Talented Genius

Chapter 2125: Mysterious woman (four more)

"Hey, hello..."

Seeing Ye Tianlong leaving by his side, Mo Ningran was stunned for a while, then reacted and shouted, but Ye Tianlong didn't stop at all.

He quickly walked into the campus path and disappeared from Mo Ningran's vision.

Mo Ningran couldn't react for a while, and never thought that Ye Tianlong ignored her like this and looked completely different from the man who pursued him.

Although she didn't dare to say that she was all over the country, she was also a branch of Pharmaceutical City University, and countless students and teachers regarded her as the love of her dreams.

But Ye Tianlong didn't look at it more, which made her feel a little disappointed, and she also gave birth to a touch of curiosity.

What kind of man is this?

"Asshole! What a drag!"

Mo Ning snorted: "Don't cherish the opportunity given to you, don't regret it in the future."

She released the brakes, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car drove forward with a swish...

When Mo Ningran was depressed and left, Ye Tianlong was approaching the university library. He was a veteran in love, and he was naturally able to perceive Mo Ningran's emotions.

It's just that although Mo Ningran is beautiful and charming, Ye Tianlong didn't intend to know each other, because Medicine City is too dangerous, and he has rivals like Ling Family and Thirteen Leagues.

It is not a good thing for a beautiful woman to know herself, and the Baizhen family in Malaysia is a tragedy.

Ye Tianlong came to the library soon, and after registering his identity, he entered the borrowing room. He searched for the location of the book about Bingshu on the search machine.

Soon, the page showed the "Mythology Book" column with ice tree records. Apparently many people regarded this as a rumor.

Ye Tianlong smiled, and after locking the position, he went straight upstairs. Soon, he came to the corner of the myth book on the fifth floor. There were almost no people here.

"found it!"

Ye Tianlong circled the bookshelf twice according to the computer number, and then found a dozen books about ice trees in the corner.

Ye Tianlong took them all down, then sat down at a table in the corner, flipping through the pitiful records.

In more than a dozen books, Ye Tianlong absorbed all the information about the ice tree, which is a kind of cold plant, which generally grows under the deep water pool.

The head of the tree is not high, only a little over two meters, and the whole body is snow-white. It blooms every three years and bears every three years. The big red jujube fruit also has its own refrigeration function.

If it is not stripped, it will not be bad for a hundred years.

The purpose of Toxinguo is that it can treat traumatic injuries, and then torn wounds, smeared with juice, can also quickly relieve pain and heal.

The second is that it can calm the mind and calm the mind. If a person carries the fruit of the heart, it will be much more peaceful in life and work.

It also has a purpose, which is to keep it fresh. As long as a corpse is stuffed with a heart-shaped fruit, the corpse can be kept fresh for at least ten years and is lifelike.

However, although the appearance and purpose of the ice tree are recorded, very few people have actually seen the ice tree, and only five or six people can be verified by the source.

And these five or six people are all from half a century ago.

Although some people have been curious to search for these decades, no one has publicly announced that they have found ice trees, even if it is rumored that there are ice trees in Qianlong Mountain in Medicine City.

Because of this, many people began to believe that it was a rumor, just like the "dragon" totem, something the ancients imagined themselves.

Coupled with the development of technology, there have been many alternatives to the so-called use of ice trees, so no one pays much attention to it.

"Ye Tianlong, are you looking for an ice tree?"

When Ye Tianlong turned on his phone to check Qianlong Mountain, the chair beside him was suddenly pulled away, and an old man sat down with a kind face.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look, and was even more shocked: "Mr. Bai?"

The old man is no one else, but the pasqueflower who was treated two hours ago.

Ye Tianlong was very surprised that he appeared here, and then asked with a touch of surprise: "Mr. Bai, how do you know my name?"

It's not hard to guess when looking for Bingshu, the piles on his desk are all books in this area.

"Susu told me."

The pasqueflower showed a warm smile, and pointed his finger at the beads on his wrist: "I gave Bai Susu this string of ice tree beads."

"It's just that she doesn't like the cold feeling, so she never wears it on her hand but put it in her pocket."

The old man smiled and added: "When she came back to Medicine City the day before yesterday, she told me about you and the dinosaurs, and still mortgaged the ice tree beads to you."

"Master, that's a joke."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly, then moved quickly to remove the ice tree beads and placed them in front of the pasqueflower:

"I wanted to pay Susu back that day, but she ran in a hurry, so I forgot to pay her back. Please pass this bead to her."


The white-headed man laughed a few times, patted Ye Tianlong's shoulder, and then put the ice tree bead back on Ye Tianlong's hand:

"Young man, I didn't mean to ask you to ask for it. I gave Susu this pearl. How she handles it is her business."

"So this bead will end up in the end, you talk to Susu, I won't mix it up."

"I came here to look for you. In addition to thanking you for saving my life, I also want to verify your identity and see if you are the noble person Susu said."

The pasqueflower was very happy: "As a result, your reaction proves that you are Ye Tianlong as Su Su said."

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "The old man is polite, it's just a matter of effort, don't worry about it."

Then he asked curiously: "Master, how did you find me?"

"Ice tree beads."

Pulsatilla fingered a bead: "I am too familiar with this smell. I have smelled it for many years, so as long as you bring it, I can find you within a radius of five miles."

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized: "That's how it is."

The white-headed man looked at Ye Tianlong and sighed, "To be honest, when Susu came back, talking about you and dinosaurs, I was worried that you might try to get close to her."

"But the car accident just now made me believe that you saved her from your heart, and your bones are naturally kind."

The old man's eyes were very wise: "You even helped me, an old man who fell down on the ground, so how can you help Susu who is in trouble?"

Ye Tianlong lowered his head: "The old man praised him."

Then he turned around: "Is Susu okay?"

The white-headed man nodded: "She is fine. She is now living at home. She cannot leave without my approval. She has no freedom, but she also has less risk."

"In a few days, when she gets calmer, I invite you to be guests."

Wrinkles on the old man's face bloomed: "I think she will be very happy to see you."

"It's all right, it's all right."

Ye Tianlong relaxed a lot: "We came to Medicine City this time, one is to look for the ice tree, and the other is to see if Susu is good, my brother has always worried about her abuse."

After that, Ye Tianlong muttered slightly in his heart, Uncle Ling Qi was abandoned by himself, didn't he find the Bai family to settle the account? Or did the Bai family sacrifice their interests again?

"Thank you, you are interested."

The white-headed man sighed with emotion: "It is a rare good fortune in life to meet such a righteous friend these days."

"By the way, you just said you were looking for an ice tree?"

He looked at Ye Tianlong curiously: "Why are you looking for it?"

"My body is abnormal and needs to be suppressed."

Ye Tianlong did not hide: "Although I don't know if it will work, but a dead horse is a living horse doctor."

"Master, you can use ice tree wood to make Susu beads, then you must know where the ice tree is?"

Ye Tianlong grabbed the old man's hand and said with expectation, "Can you tell me the location?"

The white-headed man hesitated: "I do know, but it's dangerous there..."

"Please tell me the old man."

Ye Tianlong's expression is extremely firm: "No matter how dangerous it is, I will also have to pass. After all, my body is deteriorating and I really need it to try."

"It's really dangerous."

The white-headed man's expression was struggling: "There is not only a snake there, but also a terrible mysterious woman..."

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