Talented Genius

Chapter 2272: Trouble come

Three or four classes in the morning were about financial management. Ye Tianlong walked into the classroom and found that Park Ciqiu did not come to class today.

He sent two text messages to Piao Ciqiu, but there was no reply. When he called Piao Ciqiu's mobile phone, the other party was turned off.

This made Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, wondering if there was something wrong with Pu Ciqiu, or why would he not come to class and shut down?

However, thinking of Piao Ciqiu's background, Ye Tianlong felt that an accident was unlikely. He was probably unwell. He was going to ask Jin Zhenya after class.

Although there was no Piao Ciqiu to help illuminate himself, Ye Tianlong still became the focus of Saints. Many people know that he won 200 million in a battle yesterday.

Compared with the pressure faced by the Dongmen family, the Shengsi students feel more intuitive and intuitive about 200 million, because it can buy 20 houses.

So everyone talked about Ye Tianlong.

If Ye Tianlong is not still a public enemy, I am afraid that many girls have talked up in the past. If this is the case, everyone's hostility has also been cut by half.

Ye Tianlong ignored everyone's gazes, gathered mentally to finish two financial management sessions, and then went to Jin Zhenya's boxing gym to stop her.


When Ye Tianlong was about to approach the boxing gym, suddenly a black Mercedes rushed up and blocked Ye Tianlong, his aura was very strong.

When Ye Tianlong was surprised that the other party could drive the car into the campus, the car window quietly fell, revealing a delicate and pretty face:

"Ye Tianlong, get in the car and have a chat."

Park Ziyuan.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a while, a little surprised at her appearance, he still subconsciously resisted getting into her car, he guessed that the other party was going to be reasonable.

Just thinking of Park Ciqiu who hadn't seen him all morning, Ye Tianlong finally got into the passenger seat again and wanted to ask about Park Ciqiu's situation.

Entering the car, Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, and he found that Piao Ziyuan was not alone in the car, and there was an elderly woman in grey clothes sitting in the back seat with closed eyes.

Ye Tianlong came in, he still closed his eyes, as if he didn't look at Ye Tianlong.

"Hello, Miss Park, how is Ciqiu?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, but didn't care, and then asked Pu Ziyuan: "She didn't come to class in the morning."

Pu Ziyuan gave a reason: "She has a cold and it's okay. It's just the weekend tomorrow, so she didn't come to ask for leave."

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "I have a cold...Why turned off the phone?"

"If you don't turn off your phone, how can you rest well?"

Pu Ziyuan turned the steering wheel and let the car slowly leave Saints University: "In short, you don't have to worry about her, she is all well."

A smile flashed across Ye Tianlong's face. He didn't think that Pu Ciqiu would be in a good situation now, but he was relieved that there was no life threatening.

Pu Ziyuan red lips lightly said: "I came to you today for two purposes."

Ye Tianlong looked at the front calmly, guessing what Pu Ziyuan was going to say, but he didn't mind the latter saying it.

His calm attitude made Pu Ziyuan somewhat surprised, thinking that Ye Tianlong would take the opportunity to please herself, but it was still fleeting.

Then, she said coldly: "First, thank you for being with Ciqiu these days, making her happy like never before, and letting her get exercise."

Ye Tianlong was still silent, he waited for the focus.

Seeing Ye Tianlong not even speaking politely, Pu Ziyuan's expression was slightly startled, and she took out a check with her finger and put it into Ye Tianlong's hand:

"Ten million, thank you for the fee, I know you don't care about the money, the Ye family is rich and powerful, and the net worth is probably more than our Park family."

"But this is what I, as the Pu family sister, should pay for my sister."

"Furthermore, I owe you a favor. If you need my help in the future and don't violate my principles, just speak up."

Pu Ziyuan said every word: "I have a promise."

Ye Tianlong took the check and said softly, "What else?"

"One more thing……"

Pu Ziyuan's conversation turned abruptly, showing an irresistible aura: "I hope you will stop dealing with Ciqiu from today."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Miss Pu, we seemed to have played a game of billiards yesterday, you said just now, a promise..."

"Ye Tianlong, I checked your details."

Pu Ziyuan interrupted the conversation: "You are a waste of wood. You have been used as a laughing stock for a long time, and your school life is even more miserable."

"I don't know where your luck came from the table tennis match, but I know that your ability and Ye Family's background are not worthy of our Ciqiu."

"So I hope you will stop pestering Ciqiu in the future."

She found a reason for herself: "We did have a bet, as I just said, I will owe you a favor..."

Ye Tianlong said calmly: "I don't want ten million. I just want you to keep your promise and not interfere with me and Ciqiu."

"Ye Tianlong, you don't want to be like this, OK?"

Pu Ziyuan raised her voice: "Do you think I want to interfere with you and Ciqiu? Do you think I don't want to keep the promise? I'll tell you that things are going wrong."

"Piao Zhanjun, the second brother who loves Ciqiu the most, became furious when he knew you were entangled with Ciqiu. He shouted to come to Saints University to break your leg."

"He is a reckless person, regardless of the consequences, and comes from a special force. He is really crazy to clean up you, no one can stop him."

"You can't protect yourself."

There was a solemn look in her eyes: "You can't even beat Simon to them. You will only be raged in the face of my second brother."

"I came here to find you today, and I also brought Aunt Han, the purpose is to persuade you, while preventing the second brother from finding you to take action."

"If you don't want to be broken by my second brother, you should immediately promise me to stay away from Ciqiu, so that Aunt Han and I can stop my second brother from going crazy."

Pu Ziyuan said painstakingly: "Don't waste our pains."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a while, but he didn't expect that he would approach Piao Ciqiu, leading to so many people and so many things, even the second brother Piao came to join in the fun.

However, he still put the check back: "Thank you for your kindness, but still that sentence, I will not stay away from Ziqiu."

"Unless she doesn't make friends with me..."

Ye Tianlong passed a trace of joking: "Second brother is going to break my leg, then let him come over and see whose leg will break."

"Boy, you are too ignorant and crazy."

Before Pu Ziyuan could say anything, Aunt Han, who had been closing her eyes for a while, opened her eyes and yelled at her unceremoniously, "Where did you put yourself?"

Park Ziyuan stopped: "Aunt Han..."

"Miss, this kid doesn't know how high the world is, he is self-righteous, let's leave him alone."

Aunt Han hummed disdainfully: "Let him fend for himself!"

She heard everything Pu Ziyuan said just now. She believed that Pu Ziyuan had every sentence very appropriate, and she was considering Ye Tianlong.

But she couldn't think of it. Ye Tianlong not only didn't appreciate her feelings, but also uttered wild words, which really made her feel mad:

"Miss, let's go back."

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