Talented Genius

Chapter 2143: Mr. Plum

In the dream, Mo Ningran ran wildly in the jungle like a frightened rabbit, with fear and anxiety on his face.

She also held a gun in her hand, and while chasing the enemy behind and shooting, she shouted at the wooden house in front:

"Brother, brother, go, go, they are coming!"

She shouted very loudly and hard, but the wooden house did not respond, and the footsteps behind her became tighter, accompanied by intense gunfire.

Mo Ning's tears came out, holding the gun and turning around to fight, intending to block the pursuit.

Just turning around, Mo Ningran's field of vision has more than a dozen guns, and they all burst out gunfire...


When more than a dozen bullets slammed into Mo Ningran, all the pictures in Mo Ningran's mind burst with the bullets, becoming countless fragments.

A feeling of hotness is flowing down, like electricity flowing quickly across the limbs.

The feeling was both comfortable and painful, and Mo Ning couldn't help but yelled, "Ah--"

She opened her eyes.

A face, a face that is both familiar and somewhat strange appeared.

The reason why he is familiar is because Mo Ningran really knows this person. The stranger is that Mo Ningran couldn't think of waking up. The first thing he saw was this person.

After a long time, she remembered that Ye Tianlong had rescued herself. She looked around and found that it was in a villa under her name.

"Woke up?"

Ye Tianlong gently wiped her forehead with a hot towel, then raised a smile and asked: "Scream so loudly, have you had a nightmare?"

Mo Ningran asked subconsciously, "I've been in a coma for a long time?"

"Soon, it will be eight hours, half an hour before dawn."

Ye Tianlong threw the towel in the basin: "I guess you are hungry. I will find something to eat for you."

At this moment, Mo Ning, who had already recalled everything, squeezed out: "Ye Tianlong, thank you for saving me!"

She tried to take a deep breath, except that her head was still a little groggy, everything was fine, and then she remembered her intoxication:

"You helped me detoxify?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "I wanted to send you to the hospital for treatment, but found that it was just a normal anesthetic, and it would be fine after a long time."

"Besides, the hospital staff is mixed, so I came here according to the address you gave."

He also poured a glass of warm water: "But although the anesthetic is ordinary, you happen to have a fever, so I will wipe your forehead in the middle of the night."

"thank you."

Mo Ningran was a little embarrassed, and then said softly: "I owe you a favor, and I have a chance to return it to you in the future."

"No, I also put you with it yesterday morning. We are even tied."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand gently: "As long as I don't get angry in the future, it's fine."


Mo Ningran was taken aback for a moment, then remembered, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he snorted:

"Abandon me and push me to Ling Zhantian, this matter is not equal, you made me ashamed in front of him."

She gave Ye Tianlong a roll of eyes: "And you also took away 80,000 cash, a Rolex."

"Hey, don't be too far-fetched. I said even if I didn't want you to pay back the favor, what happened yesterday is really wrong. You are the one who is wrong."

Ye Tianlong sorted out the relationship: "If you didn't discuss with me and used me as a shield, how could I push you out?"

"You look so beautiful, why are you so unreasonable."

Ye Tianlong reminded Mo Ningran: "Also, I will help you with the pasqueflower."

Mo Ningran unceremoniously attacked: "Look at you, a big man, such a small weapon, let me say a few words to you, you are talking a lot."

Ye Tianlong was speechless for a while.

For a long time, Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Okay, let's not talk to you, who was chasing you last night? Would you like to call the police?"

Although the blonde girl had been killed three times, it was hard to guarantee that his accomplices would find Mo Ning unlucky. This was also because Ye Tianlong had not left last night.

He wants to confirm the safety of this place.

"do not know……"

Mo Ningran hesitated for a moment: "I was drinking at the bar, and then found that I was drugged, so I quickly left and wanted to go back to school."

"I just rushed out of the bar, and the white BMW caught up. I didn't know what they were going to do, but I felt their huge murderous intentions."

"So I ran into the road and wanted to escape back to school before unconscious. Unexpectedly, they chased me all the way and stopped my car."

"You know what happened next."

Mo Ningran lowered his head and took a sip of warm water: "It is estimated that the other party is either a robbery or a robbery. It seems that I will not drive a Ferrari out in the future."

"They are far more skilled than I am, but they are still very powerful in the crowd. They are either mercenaries or agents."

Ye Tianlong revealed a hint of suspicion: "Such a person is robbing you of money and robbery? It shouldn't be that simple, right?"

Mo Ningran shook his head: "I don't know them, and I've never seen them. I don't know why they dealt with me..."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Do you want to call the police for you?"

Mo Ningran hurriedly shouted: "You don't need to call the police. Calling the police is more troublesome. If the other party has accomplices, don't you know that we are the murderers?"

"Tianlong, don't worry, I will take care of it. I have a network in Medicine City and it can be settled."

She also looked at Ye Tianlong sincerely: "I don't want you to be a murderer."

"With Ling Zhantian's ability, it can indeed be settled."

Ye Tianlong could see that Mo Ning had something to hide, but he didn't ask too much, then took out a box and put it on the table to speak:

"This is the Rolex that Ling Zhantian has worn for ten years. He has a deep relationship. I joked with him last time, but he must not like me sending it back to him."

"So please help me return the Rolex to him, someone who can wear a watch for ten years, this watch must be meaningful to him."

Ye Tianlong tapped the box with his finger: "I have something to do today, so I won't lose you. You can let Ling Zhantian come over and protect you."

Mo Ningran held the cup in both hands, wanting Ye Tianlong to stay with him for a while, but was a little tired thinking about him taking care of himself all night.

So she nodded gently: "Okay, go back and rest early. When I'm done, I will treat you to a big meal, and you must not refuse me anymore."

"Okay, that's it."

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved to Mo Ningran, then turned and left Mo Ningran's room.

When the door was closed, he glanced at Rolex again...

After Ye Tianlong closed the door and went out, Mo Ningran drank the warm water in the glass, then took the cell phone to open the villa and watched Ye Tianlong leave.

"What an interesting man."

Looking at the tall and straight back, Mo Ningran's pretty face was blurred, and then with a wry smile, she remotely locked the doors and windows of the entire villa.

Then, she came to a wall, opened a sliding door, and a big screen appeared in front of her.

Mo Ningran tapped a few fingers on it, and then faintly spoke to the screen:

"Mr. Plum Blossom..."

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