Talented Genius

: Chapter 2253

Three o'clock in the morning is when people sleep the most.

At zero o'clock, there was still a rain on Tai Island, pushing the temperature into the deep valley, and people couldn't help but feel nostalgic for the warmth of the bed.

It's just that Jiang Yangdao, the principal of Wuhumen, couldn't sleep peacefully. He woke up three or four times a night. Guan Siying's loss made him restless tonight.

As the "white glove" of Mingyue Group, Jiangyang Dao has clearly understood its position and strength since it took over Wuhumen.

He is a watchdog kept by Mingyue Group, a vicious dog who specializes in stabilizing the base camp of Taicheng.

There is no need for site expansion, no official suppression, and no need to rush out of Taicheng, as long as the three-square acre of Taicheng is held safely.

In fact, he also made great contributions.

Over the years, Jiang Yangdao has taken the lead in conquering land, collecting black gold, assassinating logarithms, smashing newspaper offices, or driving protesters.

Jiang Yangdao will not hesitate to do things that Mingyue Group is inconvenient to do, and is always ready to take the blame for the dead.

The most powerful thing is to send a killer to shoot a headshot on the streets of the United States with the boss of an out-of-the-field organization specifically targeting the Mingyue Group.

Although the murderer was captured by the U.S. police, he was eventually run by the Mingyue Group and killed himself in prison by taking poison, leaving the case behind.

Under such sheltered conditions, Wuhumen has been going smoothly in recent years, and Jiangyang Road has become the leader of the underground world in Taicheng.

It's just that he is very smart. He has never regarded himself as a godfather. He has always remained humble and helped the rich second generation solve some difficult things from time to time.

Jiang Yangdao hopes to take care of the friendship now, so that after the rich second generation will take control of Taicheng in the future, he will not be a courtier and an emperor.

Therefore, Ximen Chong asked him to solve the Ye Family's waste wood, Jiang Yangdao agreed without hesitation, and sent a capable officer Guan Siying to shoot.

He thought Ye Tianlong would definitely die.

But Jiang Yangdao didn't get a reply until ten o'clock. He actively contacted Guan Siying, only to hear that the mobile phone had been turned off and the positioning system had failed.

This made Jiang Yangdao, who had never missed his hand, worried. He felt that this was a bad omen, so he called Ximen Chong to report.

What puzzled him was that Ximen Chong seemed to have a cold, and his speech was a bit vague, and he asked where he was...


At this moment, the large door was suddenly opened, and a gust of wind suddenly rolled in.

Jiang Yangdao didn't fall asleep at all, and the vigilance of the desperadoes for many years caused him to draw a gun when the door was kicked open.

In the pale light, a cold current came in from the open door, causing goose bumps on the bare skin.


Before Jiang Yangdao had the slightest reaction, a cold light flashed, and his wrist felt a pain in an instant.

When he lowered his head, the pistol had fallen to the ground, and the fingers were dripping with blood, and there was a blood-stained bamboo stick on it.

What a fast speed, what a tyrannical force.

Jiang Yangdao was shocked. He was considered a master, and shot out the gun more quickly, but he didn't expect that the opponent would drop the gun with a bamboo stick.

He pulled out the bamboo stick from his finger, subconsciously going to pick up the gun.

At this moment, a black knife smashed from the side, making Jiang Yangdao nervous, giving up the gun and retreating two meters, and then drew a short sword.


When he raised his head, Jiang Yangdao saw Ye Tianlong coming in with a bowl of beef balls, with a mocking smile on his face.

Tian Mo stood beside him, staring at him coldly like a poisonous snake.

Jiang Yangdao raised that old face and yelled, "Ye Tianlong? Is it you?"

He recognized that the person who came was the waste wood of the Ye family.

Afterwards, his heart sank, Ye Tianlong was still alive, which meant that Guan Siying was fierce, and then remembered more important things.

"How did you get in?"

Although Wuhumen's defense is not impeccable, there are also many people in Jiangyangdao's peripheral guard.

Even if a dog ran in, someone should give a warning.

