Talented Genius

Chapter 2211: A fair

Good head?

Hearing the shouts and salutes of the young officers, both Teacher Lin and the fat security guard were so shocked that they were unbelievably watching this scene.

It seemed that he had never thought that Ye Tianlong, who drove 200,000 cars, would be the head of the young officer.

"Xiong Ying, what is the chief? Are you wrong?"

Teacher Lin reacted and asked the man, "What kind of chief is he like this? And he is younger than you, so how can he be the chief?"

Xiong Ying glanced at the woman with dissatisfaction: "Shut up!"

The **** teacher Lin was slightly startled. This was the first time a man had spoken to her so strongly, so she didn't dare to speak out insultingly even when she was wronged.

It's just that Ye Tianlong doesn't look like a big man.

At this moment, Xiong Ying was looking at Ye Tianlong and said: "Xiong Ying, head of the third group of the Mingjiang Branch of the Ministry of Security, send my regards to the chief."

"Hello there!"

Ye Tianlong replied politely: "Group leader Xiong, young and promising."

Xiong Ying still straightened his body and respectfully said: "Don't dare, the person who can get the old lady to issue the pass is the real Chinese hero."

Teacher Lin was surprised again, looking at Ye Tianlong in astonishment. The man had told her a little about the fur of the Ministry of Security, so he knew what the old lady was.

That was the supreme commander of the Ministry of Security. The Ministry of Security was proud of receiving the Grand Majesty's award, and the boyfriend also took this as the highest goal.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong already has this honor at a young age, no wonder his boyfriend treats Ye Tianlong so respectfully.

She regretted her arrogance just now, and couldn't wait to slap herself.

"Captain Xiong has a unique vision and really wants to get to know you well."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "But now I have to deal with some personal matters, so I can only meet with Leader Xiong another day."

Xiong Ying knows how to advance and retreat: "The chief is busy first."

Ye Tianlong handed the certificate to the fat security guard: "Don't you want to register? Hurry up, I rushed in to find my brother."

"No need, no need."

The fat security guard had already seen the name on the certificate and hurriedly wiped his sweat and said, "Ye... Ye Shouchang, please come inside, please inside."

"Quickly, open the railing and let the chief in."

He yelled at his companion again, followed by another salute, and at the same time, there was a touch of despair on his face, crying that he was going to die this time.

Ye Tianlong is even better than Xiong Ying, and he is definitely the second official of the second generation.

If Ye Tianlong didn't die completely, he would also be sued for losing his job. He regretted that he judged people by appearance, which led to kicking a steel plate today.

Seven or eight security guards also raised their right hands and saluted Ye Tianlong in fear and fear of being fired.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tianlong was angry and funny, then shook his head, took out his ID card, and registered himself in the registration book.

Upon seeing this, Xiong Ying admired even more.

After registering, Ye Tianlong got into the car. Before closing the window, he looked at the sweaty fat security guard and said:

"Knowing that it is not easy for you, you need to look at people's faces to eat, but you can't be too snob."

Ye Tianlong didn't have the idea of ​​bullying them, and bluffing to a few security guards was not a skill. He just wanted them to be straight:

"Everything is done according to the rules, and there is a clear conscience even if there is any accident."

After speaking, he let the Oriole step on the accelerator and drive into the campus.

The fat security guards waited for Ye Tianlong to disappear and breathed a sigh of relief, although their faces were still smirking, but there was more thought in their eyes.

At the same time, there was a touch of gratitude in his heart, and Ye Tianlong was so magnanimous, he replaced them with the other dudes, and beat them into dogs.

"Ye Tianlong!"

Xiong Ying walked to the registration office, glanced at the name, repeated it twice, and then his eyes were hot, absolutely respectful.

He knew who it was.

"Xiong Ying, who is he?"

Teacher Lin posted it up, short of breath: "Even you have to give three points?"

Xiong Ying said faintly: "A person you and I can never afford to offend..."

