Talented Genius

Chapter 2095: Restaurant trouble

Detoxification, fulfilling the promise for the dinosaurs, and killing them is the revenge of the black spear. Ye Tianlong's grievances are clear.

Only until he took the dinosaurs and they walked out the gate, the Sun Moon Group still couldn't react, and they were all shocked looking at the dead Cai Shuihui.

Everyone felt a chill, as if some snake or insect was crawling on their body.

No one moved, no one confirmed Cai Shuihui's life or death, and no one reacted to the situation. Only Sophie couldn't hide his tears.

The cruelest thing in the world is like tearing the most precious thing to pieces face to face. Ye Tianlong kills Cai Shuihui, which is Sophie's biggest blow.

"Dinosaurs, you transfer a team of people to send Qiao Shao to the hospital and handle the attack on Qiao's house by the way."

After Ye Tianlong sent a text message to Wu Ningbing, he then sent an instruction to the dinosaurs: "You must not let Young Master Qiao and the others get hurt."

Dinosaur hurriedly responded: "Ye Shao don't worry, I will take care of this."

"Okay, I believe you."

Ye Tianlong knew very well in his heart that if the dinosaur seemed to be innocent, it would definitely be painful in his heart. The best way to comfort him now is to keep him busy.

"Ye Shao, thank you."

Qiao Zhenxing leaned on Ye Tianlong abruptly, crying bitterly, "I will be your **** in the future, and I will die."

Qiao Zhenxing used to please Ye Tianlong more by having a backer so that he and Qiao's family can live better, but now he is desperate to work hard.

The mentality has changed invisibly.

"Don't talk nonsense, take care of your injury, and talk about it after you recover your injury."

Ye Tianlong patted Qiao Zhenxing's shoulder: "Also, greet Mr. Qiao for me. When your injury stabilizes, I will visit again."

Qiao Zhenxing nodded again and again: "Ye Shao don't worry, I will take care of myself."

Five minutes later, Dinosaur took Qiao Zhenxing out of the car at the intersection, got into another Feng Group vehicle, and drove to the Beijing Hospital.

"Go to the Prairie Restaurant."

Ye Tianlong looked at Zhou Zhuangruo, who was in a coma, and gently waved Canshou's fingers, Canshou immediately deflected and drove to the grassland restaurant.

During the period, Ye Tianlong sent out four or five more messages to inform Confucius that Cai Shuihui was killed by himself, and also provided a video intercepted by Red Arrow.

Confucius and Bai Shikang were surprised by Ye Tianlong's ruthless attack, and when they learned that Cai Shuihui had shot the black gun, they were relieved, and no longer worried about the Cai's family.

Then Ye Tianlong called Ding Liuyue and Lin Rudao.

He didn't follow the normal people's practice and let Ding Liuyue and Lin Rudaosong be the top leaders. On the contrary, he asked them to increase their efforts to suppress the Riyue Group.

Ye Tianlong has deeper thoughts.

Fifteen minutes later, the car stopped at the back door of the Prairie Restaurant.

Di Kuangtian, who had already received the order, took a box and put Zhou Zhuangruo in, and then swaggered her across the market like pork.

The Prairie Restaurant is still very popular. Yun Ji is not in the restaurant today, so the front hall is even more busy.

Ye Tianlong did not disturb them, but went to the dormitory beside the restaurant.

In Di Kuangtian's house, Ye Tianlong looked at Zhou Zhuangruo who had moved out, took out the first aid kit and quickly stopped her bleeding, and then took out her bullet.

Although this cold and arrogant woman is hateful, Ye Tianlong didn't want her to die so early, so he tried his best to rescue her from the ghost gate.

It took a full hour for Ye Tianlong to stop all his movements, wash his hands, wipe off sweat, and watch the woman who kept his breath relieved.

"Old mad, deal with the tail."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head towards Earth Kuangtian: "She has lived here these two days. Watch her carefully, don't let her run away, and don't let her run away."

