Talented Genius

Chapter 2084: See Sophie again

When the scene was in chaos, Confucius and Bai Shikang leaned on the sofa and drank red wine leisurely.

"Young Master Kong, Young Master Bai, sorry, I invited you to dinner tonight, but I kept tossing about it."

Ye Tianlong didn't watch the fight on the spot. He picked up a glass of red wine and smiled apologetically: "Come on, I offer you a glass first to show my apologies."

Lin Chenxue also laughed and said, "Yes, I wanted to thank the two of you, but it turns out that something changed, I'm really sorry."

Ning Hongzhuang also joined in at the right time: "The next day, I will set a table with Tianlong and Chenxue to make up for our gratitude."

"Ye Shao, President Ning, Miss Lin, you are too polite."

Confucius laughed loudly: "We and Tianlong are brothers, so what's the embarrassment?"

"Besides, I eat rice every day, but this scene is hard to see for ten years. I like this ‘sauce’ very much."

Bai Shikang also squeezed the glass with a smile and said, "Yeah, Ye Shao may not understand the situation. Although Taicheng has a population of only 30 million, its status is detached."

"The above also often beat us. Don't conflict with the children of Taicheng. If you have benefits, you have to distribute them to them, and if you have disadvantages, you have to carry it yourself."

When Lin Chenxue and Ning Hongzhuang nodded their heads subconsciously, Bai Shikang expressed helplessness: "Only when they are happy can everyone be more united."

"So these years are very frustrated, and the interests of Taicheng are always prioritized. For related projects, we can eat the remaining scum when they are full."

"If there is any conflict, it must be our fault. We don't even have a chance to play 50 boards."

He made no secret of his emotions: "Today's scene, let alone Kong Shao happy, I also feel very happy."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly when he heard the words: "It seems that it's better for me to be a free body. Whoever makes me upset, I will beat anyone."

Confucius and the others yelled and drank: "Come on, come on, toast."

The five of them touched their glasses and drank them all.

Just after drinking this glass of wine, some of the children from Beijing dragged Chen Wangbei over and threw them in front of Ye Tianlong, not forgetting to kick them.

Chen's gang have all fallen, no one can struggle to save the car, so Chen Wangbei has a touch of fear in his eyes.

He never thought that Ye Tianlong dared to do something to himself, and that his comrades were so powerful.

Qiao Zhenxing also ran over, but did not act on Chen Wangbei, standing quietly next to Ye Tianlong, respectfully.

"Shao Chen."

Ye Tianlong picked up a red wine and poured it on Chen Wangbei wantonly: "Damn! Even if you are capable, you dare to frame my brother?"

"I've watched the surveillance video. Qiao Zhenxing didn't touch you at all. You also threw Jade onto the sofa in the room temporarily."

He poured Chen Wangbei into a soup chicken: "You are still righteous, don't you feel shameless?"

The open wound was suddenly pained by the red wine, and Chen Wangbei couldn't stop howling, but soon shouted:

"Boy, do you know who I am? You dare to move me, you're done."

He shouted hysterically: "Our Sunyue Group will not let you go."


The wine bottle in Ye Tianlong's hand was smashed, and the wine bottle shattered in Chen Wangbei's head again, and the scarlet wine was splashed everywhere:

"Dare to move you?"

Chen Wangbei howled like a pig, letting the drink and blood flow on his face:

"You stupid, I'm Chen Wangbei, Chen Wangbei from Sun Moon Group, and my dad is Chen Taiyuan! My cousin is Cai Shuihui."

Chen Wangbei couldn't bear Ye Tianlong's brutality and ferocity, and finally moved out of the two backers without the spine, but in exchange for Ye Tianlong's cold smile:

"Cai Shuihui? Chen Taiyuan? Don't know!"

Ye Tianlong beckoned, and a young master Jing threw another bottle of red wine to him: "Cai Jinyin has heard of it, but it's a pity that the grass on the grave is higher than you."

"If you want to leave here today, it's not difficult. According to your terms, 30 million, apologize, and I won't pester Qiao Zhenxing anymore. I will let you go."

Ye Tianlong twisted the wine bottle and poured it in, "Otherwise you will stay here forever."

Chen Wangbei felt chills as soon as he looked at the wine bottle, and then beat him, fearing that he might faint, but apologized for losing money and felt too useless. After all, he was beaten.

At this moment, several security guards stumbled to the ground, and then a large number of people appeared at the door, and a low voice came:


Bai Shikang and Confucius looked at them, and they saw a man in Tsing Yi with a group of people appearing with Sophie by his side.


The faces of Ning Hongzhuang, Lin Chenxue and Canshou were instantly cold.

Although they didn't know the relationship between Sophie and the Tsing Yi man, it was clear that they were ambiguous when they looked close.

The three of them have no friendship with the dinosaurs, so they are very reluctant to see Sophie hook up with the man in Tsing Yi, and they are the opponents of the current conflict.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop the impulse of the remnants, and then looked coldly at these uninvited guests.

Sophie was walking slowly, and suddenly she saw Ye Tianlong who was surrounded by the crowd, her body shook in an instant, and the hand of the man in Tsing Yi also swished back.

There was an unnatural touch on her pretty face, and then she lowered her head to avoid Ye Tianlong's gaze.

Ye Tianlong joked lightly, did not say anything, and then glanced at a blue-clothed woman in the opposing camp, her face was cold and arrogant, and her eyes were divine.


The man in Tsing Yi felt Sophie's movements and glanced at her, but he didn't say anything, and turned to look at Chen Wangbei and the others who were wailing on the ground.

"Cai Dong, you are here..."

Chen Wangbei saw the man in Tsing Yi appear, and suddenly he saw his long-lost relatives, crawling on the ground and complaining:

"They stole my ancestral jade, but I found out and beat others."

Chen Wangbei wiped away his tears and shouted, "Cai Dong, you have to seek justice for me."

When Chen Wangbei climbed over, Ye Tianlong also got up with a bottle of wine, and took a look at the man in Tsing Yi.

Cai Dong?

Ye Tianlong made a judgment, presumably this guy is Cai Shuihui.

"Secretary Mi, call the police! Tell that Manager Chen was beaten!"

Hearing what Chen Wangbei said, Cai Shuihui took out a cigar, lit it, and tilted his head toward a woman in blue.

The blue-clothed girl nodded, took out her mobile phone and yelled, as if she was giving directions.

Cai Shuihui glanced at the miserable Chen Wangbei, then looked at the accused Ye Tianlong:

"You beat Manager Chen?"

Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense. He stepped forward and kicked Chen Wangbei. Chen Wangbei screamed again and fell to the messy ground.

Provocation, naked provocation.

Cai Shuihui and his team changed their faces and became angry. No one thought that Ye Tianlong was so arrogant.

A flat-headed young man couldn't restrain himself, rushed over and pointed at Ye Tianlong and cursed: "Grass! If you dare to beat the Mingyue Group, I will kill you!"


Ye Tianlong gave him a slap in the face, and the flat-headed youth suddenly screamed and flew off.

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