Talented Genius

Chapter 2087: Fully crushed (six more)

Director Wang, the helper Cai Shuihui found, was directly crushed by Confucius and the others, and lost the official position he had finally acquired.

You must know that Cai Shuihui and the others spent hundreds of millions of dollars when transferred from the coastal city of Fu to the capital, as well as countless manpower and material resources.

Their purpose is to let Director Wang **** the Mingyue Group. They never expected that they would encounter such an incident before the position was covered.

With the strength of Confucius, it may not be easy to arrange a director, but it is definitely easy to pick up a director.

Therefore, upon hearing Confucius' words, Director Wang's face was as pale as paper, knowing that he was finished, and his future and wealth were gone.

"Young Master Bai and Young Master Kong, stay on the sidelines for everything, so we will meet each other in the future."

Cai Shuihui could no longer maintain his composure. Once Director Wang was knocked down, he would bear a great deal of responsibility, because he called Director Wang over.

And if there is an accident with Director Wang, who is heavily paid, Cai Shuihui will definitely be blamed by the association, and even shake his position as chairman.

So Cai Shuihui looked at Bai Shikang and Confucius and said, "What happened tonight is our fault."

"I don't want all the injured, the lost benefits, and the lost face, and I fined myself three cups."

He put on a weak posture: "Bai Shao and Kong Shaoye take a big step back, how about the grievances between the two parties?"

Cai Shuihui didn't ask Ye Tianlong to intercede. In addition to Sophie's relationship with Ye Tianlong, which made him sting, there is also that he felt that Ye Tianlong was fake.

In his eyes, Ye Tianlong was so rampant and domineering, but he relied on the relationship between Confucius and Bai Shikang.

Without Confucius and Bai Shikang, Ye Tianlong would definitely not dare to be so arrogant, and even apologized with his tail clipped long ago, so he was unwilling to pay attention to Ye Tianlong.

"Dong Cai, I'm sorry, there is not a large number of adults tonight."

Confucius laughed loudly, with a joking in his eyes: "If you provoke me, I think it's for the Cai family's sake, it's forgotten."

"But it's my brother that you provoke tonight, then this matter cannot be erased all at once."

"This surnamed Wang, I have had someone remove him from his position as director of the department, and at most one hour, someone will officially notify him."

Director Wang looked pained, his good future was gone, he was very angry and unwilling, but he didn't dare to go wild.

In the face of top-notch youngsters like Confucius and Bai Shikang, ten of them are not enough for each other to wreak havoc. I guess he won't even have a life after beeping.

Cai Shuihui's eyelids twitched, and he shouted: "Kong Shao, don't be too much, do you have to kill them all?"

"If Shao Kong is trying to kill everything, what will I do next?"

Bai Shikang also directly gave Ye Tianlong a name card, staring at Director Wang, who was being helped up, and said:

"Secretary Liu, you stare at me. Before dawn, if Director Wang doesn't get out of the capital, you can let the official Disciplinary Investigation Department go up."

"I don't believe it, the head of the office has been innocent for so many years."

The head of the king's body trembled, and there was horror in his eyes. Bai Shikang was not only trying to pummel him, but also asking him to sit in prison.

"Secretary Zhang, tell me the entire Bai Group, all businesses related to the Bai Group and Sun Moon Group will be unconditionally stopped."

Bai Shikang hummed unceremoniously: "If you don't teach Cai Dong a lesson, he won't know whose capital the capital is."

Hearing what Bai Shikang and Confucius said, Cai Shuihui's face was completely gloomy, and the cigar was crushed into pieces and shouted:

"Bai Shikang and Confucius, do you have to tear your skin?"

"Do you think I would be afraid of you? Although the Riyue Group is not a behemoth, it can't be bullied by you."

"The network behind it, you know in your hearts that if you rush to kill it like this, it is tantamount to declaring war on me and the Sun Moon Group."

Cai Shuihui's ferocious expression was revealed: "The Sun Moon Group may not be able to withstand your suppression, but if we fight to the death, you will lose a piece of flesh."

"I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are. I just want to tell you, don't pretend to be a tiger, let alone be self-righteous."

Cai Shuihui still stared at Ye Tianlong: "If you don't see it, you will receive it. You can regret it when you see it."

Sophie couldn't help it: "Tianlong, stop making big things, it's not good for you or Cai Dong."

"Just enough."

Sophie's face was anxious: "Cai Dong is really crazy, you can't ask for it."

Sophie knows Cai Shuihui's foundation, knows it is very powerful, and also realizes that Confucius and Bai Shikang are powerful, but Ye Tianlong is a grassroots.

If you didn't make things big, you can still take advantage of Confucius and Bai Shikang. Once you get your head, you can easily be abandoned by Bai Shikang and Confucius.

After all, in her opinion, Bai and Kong would never die for Ye Tianlong and Cai Shuihui.

