Talented Genius

Chapter 2144: Admission

"The Ling family is very angry, all the children are dispatched to search for you and the pasqueflower."

"The police also blocked the Sun Restaurant and set up a task force to investigate Ling Yun's death."

"Dinosaurs and Ning Caiwei are hiding, and there will be no accidents for at least two days."

"Our navy also began to dispatch, and it was spread everywhere that Ling Yun was killed. It was the Ling family who robbed Bai's cloud medicine brutally, and Bai's resisted and headshot."

"At the same time, we took the Ling family's robbing of the'most beautiful Xiaofang' incident too far to let everyone know that the Ling family had a criminal record of murder and stealing secret recipes."

"The Shui Army is still posting in major forums, pretending to be the Ling family, to kill the Bai clan, and kill all the Bai clan's nephews in seven days to retaliate."

"This negative public opinion attracted countless people to stare at the Bai family, and the police also issued a warning to the Ling family, forcing the Ling family to dare not act against the Bai family."

When Ye Tianlong got into the car, Tian Mo stepped on the gas pedal and the car left Mo Ningran's villa and reported the latest situation to him.

"The Ling family is very frustrated now, and can only look for your whereabouts like crazy."

Tianmo added: "I heard that all the three thousand children of the 13th League have been sent out."

Ye Tianlong leaned against the seat and smiled: "Very well, I like the irritability of the Ling family, but I can't help it."

Tianmo asked: "Should Black Tiger lead the crowd into the city?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "It's almost a fire, wait another day, and now the police are like a big enemy. The black tiger comes in too early and it's easy to get bullets."


At this moment, Tianmo's phone vibrated again. He opened the earplugs to answer for a while, and then shouted to Ye Tianlong: "Ling Zhuang moved."

Ye Tianlong sat upright, his eyes flashed with light: "Move well, tell Canshou, Xu Sheng cannot be defeated."

Tian Mo nodded: "Understand."

When Ye Tianlong was showing excitement, Ling Zhuang was sitting in the Lincoln car, his face was exhausted, but he was fierce, and his murderous aura was terrifying.

"Quick, quick, let everyone drive faster and get to Qianlong Mountain as soon as possible."

Ling Zhuang touched his face, and then looked at the location passed from Ling Jiaxin. The old face was anxious and caring: "Regardless of the traffic lights or green lights, go all the way."

The driver and nearly a hundred of his subordinates dared not disobey, stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards Qianlong Mountain.

Everyone knows that Ling Zhuang is now a gunpowder keg. Whoever dares to be disobedient will be injured in the slightest and killed in the severe. There will never be a third way.

Ling Zhuang also knows that he has a bad temper, but now he has no power at all, and he has been suffering from bad luck these days.

First, Ling Sanfeng and others who dealt with Ning Caiwei were beaten and disabled, and then A Chun was crushed by a large truck, and eight hounds were cut and fell at the door of the villa.

Three hundred elites of the 13th League were wounded, and the rest were taken away by the anti-terrorist forces. They called for a full 50 million before they were released. Tangkou has suffered heavy losses.

Last night was even more terrible. The eldest brother of Yaocheng was shocked by the Bai family and the others. Finally, he shot four headshots, extinguishing the prestige of the Ling family.

Ling Zhuang took someone to retaliate, but found that the surveillance was destroyed. There was no head of Ye Tianlong for a while, and the Baitouweng group did not know where they were going.

He wanted to take down the backbone of the Bai family and threaten the white-headed man to show up, but people went to the air, and public opinion pushed Ling's family to the cusp of the storm, preventing him from moving.

Ling Zhuang stayed up until the morning to visit the drug city official, urging the official to catch the murderer as soon as possible, but at this moment, he received a message from his daughter.

Ling Jiaxin lost his way to the mountain and was at stake.

Ling Zhuang had lost his eldest brother, and he didn't want his daughter to have an accident, so he asked his son to pursue the pasqueflower while taking someone to Qianlong Mountain to find Ling Jiaxin.

When he found his daughter, he slowly avenged Ling Yun.


When Ling Zhuang memorized his daughter's location information backwards, more than 20 vehicles also rushed towards Qianlong Mountain, and soon they arrived at the entrance.

"Drive forward, continue to drive forward."

Ling Zhuang stared at the location where there were only seven kilometers left, and yelled his subordinates to continue driving inside, so more than twenty cars walked on the mountain road for half an hour.

The front was declining, Ling Zhuang looked at the position of only three kilometers left, exhaled a long breath, put on a coat and pushed out the car door.

A blast of cold wind wrapped in the scent of plants and trees made people feel refreshed and shocked Ling Zhuang's spirit.

It's just that Ling Zhuang didn't enjoy the fresh air. He looked at the location to see the direction, and then pointed a path up the mountain: "Here, go!"

Nearly a hundred people took their weapons and tools and moved up the mountain neatly.

When Ling Zhuang was about to go up the mountain, a trusted believer advised: "Brother, the mountain is not easy to walk, the wind is strong, and there are beasts. Wait for us in the car."

"Do you think I can wait at ease at this time?"

Ling Zhuang pushed away his cronies impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, go up the mountain, just three kilometers, a few steps, what are the beasts afraid of? We have guns."

After speaking, he followed the crowd quickly up the mountain, still chanting Jiaxin, Jiaxin.

Three kilometers on flat ground will not be too far nor tiring, but putting it on the mountain will consume energy, and the road of Qianlong Mountain is particularly difficult to walk.

Nearly a hundred people walked for almost forty minutes to reach Ling Jiaxin's location, where the cell phone signal began to be unstable.

"Brother, in that cave."

When searching for Ling Jiaxin's shadow around nearly a hundred people, a child of the Ling family locked in a cave in front of him, with a woman's clothing hanging at the entrance of the cave.

Ling Zhuang stepped forward and looked through the sight glasses. It was indeed a woman's dress, with the word'ling' written in blood.

"It must be Jiaxin, it must be Jiaxin."

Ling Zhuang struck a sharp spirit, and then shouted at his subordinates: "Don't go over and see?"

Seventy or eighty people climbed down, and then swarmed toward the cave, trying to find Ling Jiaxin as soon as possible. Not long after, a dozen people went up.

They took out their flashlights and rushed into the cave. After walking for a while, they quickly recognized a woman sitting against the wall. They turned their heads and shouted:

"It's Miss Ling!"

When the people outside heard a quick message, Ling Zhuang also took the people down to the valley, and then climbed to the cave, wanting to see his daughter earlier.

"Miss Ling, Miss Ling..."

A dozen people in the cave felt something was wrong after the excitement, why Ling Jiaxin didn't react at all, and he couldn't feel any breathing.

They trembled, and they scrambled over to check. When they saw it, Ling Jiaxin pierced through her throat, her face was pale, and she couldn't die again.


One person subconsciously helped her and found that Ling Jiaxin had a thread in her hand.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand and pulled out.


A grenade pull ring pulled out!

The grief and indignation of Ling's children changed dramatically: "No--"


Before the voice fell, there was a loud bang, Ling Jiaxin's body exploded, and more than a dozen of Ling's children were also blown up, and steel **** were pierced into their bodies.

The key was broken into pieces, and the ground was full of blood...

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