Talented Genius

Chapter 2126: I give up her (five shift)

An hour later, Ye Tianlong came out of the library and learned about Bingshu.

The pulsatilla also told him the location of the ice tree, not even forgetting to tell him a story ten years ago.

In fact, the search for ice trees was crazy more than ten years ago, and the pasqueflower once went to Qianlong Mountain to search for excitement.

The Pasque Weng not only found Qianlong Mountain, but also locked the ice tree in the ice cave deep in the mountain. Three groups of people and horses were found there.

Although everyone is not familiar with it, but for the ice tree, the four groups of men and horses enter the cave to look after each other.

In the cave, they were not only attacked by traps, but also swept back and forth three times by a large snake. Almost 30 people were wounded.

But neither the trap nor the serpent killed anyone, as if to make them retreat.

The entry into the hole has not gone smoothly, so some people suggested to open the way with submachine guns and grenades.

At that time, the pasque-headed man felt that the snakes would save their lives. They bombed with submachine guns and grenades to be unkind, but his opposition was immediately suppressed.

In the end, more than 30 people blatantly opened the way with knives and guns, not only punching the long and narrow holes beyond recognition, but also blasting seven or eight snake eggs into pieces.

Even the big snake was wounded by a grenade.

Just when they were about to kill the wounded snake, there was a masked woman, a person, and a sword in the cave, killing them all.

Except for the pasqueflower!

That woman was so powerful, dozens of guns, and five or six grenades, she did not crush the opponent, but was easily killed by the opponent.

The pasqueflower was also knocked unconscious, and when he woke up, he lay outside the cave, with a dead branch of an ice tree and two penetrating fruits beside him.

And one of his fingers was also cut off.

This was the return of the masked woman who discouraged his companion from killing, but left him with a finger to express punishment.

The pasqueflower felt her strength, so he returned with the dead branch of the ice tree and the heart fruit, and said nothing about what happened in the ice cave.

After returning, Pulsatilla found that the severed finger wound healed quickly, and after careful examination, he determined that it was coated with juice.

Pulsatilla was inspired by it, and finally made beads from branches to soothe the nerves, and also made Yun's Baiyao with Toxin fruit combined with medical standards.

It can be said that the most important medicine of Bai's Yunyao is Toxinguo.

It's just that the two Thoroughbred Fruits in his hand are almost used up, so the Pulsatilla has nothing to do to help Ye Tianlong.

He also told Ye Tianlong not to go to the ice cave, that mysterious woman is really terrible.

"It seems that Mr. Bai really believed in himself and told himself all such important formulas."

Ye Tianlong, who came out of the library, sighed in his heart, and then turned on the phone map to find the location of the ice cave.

"Ye Tianlong!"

When Ye Tianlong walked to the door of a teacher's dormitory, he suddenly called out a sweet and crisp voice. He was taken aback, turned his head and looked even more stunned.

Mo Ningran.

She walked out of the lawn wearing sunglasses, holding a bottle of hot milk tea in her hand, Qiao Xiaoqian greeted Ye Tianlong.

I met a ghost today, how do you know your name?

Ye Tianlong pretended to look forward: "Miss Mo, who is your name?"

"Stop pretending, I call you."

Mo Ningran exuded the intellectual aura of a university teacher, and at the same time, with the playfulness of his age: "I checked the registration at the guard box."

"Your name is Ye Tianlong. You are of African Chinese descent. You returned home a year ago. You are 24 years old."

Mo Ningran looked very proud: "What? Did I make a mistake?"

This is the ordinary identity arranged by Zhan Qinglou for Ye Tianlong.

"Miss Mo, it is illegal to snoop on citizen information. Don't do this in the future."

Ye Tianlong glanced at her: "Besides, what are you going to see when I register?"

"I asked your name, but if you didn't answer it, I had to go and see it myself. It doesn't matter if you helped me, but I can't help but recite."

Mo Ning came out and said his thoughts generously: "Ye Tianlong, I will treat you to a meal and let me return your kindness."