Thinking of the relationship between the two of them and their younger brother, Sophie secretly said, let's help Ye Tianlong again, it can be regarded as the previous favor.

Sophie decided to give Ye Tianlong a step down: "Tianlong, give me a little face, take a step back and broaden the sky..."

"Shut up! I have already said that you are here with no face."

Ye Tianlong glanced at Sophie coldly, "I'll have the final say on the matter tonight."

Sophie moved her mouth and squeezed out: "Did you do this because the dinosaurs avenged us?"

"Ye Shao, we are adults now, don't be childish..."

She felt that this was the reason for Ye Tianlong's refusal to forgive, and her pretty face was helpless: "This is too naive."

Ye Tianlong sneered: "Get revenge on you? You are not qualified yet."

"Why are you like this—"

Sophie was blocked by Ye Tianlong and felt bored. She bit her lip and decided not to care about Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong ignored her and looked at Cai Shuihui with a sneer: "Cai Shuihui, you really have water in your head. Are you still not satisfied at this time?"

"Trust your uncle, don't rely on Shao Kong and Shao Bai to step on me if you have the ability?"

Cai Shuihui was heartbroken and clamored to the end: "Fox is a fake tiger, count as a bird? If you have a kind, use your skills to move me?"

He looked at Ye Tianlong contemptuously, a nephew who was not from the top five families. He had never seen the lord who hadn't even seen him. It was extremely funny to move him.

"If you let the dignitaries of Taicheng choose them, choose one between you and the Riyue Group..."

When Confucius and the others shook their heads, Ye Tianlong smiled and took a step forward, and asked Can Shou to bring two mobile phones: "Who would they choose?"

He has decided to kill with the knife.

Cai Shuihui has sharp eyes: "What do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong did not respond and dialed a number one after another.

Soon, the other end of the phone connected, and Ding Liuyue and Lin Rudao heard the voices: "Which one?"

"Liu Yue, I am Ye Tianlong, I have a task for you."

Ye Tianlong is simply and neatly said: "From now on, Ding's Foundation is fully deployed, and all Sunyue Group businesses will be robbed for me at any cost."

"I want Riyue Group to never receive a new order from tomorrow, and the expired business cannot be renewed."

"Give you another one billion, and dig out all the backbones of the Riyue Group."

Ding Liuyue answered without hesitation: "I understand."

Ye Tianlong turned to Lin Rudao again: "Uncle Lin, give you 10 billion to suppress the stocks of Sunyue Group.

"I hope that in a month, its market value is only one-tenth of its current value."

He landed and said: "I want Riyue Group to drink northwest wind."

Lin Rudao responded clearly: "Understand."

In the eyes of Confucius and Bai Shikang, Ye Tianlong is definitely not as simple as a bluff, but to suppress the Riyue Group mercilessly.

And there will be no suspense in the result. Confucius and Bai Shikang have already understood Ding Liuyue's huge amount of funds and Lin Rudao's strength.

Chen Wangbei and Nangongtong were stunned again when they heard Ye Tianlong's words about blasting the sky, and it was a bit difficult to accept the content of the call.

Several beautiful girls in Taicheng were also in a trance, but their pretty faces soon aroused doubts.

Ye Tianlong could rely on Confucius and Bai Shikang to suppress them. He wanted to attack the Riyue Group, which had a complicated relationship.

Sophie also had a little doubt.

Cai Shuihui sneered in a noncommittal way, and didn't care at all, grabbing Sunyue Group's business? Suppress Riyue Group's stocks? Simply naive.

Even Confucius and Bai Shikang may not be able to do it, what can one Ye Tianlong do? The call just now was just a bluff.

Cai Shuihui took out another cigar and lit it again, watching Ye Tianlong jokingly:

"Do you know where the backbone of our group lives? Do you want to dig someone for the address?"

"Riyue Group is listed in the U.S. to suppress stocks, do you use a hammer?"

Chen Wangbei and the others smiled.

Several beautiful Taicheng girls also looked playful, feeling that the bluff of piercing Ye Tianlong was a win.

It didn't take long before the phone of Sophie handbag rang. She was taken aback, then opened it and put it in her ear.

Upon hearing it, Sophie's face was instantly ugly.

Cai Shuihui said in a low voice: "What's wrong?"


The Apple phone crashed to the ground, and Sophie looked sad:

"The Ding's Fund offered three times the salary to dig the backbone of the Sunyue Group, and the six managers announced their resignation."

"Sunyue stocks listed in the United States were suppressed by huge amounts of funds, and they fuse at the opening and fell ten points..."

Chen Wangbei and the others shook together, and Cai Shuihui was also dumbfounded. They did not expect to come so fast and so fierce.

"Go back and tell the people behind you."

Ye Tianlong slapped Chen Wangbei's face: "They have two choices, one is to bankrupt the Riyue Group, and the other is to sink Cai Shuihui."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong took Lin Chenxue and the others straight out of the room.

Cai Shuihui stiffened...

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