Di Kuangtian nodded lightly, took a few steps forward to look at Zhou Zhuangruo, then took out the herbal medicine he prepared himself, and applied it to the other party swiftly...

"It's not good, the gang is here, and there is a fight ahead!"

At this moment, there was a noise outside, accompanied by the shouts of the waiter, and then a dozen security guards rushed to the front hall with glue sticks.

The gangster is coming?

Ye Tianlong's brows couldn't stop frowning. A gangster came to mess with the grassland restaurant? Was it a protection fee or Qiao Mingyue sent it?

Canshou moved his steps: "I will go and see."

He quickly ran to the front to find out what happened. After a short while, he ran back and said in a low voice: "Ye Shao, from the 13th League."

Ye Tianlong, who was drinking tea, almost squirted out: "What? People from the 13th League?"

Although the capital is still the 13th League site on the bright side, Feng Jiutian and Ling Xiao are both Ye Tianlong's people, and this is equivalent to the land of Longmen.

So the Thirteen League’s coming to the grassland restaurant to make trouble is almost equivalent to the Dragon Gate’s coming to hit the place.

"Yes, people from the Thirteen Leagues, and Jane Sime."

Canshou nodded gently: "More than forty people rushed in with weapons, chased guests away, and blocked entrances and exits."

"They said that their brother ate here yesterday and was poisoned and hospitalized when he returned. He has not passed the dangerous period yet."

"They said the food in the restaurant was poisonous, and they asked the restaurant to confess, and the Prairie restaurant was closed."

"By the way, Jane Sime and the others also demand huge compensation."

Canshou told what he knew.

"You have to confess, not collect protection fees, nor simply seek justice to Jane Simei. That is 80% of Qiao Mingyue's work."

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evoked a joke: "Isn't Kong Xiaocui one of Cai Shuihui and the others? The boss is dead, not going to cry for fun, and playing tricks?"

Canshou whispered: "Ye Shao, blow them out?"

"Why are they going out?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "All are here, just let them go. It's too unkind. Go, go out and have a look."

He wants to ask Kong Xiaocui to lift a rock and hit him in the foot today.

Ye Tianlong quickly came to the hall with his handicapped hands. The entire restaurant guests were almost driven away, and two groups of people were facing each other in the hall.

On the side of the cash register, there are waiters, security guards, and chefs. Although they seem to be the weaker party, they have no fear on their faces.

On the contrary, one by one is still showing a **** battle to the end. The popularity of the restaurant not only makes them full of motivation, but also their income soars.

Yun Ji also promised to pay them dividends year after year, so they all treat the restaurant as their own home, and whoever cuts their money, they will fight hard.

And there were dozens of black-clothed men and women sitting near the gate, each holding a sharp weapon.

At the middle table sat a young man with a flat head and a coquettish woman.

Behind them, Yingying and Yanyan stood a few beautiful women, tall, delicate faces, stylishly dressed, very aggressive.

Jane Sime is among them.

Seeing Ye Tianlong appear, the manager on duty greeted him: "Ye Shao!"

"You rest first, I will deal with it."

Ye Tianlong looked at the pretty tired woman with soft eyes that let her take a good rest, then walked to the front and looked at the flat-headed youth.

Jian Simei and several others rushed forward, and the fair-skinned fingers pointed to Ye Tianlong: "Brother Dao, Sister Li, he is the restaurant shareholder and the culprit."

"Everyone, this is a formal restaurant. It's not nice to come here to make trouble?"

When everyone's eyes were on Ye Tianlong's face, Ye Tianlong and Yan Yue said, "Ten yuan per person, eat another meal, and then leave, OK?"


Hearing what Ye Tianlong said, the coquettish woman slapped the table, her eyebrows stiffened:

"Dare to take out ten dollars? Are you sending beggars?"

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Then twenty?"

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