Talented Genius

Chapter 2218: Three votes in favor

An hour later, Yu Hongmen took the secretary and left, and Ye Tianlong had an additional Saints share contract in his hand.

He became the largest shareholder of the Suns Group.

Yu Hongmen divided his 51 points of shares into 30 points to Ye Tianlong, and the 60 billion shares only cost Ye Tianlong 10 billion.

"What did you two talk about for so long?"

When Ye Tianlong was holding the tea to digest the conversation, Bai Shikang and Confucius walked over, with a wisp of sweat on their foreheads.

"I dug your corner."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head and sat up straight, then threw the share contract in front of Bai Shikang:

"Just now, I had a moment of enthusiasm and didn't control the habit of greedy for cheap. I took 60 billion shares and became the largest shareholder of Saints."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "But if Shao Bai likes it, six billion will be used."

"Ye Shao is generous enough."

Bai Shikang didn't even look at the transfer contract, and sat down with a laugh, "Yu Hongmen makes you 50 billion, and you make me 54 billion."

"But what am I here for? I am not interested in education, and it doesn't make much sense."

"Of course, the main reason is that the Bai family has never had money dealings with Yu Hongmen."

"There is no way, the old man was worried about being said to be trading power and money, so he told the Bai family not to have money disputes with Yu Hongmen."

"Do not allow interest to cooperate."

"Although the old man is gone, the instructions must be followed,"

"Moreover, once there is an interest cooperation, the relationship between the Bai family and Yu Hongmen deteriorates, and the grace of knowing and encountering becomes a collusion between government and business."

Bai Shikang did not conceal his thoughts: "Although I also like money, I still don't want to be criticized for taking my father's name off."

Confucius laughed and said, "I can testify to this. Lao Bai has not participated in a banquet at Yu Hongmen in these years, nor has he stood on stage for him once."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Wouldn't that let me pick up the bargain?"

"It is also a good thing that you become a major shareholder."

Bai Shikang raised his tea and smiled and said, "First, with you, you can make Yu Hongmen less swollen, and you can also make him arrange for his wife and school to be the school manager."

"Otherwise, we will come back to yesterday's school turmoil a few more times, and if he accidentally provokes a giant, he will be dead."

"Second, he is actually holding his thighs, which seems to make you take advantage of 50 billion yuan. In fact, he is not using your network resources?"

"With Ye Shao's current limelight, as long as you speak out, a bunch of Big Mac companies will give you shares."

Bai Shikang looked at Ye Tianlong with a playful smile: "You can get something more than 50 billion without spending 10 billion."

"Lao Bai is right."

Confucius smiled and said: "Ye Shao, you are now the 9th rank of martial arts, the mafia is too emperor, business is also developing by leaps and bounds, a bunch of people want to hold thighs.

"You can make hundreds of millions of dollars if you just let people hang their names, because your name is your protective clothing."

"So Yu Hongmen really didn't suffer much. He might also invisibly obtain more resources to grow the Saints Education Group because of your joining."

Confucius leaned back on the chair: "If the market value breaks through trillions by accident, he can make a lot of money."

"You two really hurt your friends."

There was a trace of helplessness across Ye Tianlong's face: "I was originally happy to take advantage. When you say this, I seem to have suffered a lot."

Bai Shikang and Confucius laughed.

"Then tell you one more bad news that will make you depressed to the end."

Confucius took the opportunity to pull the chair close to Ye Tianlong: "In fact, Lao Bai and I came to Mingjiang, there is one more thing, then comfort you."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Comfort me?"

"Yes, comfort you."

Confucius smiled slightly: "Because your application to enter Beijing was rejected, the five members, your eldest brother, the military, seven votes, four rejected."

"The above thinks that your skill at Rank 9 is too dangerous, and the killing is heavy, so you can't enter Beijing for the time being."

He added the last sentence: "I am going to investigate you for half a year before making a new vote."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed: "I oppose my entry into Beijing...Four votes veto..."

He calculated that the Bai family, the Confucian family, the military, and the eldest brother belonged to his own side. It should be four votes in favor.

Confucius did not conceal: "Too dangerous and heavy killing is actually a cover. The real reason is that you cut too many people's money."

"Cai Shuihui, Lone Star Group, Yaocheng Lingjia, and Zhao Wuji, you smashed them all in one breath and killed them all, leaving countless people suffering from turmoil."

"In the past, these forces used tens of billions of real money to pay tribute to the families of the bigwigs."

"Now, if you turn over them without filling the gap, they are naturally angry."

"There are also many voices against you within the Kong family."

"Although I took out the money I earned from working with you to slap them in the face, this kind of family money is still different from the money in their hands."

He expressed a hint of apology: "So even though I told them to stop protesting against your broken Kong family's wealth, I cannot stop them from exerting pressure against your entry into Beijing."

"Tianlong, I'm sorry, give me some time, you can definitely convince them."

Confucius apologized to Ye Tianlong: "After half a year, I will guarantee that the Kong family voted in favor."

"Kong Shao is polite, I can understand their thoughts, cutting their personal wealth is tantamount to stabbing them, and it is normal for the turmoil to oppose my entry into Beijing.

Ye Tianlong responded generously: "I won't blame you, our friendship is not that fragile."

He was a little surprised that the Confucian family voted against it, but when he thinks deeply, he understands that not everyone can look forward.

The eagerness for quick success is the characteristic of the present society.

Hear Ye Tianlong's response. Confucius was slightly grateful and smiled as he held up his teacup, "Shao Ye, thank you."

"Kong Shao has said a lot of reasons, and I won't repeat them."

When Ye Tianlong secretly called for a vote from the Shao Kong family, Bai Shikang raised his cup: "Just one thing, the Bai family must have voted for it in half a year."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "The Bai family is also against this time?"

Bai Shikang nodded, without any concealment: "Yes, the Bai family has a lot of cooperation projects with Zhao Wuji."

"When the Thirteen Leagues are chaotic, many projects in the north will be suspended, and the losses will be a bit heavy."

"Those short-sighted **** who don't see long-term benefits will teach you a lesson."

He added: "The representative of the Bai family also voted against it. You will not be allowed to enter Beijing for six months. Ye Shao, right?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter to you."

Ye Tianlong suddenly became a little more curious: "Your two are against, then besides the military and Dragon Soul's yes votes, who else supports me?"

Confucius and Bai Shikang said in unison:

"Rong family!"

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