Talented Genius

Chapter 2091: revenge

When Cai Shuihui frowned, Sophie lowered her pretty face and spoke after hesitating for a while:

"I used to like dinosaurs and I am very grateful for his care at the time. I also try to stay with him forever."

"But after a long time, I found that I can force a smile, but I can't calm my heart."

Sophie’s pretty face struggled unspeakably: “What I want in my heart is really far from what the dinosaurs can give.”

The dinosaur felt a pain in his heart, and then was at a loss, without knowing what Sophie meant.

Ye Tianlong sneered: "You mean dinosaurs have no money?"

"No, do you think I will be a woman who loves vanity?"

Sophie shook her head lightly and looked at Ye Tianlong: "Although I also like to live a bright life, I don't want to worship money."

"The root of my inability to be together with the dinosaurs is that they have almost nothing in common."

She turned her gaze on the dinosaur: "I told him about eight generations of apples, and he told me about eight bags of apples."

"I told him who the white lily Wang Luodan looks good, and he told him the big dog bobcat wets the bed when he was young."

"I told him that Chanel's coat cannot be machine washed, and he said that the money is enough for him to eat instant noodles for half a year."

"I tried hard to talk with him, but he couldn't keep up with me every time. It's okay once or twice. How can I bear it again and again?"

Sophie leaned on the chair, her eyes feeling helpless: "Dinosaurs are not bad, but they don't suit me."

The body of the dinosaur shook for a moment, and he suddenly realized that he was in a daze. He wanted to say something, but in the end he became helpless.

Hearing the reasons Sophie gave, Ye Tianlong smiled nonchalantly:

"Dinosaurs are really not for you, but it's not that there is no common topic, but that you have moved your vanity."

"You are subconsciously telling yourself that you are getting more and more glamorous, you can have better men."

"You said that dinosaurs can't keep up with your beat and can't talk about topics that interest you. Why have you respected the interest of dinosaurs?"

"Ask yourself, have you talked about eight bags of apples with a dinosaur? Have you talked about Big Dog Lynx with him? Have you talked about instant noodles with him for half a year?"

Sophie was startled slightly, and then squeezed out: "What is there to talk about?"

Ye Tianlong had a touch of disappointment in his eyes: "You don't think there is much to talk about, but you haven't gotten deep into the dinosaur's heart."

"Behind the eight bags of apples is the favorite fruit of the dinosaur sister, and behind the big dog bobcat are the brotherly feelings engraved in the heart of the dinosaur."

"The instant noodles for half a year is the hardest time before the dinosaurs met me."

"Brothers and sisters depend on each other, brothers take care of each other, men work hard time, don't these have more meaning than White Lily King Luo Dan?"

"The dinosaur took out the most precious thing in his heart and shared it, but you feel meaningless. Did he hurt you or did you hurt him?"

The dinosaur bit his lip, forcibly enduring the emotional shock in his heart, and was so grateful to Ye Tianlong that he vowed to be loyal to Ye Tianlong in his life.

The scholar died for the confidant.

Ye Tianlong's voice was cold: "You blame the dinosaur for not doing anything for you, so what have you done for the dinosaur?"

Sophie was at a loss for words.

Ye Tianlong continued to add: "You said you have no common topic with dinosaurs. Do you think you and Cai Shuihui share a common topic?"

"Although Cai Shuihui's circle is not top-notch, it is also top-notch. Do you know his position in the Cai family? Do you know where he wants to climb?"

He pointed his finger at Cai Shuihui with a cold face: "Do you know his relationship with the official donation? Do you know how many people have trampled to death?"

"These are the topics that Cai Shuihui is most interested in. I'm afraid you don't know any of them, let alone discuss them with him."

"So the common topic you said is just an excuse for you."

He directly qualified Sophie: "The most fundamental reason is that you don't think dinosaurs deserve to have the glamorous you now..."

Sophie was sweating inexplicably in her palms, and her pretty face was ashamed. She wanted to open her mouth to explain, but found that she didn't know how to say it.

Because she knew in her heart that what Ye Tianlong said was right, not because she didn’t have a common topic, but because she felt there was a better choice...

"Dinosaurs, now the reason is clear."

Ye Tianlong looked at the dinosaur: "Did you give up?"

The dinosaur nodded, looked at Sophie, and his tone became indifferent: "I'm dead."

He looked at the snow-white cheeks, still pretty and still amorous, still pitiful, the sunshine is very soft, but he will not be moved anymore.

Seeing the indifferent eyes of the dinosaur, Sophie trembled inexplicably, feeling that something was slowly leaking from his fingers, like sand.

Some things, some people, are afraid that they will never come back if they are lost.

Cai Shuihui also frowned, and he could also see that the dinosaur's indifference to Sophie made him very upset.

The more dinosaurs care about Sophie, Cai Shuihui has a sense of accomplishment. Now that the dinosaurs disdain, Cai Shuihui has a mentality of picking up broken shoes.

His interest in Sophie instantly dropped by more than half.

"Just give up, go back first, and talk about anything later."

Ye Tianlong made a gesture and told Canshou to turn the car around: "No woman, there are brothers, go, please eat roasted whole lamb."

"Who said you can go? Ye Tianlong, don't be too presumptuous."

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was about to leave with the dinosaur, Cai Shuihui suddenly uttered:

"He came to Mingyue Mansion and attacked me. Whether it is for public or private purposes, I will keep him today."

He was originally surprised by the relationship between dinosaurs and Ye Tianlong, and then he thought of a self-protection method, that is, let dinosaurs become his own bargaining chip.

In this way, he doesn't need to bet all on Master Lone Star.

"What about attacking you?"

Ye Tianlong snorted: "I will take him away, you have the ability to let people shoot."

Cai Shuihui's face was cold: "You are barbaric."

He was very angry, very aggrieved, and wanted to order Ye Tianlong to be killed indiscriminately, but he knew that once he ordered, he would never bear the consequences.

"Huh, do you know all this?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Yes, I'm barbaric, what can you do?"

"You are so savage, we will kill you."

At this moment, several figures flickered at the door, with a burst of murderous air.


Then three men and two women approached from far away, holding a dagger, the canopy spread out with a sound, occupying the fifth position in the east, west, south, north and middle.

They surrounded Ye Tianlong and the dinosaurs.

The five dressed up one by one, with a proud look and a masterful demeanor.

The dinosaur stepped forward and stood in front of Ye Tianlong, ready to kill the invading enemy at any time.

Ye Tianlong didn't look at these five people, his eyes fell on the door, where he was interested in the strong breath.

Soon, a few slender figures appeared at the door, and one of them was a young woman sitting in a wheelchair.

Cai Shuihui took a fixed look, ecstatic: "Miss Nangong, why are you back again?"

The person in the wheelchair is Nangongtong, her face is pale, but her eyes are resentful, looking at Ye Tianlong is like a snake staring at a frog.

And there are two men and women beside her,

One was a young man combing his cock's head, carrying a black wooden sword on his back.

A woman in Tsing Yi who was as cold as frost, carrying a big sack in her hand.


When approaching the crowd, the woman in Tsing Yi threw the sack in front of Ye Tianlong, opened her mouth, revealing a scarred face:

Joe Zhenxing.

Cai Shuihui was happy again: "Miss Zhou Zhuangruo, are you here too?"

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