Now Ye Tianlong appeared in front of him swaggeringly, but not half of his men stopped or warned. This was really weird.

Looking at Jiang Yangdao, who was full of shock, Ye Tianlong stuffed a meatball, then chuckled lightly:

"I don't want to admit that I walked in openly, but the actual situation is really like no one."

"All the people you put on the outer guard dozed off, and the hundreds of experts in the hall closed the doors and windows tightly. Few people found us trying our best."

"I originally thought that the five lakes who dared to kill me were very awkward, but now it seems that I really overestimate you."

Ye Tianlong ate a radish again: "But that's okay, you can save a few people, and it's considered your virtue."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Jiang Yangdao was very angry, gritted his teeth and cursed at the beginning, life is so good, and he has forgotten to be vigilant.

Although Ye Tianlong was eating slowly and Tian Mo was standing still, Jiang Yangdao felt cold all over, and his life was in danger for the first time.

But after scanning Ye Tianlong and the quiet door, Jiang Yangdao regained most of his self-confidence, staring at Ye Tianlong and said coldly:

"There are more than three hundred people in the hall. As long as I shout, they will rush in. If you kill me, you two will not be able to leave."

Everyone knows what he meant. Ye Tianlong is just two people. How can he fight hundreds of elites from the Five Lakes?

He also added: "The Ye family will be buried with me."

Jiang Yangdao couldn't figure out how the rumored Ye Family's waste wood was so powerful, not only could he touch it, but he could also hurt himself with a bamboo stick.

It's just that at this moment, no matter how much you wonder, the most urgent thing is to save your life. When you save your life, you will take someone to the Ye family to get back ten times.

"The Cai family, the Chen family, the Confucian family, the Dongmen, the Ximen and other wealthy families, plus you, the Five Lakes gang commanded by the evil dog, have you stared at the Ye family long ago?"

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evoked a joking: "You guys are working together to kill the Ye family, so why is there a funeral?"

"You think I don't know, Ye's...My father, my mother is the car accident you caused."

He said coldly, "So you and I are **** enemies, so I don't want to scare people."

Hearing the words car accident, Jiang Yangdao's eyelids twitched, and then he calmed down again: "What you said, I don't know, I don't know."

"Anyway, you will either hurry up tonight or let me hold you and die together."

Although Ye Tianlong was a little weird, he was young after all, scared, maybe scared.

Ye Tianlong didn't respond, but just stuck a beef ball with a toothpick, then put it in his mouth, and gave it a bite.


A rush of hot pulp hit Jiang Yangdao's face, and the heat caused a pain in his cheek.


In the next second, Jiang Yangdao roared, and the short sword flicked, directly slashing at Ye Tianlong.

Extremely fierce.

Tian Mo blocked the past, as if not aware of the power of this sword.

The aura on his body was extremely cold, as if possessed by a demon god, blocking Jiang Yangdao's momentum.

When Jiang Yangdao's sword fell, Tian Mo suddenly took a step forward and slashed forward.


The black knife passed away in a flash, sinking into the sword light that Jiang Yangdao had cut through.

Tianmo's sword is ordinary and unremarkable, just like a kid on the street, using the bamboo sticks he picked up to make random gestures on the street. There is no surprise.

But on the same day, Mo slashed out with the knife, and the blade's blade fell into the shadow of the opponent's sword.

The sword shadow, which seemed to be able to divide the world into two, suddenly stopped shortly before it was about to cut into the sky.

In the end, it gradually faded in the air, and slowly disappeared without a trace.


Jiang Yangdao's eyes were ready to come out. He is also a disciple of the layman of Master Lone Star. He has been practicing swords for decades, and every sword has the power to capture people.

With a light blow, Tianmo cut through his sword shadow.

Moreover, the knife was so simple, as if you could blow him away with a breath, Jiang Yangdao couldn't accept it.

It was just the cruel reality that made him have to accept that the black knife not only smashed his sword shadow, but also severely smashed his chest.


Jiang Yangdao screamed and fell heavily to the ground, his chest constantly bleeding, his face instantly turned pale...

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "You lost..."

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