Talented Genius

Chapter 2154: Victory or defeat

"All up!"

Ecstasy already knew Ye Tianlong's power, and after bandaging his thighs, he roared, "Otherwise, he can't be killed."

Although Ye Tianlong was also injured, the situation was still better than that of them. If he didn't take the shot together, Ye Tianlong would clean them up one by one.

At the worst, Ye Tianlong was able to escape calmly.


As soon as the voice fell, Li Shang, Leng Guang and Poison Fire glanced at each other, and then with a long roar, the three of them went straight to Ye Tianlong, and they jumped forward with one leg.

"Don't jump on one leg, I'll play with you."

Shangguan Xiaozhi moved, and the soft sword blocked the ecstasy in his hand, reducing Ye Tianlong a little pressure.

"court death!"

With a roar of ecstasy, a dagger also flashed out, and it collided with Shangguan Xiaozhi.

The two shot almost at the same time, and the swords were intertwined in an instant.


The sound of metal collision sounded, and the air waves shook out from each blow made people's hearts trembling.

Although Ecstasy is an eighth-rank master, he has already lost a leg. Although Shangguan Xiaozhi is only a quasi-eighth-rank, he can nourish his energy and become sharp for a while.

Facing the trio of besieged again, Ye Tianlong still kept calm, Mieyang died, the ecstasy was abolished, and the remaining three were easier to deal with.

And Tianmo and the others are about to arrive.

Although in order to fish out Lishang who avenged Ling's family, Ye Tianlong drove all the dinosaurs out of him, so that Lishang could have a chance to take action.

But it doesn't mean that he didn't have a back hand. When he killed Mie Yang, Tian Mo should also receive his signal and lead people to rush here to kill the enemy.

So as long as you hold it for more than ten minutes, you will be completely fine, and Li Shang and them will be destroyed.

"Swish swish!"

Aware of Ye Tianlong's power, Li Shang went all out, clenched his hands into fists, and specifically attacked Ye Tianlong's most vulnerable parts.

It's just that although his fists are fast and fierce, and each strength is several hundred kilograms, Ye Tianlong's reaction and speed are obviously better.

He took his time to avoid Li Shang's attack.


When Li Shang missed another punch, Ye Tianlong bowed his body and lifted his toes.

Li Shang's heart sank, his face changed drastically, the body that was originally attacking suddenly stopped, and then he instantly leaned back.

At the same moment, Ye Tianlong's toes passed directly across his face, less than one centimeter apart.

Just when Li Shang avoided Ye Tianlong's ultimate move, the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth suddenly tilted, and the pointed toes swept to the side.

The poisonous fire's eyes widened suddenly, but it was too late for him to react, and Ye Tianlong's chest was smashed.


Enduring the severe pain, the poisonous fire kicked his legs vigorously before he escaped Ye Tianlong's subsequent attack.


However, Leng Guang also took the opportunity to hit Ye Tianlong's back with a palm, a big mouthful of blood poured into his mouth, and Ye Tianlong's face instantly became more ruddy.

It's just that Ye Tianlong didn't help him, a swinging leg hit the cold light abdomen fiercely, causing him to fall four or five meters away.


Ye Tianlong didn't miss the opportunity, nor did he care about Lishang and the poisonous fire, his feet stomped on the ground fiercely, and the pile of grass directly turned into powder.

Moving like a bow, and sending out like thunder, Ye Tianlong's momentum skyrocketed in an instant, his steps moved, his whole person was like a mountain tiger king, rushing towards the cold light.


Upon seeing the cold light roared, his fists clenched into eagle claws, and he violently grabbed the ribs on both sides of Ye Tianlong.

He has used this method more than once, inserting his hands deeply into the enemy's ribs, making the opponent immobile like a pig to be slaughtered.

Then let the power of both hands abruptly squeeze the opponent to death.


Feeling the murderous intent of his ribs almost tearing his clothes apart, Ye Tianlong's mouth was jested and his right leg lifted suddenly.

The speed of his knees was faster than that of Lengguang's hands, and when the opponent was about to touch his ribs, he slammed into Lengguang's lower abdomen.


Leng Guang's face instantly became bloodshot and flushed, and his tall body flew out like a cannonball, hitting a tree hard.


With a crisp sound, the thick-mouthed trees broke.

The cold light's eyes hurt, and the back pained violently, and then Ye Tianlong hit him again, like a meteor, unstoppable.

Leng Guang's face turned pale instantly: "No--"


Before the cold light of his body was stabilized, Ye Tianlong ran into him just as he defended with his hands. The air wave rolled, and the weeds under his feet instantly swarmed with fans.

With this impact, the cold light slammed out more than ten meters, and fell into the water with a plop.


Struggling to emerge from the cold light, he felt that the internal organs had been displaced, and the severe pain made his facial expressions begin to distort.

Ye Tianlong also rubbed his painful shoulder, most of the impact strength rebounded, half of his body seemed to fall apart.


At this moment, two cold lights flashed, and two daggers suddenly appeared in front of Ye Tianlong, taking the key to his life.

Lishang and Poison Fire arrived at the same time, and the momentum was amazing.

Ye Tianlong did not hesitate, his body retreated like a cannonball.


Two glaring glare flashed by, and the air seemed to be cut in two pieces. If Ye Tianlong reacted a little bit more slowly, he might have broken into three pieces.

Despite avoiding the joint attack and killing of the two, Ye Tianlong's movements were still slightly embarrassed, and he rolled a few somersaults on the ground to stabilize.

Li Shang and Poison Huo were also very regretful in their hearts. If they moved faster just now, Ye Tianlong would be a corpse at the moment.


Lishang and Poison Fire made another move, a gust of wind blew up where their bodies passed, and the grass under their feet was completely destroyed.

Ye Tianlong's face was not solemn, and he grabbed a knife from the ground, confronted the two of them.


A series of dull crashing sounds, accompanied by three fast flashing figures, instantly shifted the battlefield more than ten meters away.

Although the fighting was fierce and Ye Tianlong was also in a weak position, his breathing became more and more steady, his movements were not sloppy, and he was relaxed.

Both sides are getting faster and faster, and their weapons are waving more and more fiercely.

Soon, there was only a whirlwind wrapped in grass clippings on the field, and the three people could not be identified, let alone who had the upper hand.

The fierce fighting, as well as the impact of weapons, made people's hearts tight.


Three minutes later, with a loud and earth-shattering noise, the three separated backwards, with blood still flying in the air.

Leng Guang, Shangguan Xiaozhi, and Ecstasy all stopped moving and looked at the three men who clenched their daggers together.


Lishang and Poison Huo were full of blood, and blood was constantly bleeding from their mouth and nose. Seven or eight blood holes were clearly visible on their bodies, and heavy breathing could be heard from far away.

There were also blood stains on Ye Tianlong's body, blood stains on his shoulders, thighs, waist and even neck, making Shangguan Xiaozhi's heart tremble.

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