"No time, you don't need to return."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand, and didn't forget to warn: "Also, I have many girlfriends. Don't think of ways to soak me..."


Mo Ningran couldn't help it, and sprayed a sip of milk tea on Ye Tianlong. He had seen shameless people, but he had never seen such shameless ones.

She almost died of anger, and then yelled again, took out a paper towel and wiped Ye Tianlong: "Sorry, sorry, not intentional..."


Without waiting for Ye Tianlong's response, a train squad roared in front of him. Eight Mercedes Benzes crossed the other side, and then the door opened and more than 30 people poured out.

The most dazzling is a heroic man surrounded by others.

He strode over.

This man was about thirty years old, with handsome long cheeks and a shaved head, giving a very aggressive feeling.

However, he wore a pair of rimless glasses on his nose, which concealed his sharp aura, giving him a little gentle breath.

He was wearing a tailored black dress, and the top two buttons were loosened, giving people a casual and natural feeling.

Before the person arrived, the voice first sounded: "Condensed!"

Mo Ningran saw this group of people appear, his eyelids twitched, and then he retracted the tissue in his hand, and smiled easily, holding Ye Tianlong's arm:

"Young Master Ling, good noon, why are you free to come over?"

Ye Tianlong's pupils condensed, and he recognized who this person was, the main hall of the Thirteen League Medicine City, Ling Zhuang's son, Ling Zhantian.

"This weekend, I happened to be a little empty again, so I came to see you for dinner."

Ling Zhantian said something to Mo Ningran with a smile on his face, but his eyes swept across Ye Tianlong beside her, and the two holding hands.

Ye Tianlong groaned secretly in his heart, it was really bad luck today.

He thought about killing the opponent suddenly, but considering Mo Ningran, passing students, and the guns of Ling's followers, he temporarily suppressed the killing intention.

"Eating? What a coincidence, I happened to date a friend for dinner."

Mo Ningran responded with a bright smile, then pointed to Ye Tianlong and introduced: "Young Master Ling, this is my friend Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong frowned. Although he often pretended to be her boyfriend, he basically said it beforehand. Mo Ningran slightly put him on stage.

If he didn't do anything, wouldn't he be chopped into a dozen pieces by Ling Zhantian?

"Ye Tianlong?"

Ling Zhantian felt that the name was a bit familiar, and then smiled and asked, "Yaocheng people?"

"No, I am African Chinese."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "Skidaki! Kuwanini! Toka, Anji, the dark bottom of the prison is wide!"

Ling Zhantian and the group were stunned, even Mo Ningran's mouth opened wide, unable to react for a while.

"Haha, African Chinese?"

After a while, Ling Zhantian reacted and laughed and stretched out his hand to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook it.

Ling Zhantian took a step forward, as if the two were about to stick together, he said in Ye Tianlong's ear:

"I don't care where you are from, you just need to remember one truth: don't steal women from me."

Although the two were very tightly attached, what he said was neither heavy nor light, and Mo Ningran could naturally hear him. His pretty face changed: "Young Master Ling, what are you talking about?"

Ling Zhantian ignored Mo Ningran, but stared at Ye Tianlong sternly: "Have you heard?"

Ye Tianlong suddenly asked: "Do you have any money?"

Ling Zhantian was taken aback, released Ye Tianlong, and took out his wallet: "There are five thousand."

"Bring it."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to take the five thousand, and then turned his head: "Again, do you have any money?"

Although he didn't know what Ye Tianlong was going to do, Ling Zhantian still asked his subordinates to take out his wallet and have a look.

The 30th, the average per capita is two to three thousand, Ye Tianlong took all of it, and he counted it, eighty thousand!

Ye Tianlong took off Ling Zhantian's Rolex again.

"Young Master Ling, I want this 80,000 and this watch."

He distanced himself from Mo Ning: "From now on, I have nothing to do with Miss Mo, and I will never fight against Ling Shao for women."

"I give up her!"

After speaking, he hummed proudly, and walked away with the money and Rolex...

Ling Zhantian thumbs up: Sense of Interest!


Mo Ning almost died of anger.

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