Talented Genius

Chapter 2271: Plant the seeds

After hanging up the oriole phone, Ye Tianlong parked the car on the side of the road, sober, and then scanned the mail on the phone.

Tianmen and Longmen have to deal with four to five hundred things as always, but there is no need to trouble Ye Tianlong for the time being.

Ye Tianlong sent a morning greeting to everyone as usual. This is already a habit. From Zhao Ditian to the black tiger and white shark, Ye Tianlong would express his existence.

After reading the mobile phone, Ye Tianlong turned his goal to another place.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianlong appeared in a seaside villa in Taicheng, a place where you can see the sunrise.

When Ye Tianlong walked into the sun-dappled back garden, he saw Guan Siying standing in the viewing pavilion, looking at seagulls flying in the distance.

Hearing the sound of footsteps from behind, Guan Siying turned her head subconsciously. This time, she saw the face that flashed repeatedly in the nightmare.

The wound on his shoulder began to throb violently like a snake bite.

This was someone she didn't want to see all her life. Seeing Ye Tianlong, she felt suffocated mentally and physically, and she was unable to resist.

Guan Siying's breathing was uncontrollable, and she was sweating profusely. After a long while, she was relieved and her heartbeat returned to a steady state.

It's okay, it's okay, it's all over...

Constantly comforting herself in her heart, Guan Siying opened her eyes wide, but the hairs on her body stood up.

Ye Tianlong walked over and looked at Guan Siying with interest.

Guan Siying's eyelids jumped, lowered her head, subconsciously avoiding Ye Tianlong's gaze.

Ye Tianlong slowly converged on that fierceness, seeming to be full of sharp edges, revealing an indescribable concentration, like a calm sea.

"Wake up? How are you doing these few days?"

Ye Tianlong smiled, like an old friend, naturally and kindly: "My brothers, did you treat you badly?"

Guan Siying was relieved, and said with difficulty: "I'm fine."

"It's fine. I'm also worried that you are not used to living here, but you don't lie down early in the morning to recover from your injuries, but you ran here to watch the seagulls.

Ye Tianlong's voice was indescribably soft: "Why, do you miss freedom?"

Guan Siying was taken aback when she heard the words, and then revealed a fateful expression:

"You promised to give me a way to survive, and I want to survive, but I know you won't let me go easily."

Living enemies will inevitably bring new troubles, so switching to her position in Ye Tianlong, there is a high probability that she will directly kill herself.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You are wrong. It's not that I won't let you go easily, but I'm worried that you won't be able to survive if you go out."

Guan Siying frowned: "What do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong told the situation: "Jiangyang Dao is dead, and hundreds of people in Wuhumen Main Hall are also dead."

"What? The master is dead? The main hall was bloodbathed?"

Guan Siying was shocked: "How is this possible? How could they have died like this?" Then he stared at Ye Tianlong: "You killed it?"

Ye Tianlong's face remained calm as if it were horizontal: "Believe it or not, and whether or not I killed them, they are all dead."

"The Five Lakes Gate is now a group of dragons without a leader."

"And the Five Lakes Group is struggling to deal with the Dongmen scandal, so the Wuhumen is chaotic, and the lobby owners fight openly and secretly, which is extremely dangerous."

"You said, if I let you out, what will you end up?"

"You are a capable man of Jiang Yangdao, and you are very hopeful that you will become the next master."

He faintly said: "If you go out, there must be many people to assist, but there are also many people who want you to die. You are now going out with bad luck."

Guan Siying's eyelids twitched, and then she squeezed out: "I don't need to **** them, no, I can't even go back to Wuhumen."

"People in the arena involuntarily."

Ye Tianlong sighed with emotion: "If you can get away easily, so many people will not die in the world."

"Trust me, as long as you are still living in Taicheng, as long as you have relatives and friends, you will definitely not be able to withdraw from Wuhumen."

Guan Siying was silent subconsciously. She knew that Ye Tianlong didn't scare her, unless he left Taicheng, it would be difficult not to deal with Wuhumen.

After all, Taicheng is the site of Wuhumen.

"Besides, you are Jiang Yangdao's confidant. You must have known a lot over the years, and you have performed many shameful tasks."

"If you want to leave the arena, how can Mingyue Group let you leave?"

Ye Tianlong gave the most ruthless knife: "The secret in your heart, especially the secret you gave me, is enough for you to die ten or eight times."

Guan Siying's body was shocked, her pretty face was solemn, which was indeed a fatal weakness.

"Well, not much to say, from now on, you are free."

"You can choose to leave, or you can choose to stay and cooperate with me, as long as you are willing, as long as you have the ability, I can put you on top."

"Of course, you also need to show your sincerity and hard work."

Ye Tianlong looked at Guan Siying: "Go or stay, you decide for yourself. Give me the answer before three o'clock in the afternoon. I will never force you."

"But if you want to leave, you must leave Taicheng before six in the afternoon."

He reminded the other party: "Otherwise, I am worried that the video of your confession will go out, and you will never have a chance to leave Taicheng."

Guan Siying knew what he meant. If she chooses to freely stop cooperating with Ye Tianlong, even though Ye Tianlong will not kill her, he will not protect her.

The confession she recorded in the woods, accusing Jiangyangdao and Dongmenfeng of buying murderous videos, would be stabbed by Ye Tianlong against the Dongmen family.

In this way, Guan Siying will be pushed to the cusp of the storm, and the Dongmen family and Ximenchong will definitely dig her out by any means.

If she didn't leave Taicheng, she would end up miserably.

Guan Siying seems to have many choices, but in fact there are not many ways to go.

"Okay, I'm going to school, please think about it."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, then turned and left the pavilion: "Goodbye."

Although it is risky to let go of Guan Siying, Ye Tianlong is still willing to fight and plant a seed that can be controlled.

The seeds planted inadvertently may one day become a towering tree.

As Ye Tianlong drove towards Saints University, Taicheng Airport also welcomed a group of Cuiguo men and women.

Each of these people was upright and ruthless, with a breath of war.

When they walked out of the VIP channel, six bullet-proof cars also drove over.

The car door opened, and the hole wearing the sunglasses flew out and greeted them with a chuckle:

"Master Newen, welcome to Taicheng."

He walked towards one of the men with dark skin and only one eye left: "Your arrival will make Taicheng flourish."

"Shao Kong, it's nice to meet you."

The one-eyed man also laughed, and stepped forward to hug Kong Feixiang: "It is rumored that Taicheng has a pleasant climate and rich resources.

"Hahaha, what are climate properties?"

A gleam in Kong Feixiang's eyes: "I tell you, the beauty of Taicheng is world-famous..."

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