijing are not masters, they have rich experience in fighting, and they will hit important parts as soon as they start.

Regardless of the pain in his body, Qiao Zhenxing called the charge to seek justice.



The wine bottle shattered, the chair fell apart and the screams rang out. Chen Wangbei and other children from Taicheng were beaten to the ground after four or five rounds of parry.

Old Ghost Li and a few masters of white holes also punched and kicked, interrupting a group of Western hunks one by one.

For Old Ghost Li and the others, this is already very reserved. They bit their lip for the accustomed to killing, and they didn't punch those Western hunks to death.

The wing was in chaos, and the screams quickly rang through the clubhouse. A dozen security guards were about to rush over, but they quickly stepped back after receiving a call.

They also guarded the passages on both sides to prevent other guests from snooping, and at the same time claimed to be an anti-violence exercise by the Security Office.

Several delicate Taiwanese girls screamed again and again: "You are in trouble, you are in trouble—"

Their pretty faces were very angry, and while screaming, they also took out their mobile phones to call people:

"Cai Dong, some people bully us, some bully us."

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