Talented Genius

Chapter 2252: where are you?

At 11:30 in the evening, Ye Tianlong and Wu Xinran appeared in the litchi grove on the east side of Saints University.

It’s a certain distance from the dormitory and it takes about fifteen minutes to walk, plus it’s not a living area, so few people come over at night.

However, Ye Tianlong, who was riding a bicycle, went deep into the lychee forest for thirty meters, and heard the sound of ‘um ah yeah’ from the grass in front of him.

Not suitable for children.

Ye Tianlong threw the bicycle aside, and then dragged Wu Xinran forward slowly. After another 20 meters, he saw a nanny car.

The nanny car did not move and the lights were turned off, but the small lights inside the car were on, so that the nanny car's vicinity was brighter and not dark.

The unsuitable voice for children came from the grass near the nanny car.

"Tsk, this kind of cold weather, playing field battles without the shaking of the car is really a brain drain."

Ye Tianlong, a love veteran, knew from the posture that there was a pair of men and women in the woods, which he despised, and then speeded up his steps.

Wu Xinran blushed and followed Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong moved close to the babysitter's car, glanced at the car, it was messy, discarding the man's belt, woman's stockings and wallet.

It turned out that there was already a round.

Ye Tianlong sighed in his heart. Seeing the intensity of this intensity, the two of them were really fighting fire. Who would this be?

Wu Xinran brought herself here with a mysterious look, and it also involved the infighting between Dongmen Peak and the others. Could Ye Tianlong wonder if it had something to do with S4?

As soon as his thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong became more curious, moved his body forward, and quickly glanced at the stone table 20 meters away from the babysitter car, with two bodies overlapping.

With fair hands, slender legs, and a thick back, Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Tianlong couldn't see the face of the man facing his back, but could see the expression of the woman on the stone table, the pretty face covered by three thousand green silks, filled with ruddy.

Fragrant sweat dripping.

When the woman stretched out his hand to brush the blue silk on her face, Ye Tianlong rubbed his eyes and instantly recognized who the other party was: Ling Ruxin.

Ye Tianlong was surprised that when the school spent the middle of the night doing indescribable things with people, he also found a more interesting thing, the man was not Dongmen Peak.

After waiting for two minutes, when the man adjusted his direction, Ye Tianlong also caught his silhouette and almost shouted:

"Ximen Chong?"

As if expecting Ye Tianlong to lose his voice, Wu Xinran stretched out his right hand and blocked Ye Tianlong's mouth neatly.

Ye Tianlong slowly took away Wu Xinran's hand, and a meaningful smile passed across his eyes.

"Hey... Ximen Chong, kind of interesting."

"In the past, I always thought that the national TV station was ill and called people to eat dumplings every Spring Festival. Only now I know that dumplings are really delicious."

Ye Tianlong didn't expect that Ling Ruxin got together with Xi Men Chong and came here to fight in secret.

Then he wondered how Wu Xinran knew about this play.

Wu Xinran seemed to have guessed what Ye Tianlong was thinking, and pressed against his ears and said inaudibly:

"I used to work part-time in a nearby bar, work in middle school, and often go back to school at 11 o'clock in the evening. The school door is locked early and I have to register."

"I was afraid of trouble, so I crawled in from outside the fence and passed by the lychee forest and just saw them."

Wu Xinran whispered: "Their relationship has lasted for almost two months, and they will be here every Wednesday."

"No matter how good the relationship between Dongmen Peak and Ximen Chong is, as long as Dongmen Peak becomes the laughingstock of Saints University, they will definitely turn their faces."

Wu Xinran played the role of a small military division.


Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up, he admired this woman more and more, and did things simply and neatly, and then took out his phone to open the video:

"Go back and add chicken legs for you."

Ye Tianlong used the infrared camera function to take all the scenes in front of him, and specially gave Ling Ruxin and Ximen Chong a few close-ups.

It took three full minutes before Ye Tianlong stopped the video, then hid in his mailbox, turned around and took Wu Xinran to leave.

Only after walking a few steps, he remembered another thing, and turned around and swept away Ximenchong and Ling Ruxin's clothes and mobile phones.


When Ye Tianlong and Wu Xinran ran away, Ling Ruxin, who saw the figure, trembled and screamed:


Ximen Chong got down from Ling Ruxin with a flustered expression, turned his head and looked around, but did not see a figure, and then asked in a low voice:

"Where is anyone?"

Ling Ruxin's pretty face was panicked, and he hurriedly got off the stone table: "Yes, someone ran past, let's get in the car quickly."

"Where is anyone? This place, at this time, no one will come in, you must be dazzled."

Ximen Chong hadn't enjoyed himself yet, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone: "Are you worried that Dongmen Peak will appear and break your good deeds?"

Ling Ruxin rubbed her eyes and bit her lip: "There are really people..."

"Don't worry, there will be no one, and Dongmen Peak will not appear. There is a lot of bad things in the Dongmen family, and he is in a state of exhaustion.

Ximen Chong lost his interest: "Furthermore, even if I ran into him, as long as it is not made public, he will not turn his face against me because of you."

"Don't forget, I will buy him a murderer to deal with Ye Tianlong in the afternoon."

Thinking of Ye Tianlong, Ximen Chong frowned slightly, a little depressed. Why hadn't the Lord Jiangmen informed himself? Didn't the killer find a chance?

"I'll get back in the car first."

Ling Ruxin was always worried. She quickly came to the nanny car, got in, and then screamed: "Someone has been here."

"There is your sister."

Ximen Chong glanced around again, but still didn't see the figure, thinking it was Ling Ru suspicious, and was about to tease after coming, but his face changed:

Someone has indeed been here, and the phone, clothes, and blankets are all gone.

Ling Ruxin looked at the empty carriage, Qiaolian anxiously shouted: "Clothes, clothes..."

"Don't shout, don't shout, 80% of the thief took it, so if he wants to steal it, he can steal it."

Ximen rushed into the car door: "If you shout loudly and be found by the security guard, that's a troublesome thing."

Ling Ruxin nodded, and then cried again: "What should I do next?"

Ximen Chong glanced at his body, gritted his teeth and started the car, but his face quickly turned gloomy again, the car was broken and could not be started.

He thumped the steering wheel angrily.

The car was unusable, the phone was taken away, and the clothes were stolen. Neither of them knew how to leave the woods...

At the moment, Ye Tianlong was at the snack street at the back of the school, and he bought Wu Xinran six dollars Mala Tang with Simon Chong's wallet.


When Ye Tianlong was about to have two more chicken drumsticks, the phone shook in his arms, and Ye Tianlong picked it up to answer, and soon there was a vicissitudes of life:

"Master Ximen, the seven knives have lost contact..."

Ye Tianlong coughed and faintly said, "Where are you?"

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