Talented Genius

Chapter 2086: Rolling (five shifts)

Ye Tianlong is not polite.

Sophie's pretty face was hot, then she bit her lip: "Tianlong--"

"The dinosaur has face to me, but you don't."

Ye Tianlong made no secret of his emotions: "So you can't mix this matter."

Sophie's cheeks turned red, and she said with a touch of grievance: "Ye Shao, I am doing it for you. Mingyue Group is not as simple as you think."

"you are wrong."

Ye Tianlong looked at Sophie and Cai Shuihui coldly: "It's not whether they count it, but whether I want to give them a way out."

"Today's affairs, only I can be the master."

Ye Tianlong exudes strength.


"They are shameless. Don't be so enthusiastic. You have done your best."

When Cai Shuihui saw Sophie and Ye Tianlong acquainted, there seemed to be some friendship, and his face instantly became gloomy:

"I'm going to take a look today, it's not going to pass."

When Sophie stomped Ye Tianlong to lose her chance, there was another tumult outside. Soon, a group of uniformed men and women walked in with live ammunition.

The leader is a middle-aged man, wearing a white shirt, black trousers, with a big belly and a big round face. He looks very sleek and very official.

"Wang Ting. Long, you came just right."

Seeing the middle-aged man showing up with someone, not only Chen Wangbei was overjoyed, but Cai Shuihui also smiled a little more and took the initiative to greet him:

"A group of gangsters, relying on a large number of people, with a murder weapon in their hands, not only beat Manager Chen and the others of our group, but also blackmailed me one billion."

"Wang Ting, please preside over justice, give us justice, and give our businessmen a little peace of mind."

"If this matter is not handled properly, our Taicheng businessmen will lose confidence in the capital, and billions of dollars of investment will be withdrawn."

Needle hidden in cotton.

Qiao Zhenxing yelled: "It's not like that. It was Chen Wangbei who planted me and framed me, and also injured me. Ye Shao and the others did it."

"Ye Shao didn't blackmail them either, that was for them to compensate."

He always tried to make his own voice: "Chen Wangbei and the others provoked it first."

Wang Ting Chang glanced at Qiao Zhenxing, frowned and ignored it.

"President Wang Ting, I am the chairman of the Taicheng Merchants Association. I still spend so much money in the capital every year. I don't need to lie."

Cai Shuihui said meaningfully: "Please take care of this matter, Wang Ting. Chief, don't chill the hearts of the merchants in Taicheng."

Wang Ting Chang heard that his eyelids twitched, and he knew that if he was not careful today, he would be the chief culprit in driving away Taicheng merchants.

He glanced at the scene, cleared his throat, and then yelled:

"Cai Dong rest assured that this is a society under the rule of law, and it is our responsibility to ensure the legitimate interests of citizens and businessmen."

He uttered awe-inspiring words: "I must bring the gangsters to justice and return the Taicheng merchants to a safe environment."

"Who did it? Take the initiative!"

Wang Ting. Chang is not angry but prestigious.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "What did I do?"

"What's the matter?"

Wang Ting Chang's face was angrily: "Battering, hurting, blackmailing, the crime is very heinous, what do you say?"

Then, he shouted to a dozen of his men: "Come here, take this criminal down to me."

More than a dozen uniformed men moved when they heard the sound, and approached Ye Tianlong who was standing at the front.

Sophie wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it, she could only sigh that Ye Tianlong wasted the opportunity she gave and made things impossible.

"Wang Ting. Chief, there is no investigation, you just listen to Cai Dong's words and arrest people directly. Isn't that good?"

At this time, a sweet laugh sounded, and then Ning Hongzhuang came up from behind and stood beside Ye Tianlong:

"If I were you, I must figure out things first, and then judge who is right and who is wrong."

Seeing Ning Hongzhuang's hot and attractive, Chen Wangbei swallowed secretly.

Wang Ting Chang was startled slightly, then he recognized Ning Hongzhuang, and said without a smile:

"I think it's someone who is arrogant. It turns out to be President Ning, President Ning. Although you are also a celebrity, you are only a businessman in a private enterprise."

"Drinking, drinking, chatting, making friends, these are your expertise, investigating, interrogating, and catching bad guys, you may not be good at it."

"Furthermore, this is a matter for the police, and President Ning still doesn't want to blister more."

Although he knew that Ning Hongzhuang was a celebrity and was not easy to offend, he knew even better that he was a member of Cai Shuihui and shared the same fate with Mingyue Group.

Wang Ting Chang turned his head to his men: "Take the prisoner down."

Ning Hongzhuang took a step forward and smiled: "Wang Ting. Chang is really indiscriminate?"

Cai Shuihui's eyes narrowed slightly: "President Ning, don't interfere with the official affairs of the royal hall."

Ning Hongzhuang faintly said: "I'm just a small businessman, how dare I interfere with the royal hall and official affairs, just remind him that he thinks of heaven and hell."

Wang Ting Chang seemed to understand something. Ye Tianlong turned his head towards the calm and calm Ye Tianlong: "Who is he from you?"

Ning Hongzhuang took Ye Tianlong's arm and smiled softly: "He is my man."

When Chen Wangbei was waiting to reveal his envy, jealousy and hatred, Wang Ting Changpi smiled and said without a smile: "Ning always wants to protect his own man?"

Then he snorted coldly: "Beat Chen Shao and the others like this. With the title of President Ning's boyfriend, I'm afraid it's not enough to give me the face."

"Then add me Lin Chenxue."

Another cold voice sounded, Lin Chenxue passed through the crowd and stood on the right side of Ye Tianlong, staring sharply at the royal hall and the crowd.

Wang Ting Chang knew Ning Hongzhuang, and naturally also knew Lin Chenxue. His old face changed. He knew that Lin Chenxue was the darling of the Rong family, and his status was higher than Ning Hongzhuang.

"If it's not enough, add me another Shiraishi Kang."

Just when he looked solemn, another elongated voice came, and Shiraishi Kang, who was watching the show, laughed and got up, then swaggered over.

The core members of the Yigan Bai family followed all the time, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"If Shao Bai is not enough, how about adding me to Confucius?"

Before Cai Shuihui and the others could react, Confucius laughed and got up, holding a cigar in his mouth and bringing people up:

"Ye Shao is President Ning's man, Miss Lin's sweetheart is Kong Shao's brother, and I'm Bai Shikang's brother."

He walked straight to the front of the royal hall, picked up a slender cigar, and flicked the ashes directly on the head of the royal hall, sparks scorched people.

"I don't know if so many people are enough to save face? Is it enough to give you a slap in the face?"

The next second, Confucius slapped his backhand and slapped Wang Ting Chang to the ground without mercy.

More than a dozen uniformed subordinates called out: "Department chief, hall chief!"

A beautiful girl in Taicheng screamed: "Do you dare to hit the palace chief?"

"Department chief?"

Confucius said faintly: "It used to be, now he is not."

In a nutshell, it was decided that the royal palace which had just been transferred from Fu City within a few days. The long career was over.

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