Talented Genius

Chapter 2094: Hysterical (seven more)


In the next second, Cai Shuihui rolled all over the floor, very uncomfortable, as if his whole body was bitten by ants.

The Cai's elite who was about to take action on Ye Tianlong were taken aback. It was this gap, and the hand suddenly raised his hand, and Ye Dao flew all over the sky and hit their wrists.

The firearms fell to the ground.

"Boom boom!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the dinosaur shot past, punched and kicked Cai's elite, and immediately brought them all down.

When the other security personnel saw the two men so fierce, Cai Shuihui fell to the ground and rolled again, feeling jealous and afraid to approach.

Afterwards, the dinosaur shot with the Canshou, suppressing the howling Cai's elite, and also made a support call.


At this moment, Cai Shuihui was still rolling, rubbing the floor like a snake, very uncomfortable.

Sophie reacted and screamed and rushed over: "Dong Cai, what's wrong with you? Dong Cai, what's wrong with you?"

"Come on, come on, call Dong Cai."

Sophie shouted to the people around: "Call the doctor."

Seeing Sophie's appearance, the corners of the dinosaur's mouth moved a little, and then he recovered his calm.

"He was poisoned. This is a very powerful snake venom."

Ye Tianlong took out a tissue and wiped his hands, with a touch of joking on his face: "At most half an hour, he will die. The doctor can't save it."

He has identified that 80% of the toxins are extracted from the poisonous snakes on Taicheng Mountain, which has a powerful damaging effect on nerves.

"Tianlong, you know how to heal, right?"

Sophie's eyes burst into light: "Before Baishizhou was poisoned, you used the antidote to save everyone. Can you save Cai Dong, right?"

"It's hard for you to remember things about Baishizhou."

Ye Tianlong took out his cell phone and sent a few messages, and then faintly said to Sophie: "I can indeed detoxify this, but I don't want to."

A guy who shot him black, if he had to watch him slowly tortured by snake venom, Ye Tianlong would have killed Cai Shuihui long ago.

Sophie begged: "Tianlong, please, help Cai Dong, please help him, I will be grateful to you."

Cai Shuihui is a rare and considerate man who makes her heart touch. Although he has done wrong things repeatedly, Sophie still can't bear to watch him die.

And her sweet future is connected with Cai Shuihui, Cai Shuihui is dead, where is there any happiness in her?

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I'm sorry, I don't need your gratitude, and I will not save him."

"Dong Cai is really confused, he shouldn't be against you, shouldn't shoot you."

Sophie looked at the wailing Cai Shuihui and shouted: "It's just that he has already endured the pain. I hope your lord will save him a lot."

"If you hate me and don't care about my harm to the dinosaurs, you can also beat and scold me, just hope you save Cai Dong's life."

She also slapped herself twice.

Ye Tianlong was unmoved.

"Dinosaur, dinosaur!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's unkindness, Sophie burst into tears. She suddenly remembered something and hurriedly shouted to the dinosaur not far away:

"You once promised on my birthday that someday if I need it, I can let you do something unconditionally."

"I now you want to convince Tianlong to let him save Cai Dong's life."

Sophie looked at the dinosaur and made a request: "I ask you to fulfill your promise."

The dinosaur was taken aback when he heard the words, and his face was embarrassed.

"Sophie, you really disappointed me to the end."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "You don't stick to the vows between you and the dinosaurs, but you want the dinosaurs to fulfill your birthday promise. It's absurd."

"I'm shameless, I'm humble, I don't believe it, but I know that the dinosaur promises a lot, and the things he promised will be done."

Sophie clung to the straw: "Dinosaur, don't you think?"

The dinosaur gritted his teeth: "Sophie, you can kill me, but if you want me to make Ye Shao embarrassed, I can't do it..."

"It's okay, I'm not embarrassed."

Ye Tianlong suddenly figured it out, and watched Sophie faintly said, "I helped Cai Shuihui detoxify. Even if the promise of the dinosaur is fulfilled, right?"

Sophie nodded again and again: "Yes, as long as Cai Dong's toxin is removed, I will be completely broken with the dinosaur, and he will never owe me anymore."

The dinosaur subconsciously shouted: "Ye Shao—"

"Okay, I will fulfill the promise for him."

Ye Tianlong stopped the dinosaur from speaking, and then looked at Sophie with a smile: "You have to remember what you said."

Sophie nodded, although she felt shameless, but as long as she could save Cai Shuihui, she wouldn't care about that.

The dinosaur was completely disappointed. It seemed that he was really inferior to Cai Shuihui.


Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense. He stepped forward and came to Cai Shuihui, first took out two pills and stuffed it into his mouth, then pulled out the wooden arrow on his shoulder.

When the wooden arrow was pulled out and the pill entered his mouth, Cai Shuihui's pain was temporarily controlled.

Then, Ye Tianlong walked to Zhou Zhuangruo's side, squatted down and touched her twice, and quickly found a pill box with two pills in it.

Ye Tianlong crushed one, sniffed it lightly, and then nodded. He also gave Cai Shuihui the two pills and poured mineral water into it.

Finally, Ye Tianlong also meticulously cut off the rotten flesh of Cai Shuihui's wound, sprinkled anti-inflammatory drugs and wrapped gauze.

He also asked Canshou to throw Zhou Zhuangruo into the car. That shot did not kill her, and Ye Tianlong decided to keep her.

After all these procedures were completed, Cai Shuihui was completely alive. The pain and struggle were gone. Everyone could see that he had his life back.

"Cai Dong, are you better?"

Sophie was very happy when she saw it, and grabbed Cai Shuihui's palm and shouted, "Is the wound still painful?"

Cai Shuihui coughed: "It's no more pain... much better..."

"Just better."

At this time, Ye Tianlong looked at Sophie and said, "The toxins on Cai Dong's body are solved, is the promise of the dinosaurs considered fulfilled?"

Sophie was a little ashamed. Ye Tianlong was right. She has always been a dinosaur taking care of herself, and she has never done anything for dinosaurs.

Even when Cai Shuihui died, she took the dinosaur's promise to save it. She looked at the dinosaur and squeezed out: "It's done."

"From then on, I owe nothing to the dinosaur."

Sophie let out a long breath: "I hope he finds his happiness."

"The toxin has been resolved, and the promise is complete."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Then let's do the calculations now, Cai Shuihui hit me with a black gun."

He picked up the black wooden sword and pierced it through Cai Shuihui's throat.


A burst of blood burst out, and Cai Shuihui's body was shaken, looking at the sword that killed him in disbelief.

Sophie was stunned when she saw this, her brain blank, unable to respond at all.

"Dinosaur, go!"

Ye Tianlong threw away the wooden sword, turned around and left. Sophie's hysterical scream came from behind:

"Do not--"

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