Talented Genius

Chapter 2090: Can you afford the consequences?

Facing a dozen bodyguards rushing over, the dinosaur didn't care at all, just wiped off the glass **** on his body and walked towards Sophie step by step.


Dinosaurs need an explanation, an answer.

The first woman I like in my life, who is willing to be with me for life, becomes Cai Shuihui's woman in a blink of an eye.

Dinosaurs are not someone who can't afford to lose, and he knows that twisted melons are not sweet, but he still wants an answer, an answer that makes himself desperate.

"Boom boom!"

More than a dozen bodyguards punched and kicked the dinosaur, as hard as possible.

The dinosaur let his fists and feet hit him. It seemed that the pain could make him feel better, and he punched them one by one at the same time, sending them out of front.

In a series of dull sounds, the dinosaur received more than a dozen punches, and scars were clearly visible on his body, but more than a dozen bodyguards also clutched their chests and wailed.

Their fists and feet are completely scum compared to dinosaurs.

"Dinosaur, calm down, calm down."

Seeing the dinosaurs approaching like wild beasts, Sophie, who was accustomed to a generous image, was slightly startled. She didn't seem to expect the dinosaurs to suddenly become so terrifying.

But she quickly woke up and opened her hands to protect Cai Shuihui: "Dinosaurs, this is the company, you can't make trouble, you can't make trouble."

At this moment, she didn't even think about giving an explanation to the dinosaurs. Sophie just wanted to protect Cai Shuihui while avoiding trouble:

"You stop!"

Sophie yelled to the dinosaur in a hurry, and told Cai Shuihui to retreat behind her, and then opened her arms to block the dinosaur who was pressing over:

"If you want to kill, kill me, I was the one who seduced Cai Dong, and I was sorry for you."

Sophie was heartbroken and decided to make a break with the dinosaurs: "If you want to fight or kill, even if you come to me, I will never complain."

"Why? Why on earth?"

The dinosaur spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at Sophie: "It was okay not long ago, how come it's like this in a blink of an eye? Why am I sorry you?"

"Even if you don't like me anymore, you can tell me that I will never stop you from pursuing happiness."

The dinosaur looked very painful: "But what is it now? Let someone else tell me, are you flirting with other men?"

It is intolerable for any man to know that his beloved is ambiguous with other men, and he is still fighting his life to protect the latter.

The dinosaur didn't want to hear any explanation, but he felt that he needed an explanation...

Sophie let out a long breath, her expression regained her calmness:

"Dinosaurs, I have many reasons, but I just want to say that I am sorry for you, and our relationship will be cut off from today."

"You want to fight or kill, but you can't hurt him!"

She finished speaking in a simple and clear way, but she felt a slight pain in her heart.

All the explanations are pale to the dinosaurs, but there is no perfunctory or guilt, how indifferent you should be.

A trace of sadness crossed the dinosaur's face, and then he took a step forward and looked at Sophie: "Okay, it's a clean break. From today on, you and I have nothing to do."

The dinosaur was in pain, but he was not a stubborn person. After confirming Sophie's transference, he decisively turned and left.

Seeing the dinosaur turning around so swiftly, Sophie was taken aback, and then suddenly a trace of unwillingness, a trace of resentment, and a trace of entanglement emerged.


At this time, Cai Shuihui took a step forward and screamed: "You think I am here where you can come and leave if you want?"

Sophie subconsciously said: "Cai Dong, let him go..."

Cai Shuihui interrupted her unceremoniously: "Sophie, I will give you face for other things, but this matter must not stop here."

"Riyue Group is also a listed company. It is not a place where Agou and Amao come as he wants, nor is it a place where gangsters want to do anything."

He pointed a finger at the dinosaur and shouted, "If he dares to sneak and attack me in the dark, he must pay the price, otherwise similar incidents will increase in the future."

Sophie stretched out her hand to pull Cai Shuihui: "Cai Dong, don't be like this, he is..."

Before the sentence that he is Ye Tianlong's brother was finished, Cai Shuihui hugged Sophie in a hug, almost suffocating Sophie for a while.

Sophie felt uncomfortable all over, but she didn't dare to struggle, so she bit her lip to endure.

"I know he is your ex-boyfriend, but you are my woman now, you should speak for me instead of pleading for him."

"Such a trash, once possessed a beauty like you, do not thank God for opening his eyes, and dare to come here to find me unhappy, how can I tolerate him?"

Cai Shuihui looked at the dinosaur provocatively: "It is five big and three thick, and his whole body is migrant workers. He competes with me for women, fights against me, and his mind is flooded."

The dinosaur clumped his fists and his voice sank: "Are you looking for death?"

"It's you trash who is looking for death."

After he finished speaking, Cai Shuihui waved his hand, and the injured bodyguard on the ground reluctantly moved away. At the same time, more than twenty people poured out from the back hall.

One by one, they were loaded with live ammunition, with legal firearms in their hands, and their muzzles all pointed at the dinosaurs, murderous.

As long as Cai Shuihui gave an order, they would shoot without hesitation.

"Come on, take him down."

Cai Shuihui vented his aggrieved heart: "Dare to resist and rectify the law on the spot."

Yesterday, Ye Tianlong stepped on all over his body with cuts and bruises, and today he was almost hit by a dinosaur, and he was still Sophie's ex-boyfriend. How could he utter a bad anger.

"Move my brother, can you afford the consequences?"

At this moment, a deep voice came out: "Can the Cai family bear the consequences?"

Cai Shuihui and the others were taken aback, looked up to the door, and saw Ye Tianlong jumping from a jeep and kicking a few Cai's gunmen.

"Is it all right?"

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at Cai Shuihui and Sophie. He just stood beside the dinosaur and patted him on the dust: "Why are you here alone?"

"It's okay!"

The dinosaur responded to Ye Tianlong softly, with a touch of gratitude in his eyes and unspeakable warmth. He had an epiphany, and it was better for his brother to treat him well.

The dinosaur lowered his head: "Ye Shao, I'm sorry, I humiliated you and caused you trouble."

"We are brothers, what is this thing?"

Ye Tianlong patted him on the shoulder: "You are fine, otherwise, this Mingyue Building is probably gone."

Then he pointed to Sophie again: "Dinosaur, did you break with her?"

Ye Tianlong knew that things were going to the point where the long-term pain was better than the short-term pain.

The corners of the dinosaur's mouth moved, and he nodded with difficulty in response: "Although she didn't give a reason, she made a clean break."

"Sophie, the dinosaurs didn't bother you, and let them go very simply. As someone who has ever loved, should you give a reason?"

Ye Tianlong raised his head and looked at Sophie: "Can the dinosaur break up clearly?"

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