Talented Genius

Chapter 2212: Discipline

"And you!"

Without waiting for the school's response, the gorgeous woman turned her gaze to her grandmother, who was scared to take a step back with the Hua Jun shivering.

"The old immortal, the poor can't afford all the good clothes, and even take the coffin board to send their grandson to study, do they have water in their heads?"

"I won't talk about lowering the quality and grade of the school, and dare to hate the rich against our children?"

"Can you bully our children?"

"For today's matter, in addition to the school expelling you, you have to compensate one million."

She threatened her grandmother fiercely: "Otherwise I will ask the police to arrest your grandson and go to jail."

Grandma lowered her head and repeatedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Hua Jun's body was shaking, very angry, his fists clenched, but his grandma was clinging tightly.

Yu Sanchun and other children looked at the gorgeous woman with pride, their faces were very proud.

"Mrs. Yu, the matter is really not that serious."

After seeing Madam Yu being aggressive and asking grandma to pay a million, the corner of the man with the Chinese character face moved a little, and he was a peacemaker with a smile:

"Actually, it's the conflict between the children. They accidentally started fighting. Everyone stepped back. Hua Jun said I'm sorry, OK?"

He is Vice Principal Tao, although it is equivalent to eating the Yu family and the others, he is somewhat shameful, and he can't agree with bullying grandma and them.

Although the rest of the teachers wanted to be fair, they really didn't make any difference, and they didn't dare to offend Madam Yu.

After all, Mrs. Yu is behind Yu Hongmen, the Suns Education Group, and it is China’s largest and most expensive private school.

Its schools are located in major capital cities and famous cities in the world, with a market value of up to 200 billion.

Yu Hongmen is well-known for being romantic and likes to find a beautiful lady in every capital city, and then let them serve as the president of the Saints School.

This not only gave Yu Hongmen the freshness of the groom everywhere, but also gave him a group of confidants to monitor the operation of the school.

This reduced Yu Hongmen a lot of costs, and at the same time made Yu Hongmen protect the shortcomings of these ladies. Whoever makes them unhappy will make them unhappy.

Therefore, the teacher did not dare to offend Mrs. Yu at all.

They initially criticized Yu Sanchun because they thought it was a trivial matter, and a few words would not provoke trouble, but they did not know that it caused violent storms and was really frustrated.

Vice President Tao also knew that Mrs. Yu and the others were capable, and worried that the tossing would cause Hua Jun to be harmed, so he violated his wishes and asked Hua Jun to apologize to Madam Yu:

"Hua Jun, quickly say sorry to Yu Sanchun."

He knew that it was wrong to do this, but his energy could only go to this point: "Madam, give me some thin noodles too, and make things smaller."

"I'm looking for someone to turn your wife around, and then I'm sorry, can you accept it?"

Madam Yu blocked her back with a sentence: "I'm sorry that you don't need to take out such a cheap thing to be embarrassed, and expel it quickly."

"As for your face, I'm sorry, it's worthless."

She snorted, "The people who eat my food want me to give face? It's ridiculous."

"Mrs. Yu, my face is really worthless, and I don't need respect."

Vice President Tao showed a sense of helplessness: "But I also do it for you."

"There are witnesses and monitoring at the scene, all of which can prove that the Huajun was not at fault, and Yu Sanchun was the one who caused the accident."

Vice President Tao pulled off a collar button: "Yu Sanchun doesn't apologize even if we don't apologize, and we have to expel the Hua Army. It's really impossible."

He still has a bottom line.

"Asshole thing, Hua Jun is right?"

Mrs. Yu was angrily: "Yes, whose football was my son played? Yes, who knocked his forehead?"

"If you don't fire the Chinese Army today, I will fire you."

The other gorgeous women also echoed out loudly, berating the school for being too unfair and unfair.

"Mom! Kill the old immortal, kill the trash."

Seeing the school leaders and teachers guarding Hua Jun, the chubby Yu Sanchun rose with jealousy: "We will expel all these stinky old nine."