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong's car stopped in the school office building. After asking someone for the address, he went straight upstairs to the office to find a teacher.

It didn't take long before he appeared on the fourth floor of the office building. After finding the head teacher's office, he did not find the shadow of Hua Jun and his grandmother.

He saw a girl with braids holding a textbook entering, so he asked politely:

"Hello, I'm Hua Jun's brother, the teacher said that something happened to him, let us come to solve it, but they are not in the office."

"Do you know where they are?"

Ye Tianlong glanced at the girl's name badge. The girl's name was Lin Miaomiao, the academic assistant.

"Are you Hua Jun's brother?"

After getting confirmation from Ye Tianlong, the braid girl exhaled: "Why did you come? You should come early."

"You can take care of things early, and you don't need to be bullied like this. Your brother and grandma are young and old, and they have no protection."

She gave Ye Tianlong a white look: "Mrs. Yu and the others have made the dogs scolded by your brother and grandma bloody."

Ye Tianlong whispered: "Where are they? And what is going on?"

"The meeting room at the end."

The braid girl hesitated for a while, and then struggled to squeeze out: "This is how things are..."

Two minutes later, Ye Tianlong confirmed that the Huajun and they resolved the incident in the conference room. At the same time, he also roughly knew the ins and outs of the matter.

In physical education class, Hua Jun was practicing shooting on the football field. A senior child named Yu Sanchun suddenly rushed to block the football without warning.

After being hit by football, Yu Sanchun screamed deliberately, then framed the Hua Jun to shoot him with the ball, and gathered four or five friends to beat the Hua Jun.

The Hua Jun began to beat him and scold him, but when Yu Sanchun said that he was trash and grandma was trash, Hua Jun couldn't help but push him.

Yu Sanchun couldn't stand still, and his head hit a tree, causing a red and swollen tail finger, which made him even more troubled.

Yu Sanchun not only made the little partner hurt his hands, but also lay on the ground when the teacher rushed over, accusing the Huajun of shooting people with the ball and hitting people.

Yu Sanchun asked the school to expel the Hua Army.

Because many people witnessed the process at the scene, the head teacher quickly figured out the facts, so instead of punishing Hua Jun, they reprimanded Yu Sanchun.

As a result, Yu Sanchun was furious and directly approached his parents. Yu's mother was the director of the school. Under high pressure, the school could only call her grandmother to negotiate and handle matters.

Ye Tianlong shook his head when he knew the general situation, sent a text message to Hongjian, and then walked to the conference room at the end with the oriole.

As he approached the hidden door, Ye Tianlong's vision became clear, and the people in the room were also clear at a glance.

On the right side of the long and narrow conference table, there were five or six school leaders and young teachers sitting, each with an ugly look, but with caution.

On the left corner, standing grandma and Hua Jun, grandma didn't say anything, just hugged Hua Jun tightly, with restraint, anxiety and worry on her face.

Hua Jun has a blue nose and swollen face, his clothes are tattered, and he seems to suffer, and he is still holding a football he bought for him.

In the middle of the conference table, there were five or six little boys, twelve or thirteen-year-old, sturdy and strong, with the rebelliousness of rich children on their faces.

They looked at the Huajun with disdain, proud, and proud.

On the main seat, there were four or five women in Chinese clothes, who looked like the mothers of those little boys, and they all glared at Hua Jun and the teacher.

One of the gorgeous women wearing a diamond necklace is now angering the teacher present with her finger, cursing fiercely:

"The third grade rascal is so bad. Not only did he kick my son with the ball, he also scarred my son. It's really lawless."

"You teachers are even more rubbish. You don't punish the instigator, but criticize my son. You are clearly bullying our Yu family, right?"

"Do you not want to hold this job?"

"Vice President Tao, I request that the school immediately expel the Huajun and deduct all the teacher's bonus this month, so as to give my son and them a comfort.

The gorgeous woman was angrily: "If we don't give our son justice today, I will give you justice."

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