Talented Genius

Chapter 2217: Hold thigh

"Ye Shao, Shengsi Group has a 5,000-person noble school in Cui State."

"The people who go to school are basically the children of Cuiguo, the nephews of the mayor, the children of the military department, and the juniors of the council. They all study in Saints."

"Even the first commander of the Wehrmacht, now the leader of the coup, Somchai, his twin daughters are also in high school in Saints."

"So the whole country of Cui is in chaos, and there will be no accident at the Saints School. Somchai also sent troops to protect the school as soon as possible."

Walking on the grass of the golf course, Yu Hongmen carefully informed Ye Tianlong of the situation: "He does not allow any forces to harass the Saints School."

At the same time, he looked at Bai Shikang and Confucius in front of him, and sighed that Ye Tianlong was really powerful and could leave the two young and old to chat with him.

Ye Tianlong's eyes have a touch of interest: "Unexpectedly, the Saints School is still a paradise."

Yu Hongmen burst into a smile: "Even though they are cruel and murderous, they still love and care for future generations."

"Furthermore, the Saints School is not capable of fighting, nor is it involved in disputes, and it does not pose the slightest threat to the military at all. So why bother to make a name for it?"

"Of course, there is another main reason, that is, the Saints School is internationally registered, listed in the United States, recognized by the world, and teaching is good."

He whispered: "As long as the noble children of Cuiguo continue to study hard, 90% of them can graduate and study in the West."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Ninety percent?"

"Ninety percent..."

Yu Hongmen nodded solemnly: "It's just that the school is of a different grade, with one hundred thousand U.S. dollars a year, and after 12 years of accepting others, the school can still be arranged."

One hundred and two million US dollars, more than eight million yuan, including the time value of funds, ten million can not run.

Ye Tianlong quickly calculated an account in his heart, and then subconsciously nodded. It is okay to arrange a Western school for ten million.

"The Saints School is the best springboard for the noble children of Cui Country to the West."

Yu Hongmen followed Ye Tianlong and said: "Song Guai's attack on Shengsi School does not mean that she has broken her daughter's way of studying?"

"Even if he doesn't care about his daughter's future, the rest of the powerful and the military will be angry that his nephew has lost the opportunity to study."

"After all, Saints is the best school in Cui Country. Without it, many powerful children will leave their families and leave Cui Country to study abroad."

Yu Hongmen's smile became playful: "And before the age of eighteen, how many parents want their children to leave?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "That's true, if the environment is similar, staying with me is the best choice."

It is like the twin daughters of Somchai. After high school, going to study abroad is far better than sending them to boarding abroad. At least they can stay with them for a few more years.

Yu Hongmen said softly: "Although I have found out the reason that Saints is safe and sound, 80% of it is also the voice of the rich and powerful."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "Are Bab's children in Saints?"

Yu Hongmen hurriedly responded: "They used to study in Saints, but they graduated last year."

"The rest of the Babu family's nephews and nephews were controlled in the early hours of the morning, or they were blocked by the military at home, so they have no impact on the Saints School.

He added: "It's just that a few people are missing from school."

"That's it."

Ye Tianlong flashed a smile, and then the conversation turned:

"Mr. Yu, you tell me the safety of the Saints School, do you want to say that you have certain privileges and conveniences in Cui Country?"

He looked at Confucius and Bai Shikang who were playing in front of him: "This is why you can fly back from the blockade of Cui Country?"

"Ye Shaoyingming."

Yu Hongmen didn't conceal the slightest bit, and replied frankly: "Yes, it is the value of Saints. Let Song Guess keep the school safe."

"Also let the military give me free access privileges."

"Because I told them that at the end of the semester, I'm going to start preparing for the exams for the graduating class."

"I want to open the international examination system for 30 Saints schools, and I will also contact the teachers of 18 Western universities to participate in the review."

"I have good reasons and perfect procedures, so the military gave me privileges, and my special plane can freely enter and leave the country."

Yu Hongmen looked at Ye Tianlong: "The only condition is that people from the Babu family or Cui State secrets are not allowed to leave."

"In fact, this is the form of walking. The Babus have been controlled. The overall situation has been determined. It makes no sense for the rest of the tribe to escape or not."

Having said that, Yu Hongmen's eyes had a ray of light, and he said softly:

"Ye Shao is so interested in Cuiguo, and he asks me so carefully. Is there any important person in Cuiguo that makes Ye Shao worry about it?"

He landed and said: "If you need Yu Hongmen's help, I can help again. Even if Ye Shao speaks, Yu Hongmen will do his best."


Hearing Yu Hongmen's question, Ye Tianlong laughed, and then patted Yu Hongmen on the shoulder: "Mr. Yu, I start to admire you."

"You not only have resilience, you are also very smart."

Ye Tianlong showed a hint of compliment: "When dealing with people like you, you can go around a lot less, and you don't have to twitch."

Yu Hongmen lowered his head slightly: "Ye Shao has won the prize. I don't know what can help Ye Shao?"

Ye Tianlong explained: "You know, Cuiguo is rich in jade, and the backbone of my antique company happened to purchase it there a few days ago."

"The matter was not finished yet, the National Defense Forces had trouble. They can't get out now and stay there. I am worried that they are in danger."

Ye Tianlong expressed his intentions: "So I want to take them back through special channels."

Yu Hongmen immediately understood: "Ye Shao wants me to pick them up?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Yes, although I am also dredging the relationship and rescuing, it is really difficult to intervene in Cuiguo's martial law."

"I wonder if you are sure to save them?"

Ye Tianlong said in a low voice: "Money, it's not a problem, one billion 800 million can be accepted. I only hope that all the more than 30 people are safe."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Yu Hongmen was slightly startled, and then showed his approval and said with emotion: "Ye Shao is really sentimental and righteous."

"For dozens of employees, not only wasted effort to clear the relationship, but also willing to spend so much money, it really made Yu Hongmen amazed."

His awe from the beginning turned into respect, with a trace of appreciation, because he suddenly discovered that Ye Tianlong was a person worthy of friendship.

Dozens of employees may not be able to create a billion worth of value in their lifetime, but Ye Tianlong is willing to spend so much money for them, and there is no other solution except for benevolence and justice.

This also made him a determination.

"Ye Shao, give me their location and name list, and then give me a token. I will definitely bring them all out."

Yu Hongmen straightened his body: "Make sure that there will be no less."

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest nonsense, and quickly asked for the location and list from Zheng Xiaolan's hand, and then passed it to Yu Hongmen's cell phone.

At the same time, he gave him one billion yuan in activities.

Yu Hongmen didn't push back, and after accepting the list and funding, he also smiled:

"Ye Shao, I did you a favor, courtesy, should you do me a favor too?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Always talk to Yu if you have anything to do."

Yu Hongmen made a gesture, and a secretary quickly delivered a box. Yu Hongmen opened the door and took out two documents from the inside.

He handed it to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong glanced at it: "Sinc Group Share Transfer Agreement? What does President Yu mean?"

"I want to hold my thigh..."

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