"It has nothing to do with the teachers and them, I am the one who conflicts with you."

Hua Jun yelled: "You come to me."

"What the **** are you?"

Seeing the showy again, Yu Sanchun was so angry that she suddenly rushed out of her chair.


He kicked at Hua Jun, and his grandmother hurriedly hugged Hua Jun, and at the same time, she turned around and took Yu Sanchun's kick with her back.

Although Yu Sanchun was only thirteen years old, he was already over 1.6 meters tall, tall and powerful, and his strength was not small.

So this kick made the grandmother who was holding the Huajun staggered back and slammed her head against the wall.

"Grandma, grandma!"

Hua Jun struggled hard, filled with righteous indignation to clean up Yu Sanchun, grandma hugged Hua Jun so that he should not be impulsive.

This scene made the audience silent, the teacher and the others were very angry.

Yu Sanchun stood still proudly, pointing his finger at Hua Jun and shouting: "Trash, kicking to steal my limelight, I can't kill you."

He used to be a young football player in the school and had been stunned for many years, but after the Hua Jun transferred to school, his limelight was all taken away.

Both the eyes of the classmates and the favor of the teacher were snatched away by the Hua Army.

Yu Sanchun's anger was overwhelming, and finally there was today's storm.

"How about the teacher? How about the vice principal? What about your grandmother?"

At this moment, Yu Sanchun was very rampant and arrogant: "No one can keep the person I want to step on."

Several small partners yelled, clapping their hands to support their boss, and several gorgeous women also expressed appreciation, thinking Yu Sanchun was very domineering.

"Ms. Yu, isn't it obvious yet?"

At this time, Vice President Tao slapped the table and shouted: "It is not Hua Jun who lacks discipline, but your son, Yu Sanchun."

"Vice President Tao, are you blind?"

The corner of Madam Yu's mouth evokes a curve: "You haven't seen the Chinese army provoke my son?"

"My son is still young, and he will act recklessly. He will not be the same as you."

"He was provoked by the Chinese Army and couldn't bear to take it. What's wrong?"

She snorted, "The character of the Yu family is strong, unruly and rebellious, where there is injustice and resistance."


Vice President Tao couldn't help but shout: "He just lacks discipline."

"Lack of discipline? Perhaps what you said makes sense, but I am unable to discipline."

Madam Yu spread her hands with a face of disdain: "Why don't you discipline me, discipline?"

"I can't control it, I'll take care of it!"

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened, and Ye Tianlong walked in. Without a word, he slapped out the face.


Yu Sanchun screamed, her cheeks swollen and flew out...

The audience fell silent and they were all dumbfounded. No one thought that someone would come in and slap Yu Sanchun like this.

Mrs. Yu and the others were also startled. They didn't expect someone to eat the leopard and beat their son face to face. The huge impact made them unresponsive.


At this time, Yu Sanchun fell to the ground with a bang, one of his teeth dropped, and howl, then roared:

"Asshole, who the **** are you? Dare to move me? Do you want to die?"

From childhood until Da Yu Sanchun was held in the palm of his hand, his family followed him, and outsiders complimented him, flattered him, and pleased him. His words were imperial edicts.

So Ye Tianlong's slap directly slapped him blind, and also made him angry, resentful, and could not wait to shovel Ye Tianlong's ancestral grave.

"I'll **** your grandma."

Yu Sanchun grabbed a chair and rushed towards Ye Tianlong: "I will kill you."


Ye Tianlong kicked the chair, and then grabbed Yu Sanchun's collar: "Your mother said that she can't discipline you, so I will discipline her."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong slapped, slapped, and slapped over:


"This slap is to discipline you to provoke deliberately."


"This slap is to discipline you to reverse right and wrong."


"This slap is to discipline you to fight against others."


"This slap is to discipline you not to respect the teacher."


"This slap is to discipline you to beat people in public."


"The last slap is to let you know that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky."

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