Talented Genius

Chapter 2153: Let's go together

Seeing Ye Tianlong standing up in the wind, Shangguan Xiaozhi's pretty face was full of hotness.

At this moment, she finally knew why Ye Tianlong, who was fishing alone, could be so calm. It turned out that he was not playing mystery, let alone knowing how to live and die.

But he really has the power to despise the five Lishang people.

What impressed Shangguan Xiaozhi most was Ye Tianlong's scheming step by step.

The siege of the Big Five and the Eighth Stage was a headache. The two sides used their strength to fight until the dead. The best result was that Ye Tianlong died holding the three heavenly kings.

Ye Tianlong knew this, so he took advantage of Lishang's self-righteousness to show that he had the ability to run off the road to lure Mie Yang to fight alone.

Feeling in control of the cat-and-mouse elimination of the sun, he was fooled into a battle with Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong took the opportunity to join the killer and killed Mie Yang with the least loss, making the situation a little easier and invisibly deterring the four of Li Shang.

Both sides went all out, Ye Tianlong needed 40% of his physical strength to kill Mie Yang, and now he used his underestimate to consume 10% of his physical strength to kill Mie Yang.

And easily killing Mieyang not only hits Lishang's morale, but also makes them instinctively retain their strength to protect themselves. Ye Tianlong's situation is half easier.

At this moment, the four of Li Shang were challenged by Ye Tianlong, and their morale became even lower.

Looking at the spirited man, Shangguan Xiaozhi muttered to himself: "It's really a poisonous man."

"Ye Tianlong!"

The ecstasy shook his arm fiercely, the numbness disappeared suddenly, and he looked at Ye Tianlong with gloomy eyes.

Murderous intent.

"Leng Guang, the three of us cleaned him up, the poisonous fire was crushing, and we looked at the woman by the way."

Ecstatic turned his head to a blue-clothed man, preparing the three to join forces to deal with Ye Tianlong.

"Be careful, he is strong."

When Leng Guang nodded, Li Shang exhorted: "Don't keep your hands."

"Understand, come on!"

Ecstasy exhaled a breath of heat. Although his expression was very solemn, his eyes were filled with excitement.

Being able to fight against such a master, and finally be able to kill him, this completely aroused the intent to fight in the soul.


Ecstatic's figure was as fast as lightning, and it also left an afterimage in the same place. The next moment he jumped out a few meters away and hit Ye Tianlong not far away.

Leng Guang didn't hesitate anymore, his feet slammed on the ground, and a deep hole was formed, and the whole person ejected like a cannonball.

Although Li Shang was a step slower for the two of them, in the blink of an eye they surpassed the figure of Ecstasy and Cold Light, and took the lead in attacking Ye Tianlong.

Shangguan Xiaozhi shouted to Ye Tianlong: "Be careful!"

"Good job!"

Ye Tianlong kept the wind light, his figure moved slightly, and he immediately met Li Shang, cold light and ecstasy.

The cooperation between the three people is tacit, and there is no need to even exchange their eyes. One left, one right and the other, like three tigers going down the mountain together.

A **** mouth opened between the roars.

Li Shang's palms turned into eagle claws, and his big killer moves towards Ye Tianlong. He entangled Ye Tianlong's left hand like a snake.

When the ten fingers were about to exert force, Ye Tianlong's arm slipped out like a loach, and between his backhand, a palm hit Li Shang's arms hard.


A block from Li Shang, a muffled sound, two steps back each.


At this time, Leng Guang killed him and kicked Ye Tianlong's knee. The ecstasy also pressed Li Shang's shoulder and jumped up, taking Ye Tianlong's thick chest.

Killing moves again and again.

Ye Tianlong didn't panic at all, raised his left foot to avoid the cold light toe, and then pressed his calf so that cold light could not change his skills and swept across the army.

At the same time, he crossed his chest with his right hand and shot continuously, blocking the continuous seven feet of ecstasy.

Then, Ye Tianlong swept his left foot, blocking out the fist that came from the cold light.


At this moment, Li Shang seized the opportunity to chase, his body leaped up in the air, and his right foot instantly became empty, like a lotus flower blooming, and he kicked Ye Tianlong's abdomen hard.

"Boom, boom—"

Ye Tianlong, with only one hand left, slapped again, abruptly blocking Li Shang's dozens of flying kicks.

When Ye Tianlong patted his last foot, Li Shang's shoes pressed and flicked, and cold light flashed.

An arrow was shot, and it was in the middle of Ye Tianlong's chest. Although Ye Tianlong had a silkworm suit, his chest was still stuffy, and a mouthful of blood almost came out.


He frowned, kicked out before retreating, centered on Li Shang's arm, kicking the landed Li Shang five or six meters.


The cold light whirlwind took the opportunity to come up, and hit Ye Tianlong who was backing out with a punch.

Ye Tianlong didn't evade, his right hand shook, and his fist blasted out.


The two clashed head-on, facing Ye Tianlong's destructive power, the cold light was naturally invincible, with blood on his mouth, he was shaken back seven or eight meters.

Ye Tianlong also chugged and quit three more steps.

The ecstasy behind him seized the opportunity, his body leaped up, and his right foot protruded from the tip of the knife. The tip of the knife exuded a sharp light and took Ye Tianlong's throat straight.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless!

Going all out, Ecstasy didn't leave a way out for himself at all. Once this attack was unsuccessful, he would be exposed to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong, who hadn't stood still, reacted, his eyes condensed, and there was no panic on his face in the face of the lightning-fast killer move of ecstasy.

Ecstasy's heart slightly thumped, but unfortunately he has no way out.

"Good knife!"

On one side of Ye Tianlong's body, avoiding the sharp blade of light, he then probed with his left hand and hooked the ecstatic right leg.

The ecstasy was bad, his body moved, his left foot was hooked and hit Ye Tianlong's shoulder.

With a muffled sound, Ye Tianlong's body shook, but still did not let go.

In the next second, Ye Tianlong slammed his right fist fiercely, hitting the right leg of Evil Soul with a momentum.


With a crisp sound, the ecstatic calf broke, his expression was suddenly distorted, and his expression was extremely painful.

"The bones are hard enough!"

Ye Tianlong sneered again, pressing the fingers of his left hand, power surged on his arm, and the veins burst.


His fingers filled up five more blood holes in the injured leg.


Ecstasy finally couldn't help the tearing pain, and a scream sounded.


At this moment, Leng Guang and Li Shang rushed over again, blasting their fists at Ye Tianlong at the same time.

Ye Tianlong threw his soul out, and when Leng Guang and Li Shang subconsciously caught it, one rushed forward and threw two punches, and Leng Guang and Li Shang blocked both hands.

Fists and palms collided, and each withdrew back seven or eight meters.

Leng Guang and Li Shang didn't do any more, but instead evacuated four or five meters away.

Ye Tianlong didn't move, calmed his emotions, and took off the short arrow from his body: "So many heavenly kings shoot, but also use a hidden arrow? A hidden knife?"

He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and resisted the pain in his shoulder and chest, full of fighting spirit.

Leng Guang snorted: "As long as it can kill you."

Li Shang coughed: "Unexpectedly you have armor on your body."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "It seems like you don't have it."

Li Shang didn't talk to Ye Tianlong any more, but looked at the sweaty Ecstasy: "Ecstasy, how are you?"

Eagerly looked at his right leg with an expression of pain: "It's abolished..."

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