Talented Genius

Chapter 2274: Destroy

Park Zhanjun is not only a madman, but also a special soldier who has experienced many battles. In the Southern Army, the combat effectiveness is absolutely the top ten in the army.

Once in the free fight match between Nan Han and the Mi Army, Piao Zhanjun turned over ten masters of the Mi Army alone and became the king of soldiers in the eyes of everyone.

Madman Park, Madman Park, is his common title.

Pu Ziyuan has been an arrogant master since she was a child, but she still respects Pu Zhanjun for three points. In addition to his blood relationship, there is also his combat effectiveness.

Aunt Han used to be Park Zhanjun’s enlightenment teacher, but five years ago, she had nothing to teach Park Zhanjun. Three years ago, she was not Park Zhanjun’s opponent.

But such a master, the martial arts lunatic who wanders between the genius and the lunatic, even Ye Tianlong can't stop a single move.

How can this not make people fall apart, how can it not make Pu Ziyuan and the others stunned?

Pu Ziyuan and Aunt Han didn't want to believe it, but the **** facts were in front of them, and the beast-like Pu Zhanjun was controlled by Ye Tianlong.

The guy who used to pull the mountain out of the world is now being held by Ye Tianlong without the ability to fight back with a newly born lamb.

The neck was pinched, and the calf was pressed. As long as Ye Tianlong wanted, he could step on Pu Zhanjun's calf and pinch off Pu Zhanjun's neck at any time.

Piao Ziyuan looked at Piao Zhanjun's fragile appearance, and couldn't wait to slap her twice. Why did she think that Ye Tianlong was useless?

She also suddenly thought of yesterday's billiard battle. She was defeated without a shot. How similar is it to today's second brother being restrained before he can take a shot?

The crushing of ball skills and martial arts made Pu Ziyan realize something deeper——

The absolute gap!

Park Zhanjun also opened his mouth wide, unbelievable. As the person involved, he was the most shocked. For the first time in 30 years, he was forced to be so embarrassed.

This is no longer underestimating the enemy's defeat, but being crushed by extremely disparity in strength.

He is unwilling, he is unhappy, but he can't resist.



At this time, the tall women and the others reacted and surrounded Ye Tianlong for the first time, each of them tense, like a big enemy.

Aunt Han yelled: "Ye Tianlong, this is the second youngest of the Pu family, you must not be rude."

The tall woman is also murderous: "If you dare to hurt Pu's hair, I will definitely skin you cramps."

Pu Ziyuan also said anxiously: "Tianlong, everything is easy to discuss."

"Everything is easy to discuss?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Park Zhanjun in front of him and smiled: "He is going to interrupt my leg, what else can I discuss?"

Pu Zhanjun was not angry. On the contrary, he looked at Ye Tianlong playfully, and smelled the breath of a fellow man, that was that he was not afraid of the sky.

He is still rebellious: "Yes, I want to break your leg."

Ye Tianlong looked at Park Zhanjun playfully: "Unfortunately you don't have a chance."

"Let go of Shao Pu!"

After a short silence, Aunt Han roared and rushed to Ye Tianlong first, taking his heart with a punch.

Ye Tianlong didn't care, and punched out from one side of his body.

As fast as a meteor.

Aunt Han's face changed, her hands blocked, and five kinds of mudra changed, but she still couldn't stop the impact of this punch.


A punch in the wrist, fractured people fly.

Aunt Han, who fell on the ground, had a sharp pain in her chest, spurted blood in her mouth, and her eyes were surprised.

Unstoppable, really unstoppable!

Aunt Han plummeted to the ground, her eyes dimmed and she was unable to fight again. At the same time, she was shocked. The Ye Family's useless firewood was too bad for the sky.

Pu Ziyuan was also surprised. The second elder brother was pinched, and it could be said that he was not careful. But Aunt Han went all out, how could he still be unable to hold Ye Tianlong's blow?

How could this Ye Family's waste wood be so strong?

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Piao Ciqiu, hoping that she could suppress Ye Tianlong. Who knows, the phone is not connected.

At this time, she remembered that she had confiscated her sister's mobile phone...

Pu Ziyuan let go of her high coldness: "Ye Tianlong, don't mess around."

"I thought it would be a bit capable to challenge me."

Ye Tianlong's left hand is still firmly in control of Pu Zhanjun's throat, and his eyes look at Aunt Han who has fallen on the ground lightly jokingly: "Unexpectedly, it's all waste."


Stimulated by Ye Tianlong, the tall woman with a pretty face couldn't hold back, and she snarled horizontally in front of Ye Tianlong: "Let go of Pu Shao."

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommitantly, "I didn't interrupt my leg, what should I put on?"


Without waiting for Park Zhanjun to stop, he shouted and exploded instantly, and then the tall woman suddenly exerted force and hit with an elbow.


Ye Tianlong seemed to have expected the opponent to be in trouble, and raised his right hand, calmly blocking the opponent's violent elbow.

Another piercing explosion sounded in the clearing.

The two sides will be divided as soon as they touch.

Park Zhanjun yelled, "Jin Lixiu, be careful."

Although Jin Lixiu came from the Presidential Guard and his skills were not inferior to him, but Park Zhanjun knew that it was still difficult to fight Ye Tianlong.

Without a single blow, the tall woman's movements did not stop at all, her right leg was suddenly lifted, her toes slammed towards Ye Tianlong's side waist.

The elbow is just a feint, the real killer is on the toes.


Jin Lixiu's eyes flashed, her round and long legs were full of vigor, and she was confident that Ye Tianlong would never escape his trick.

Just before the smile was raised, his expression became stiff, and his fragile chest suddenly hurt.

A surge of brute force poured in.

Jin Lixiu's center of gravity was suddenly unstable, and the whole person stepped backwards, staggering a few steps, and almost fell down.

The kick she swept out also failed.


Jin Lixiu clutched her painful chest, her red lips opened and gasped, Ye Tianlong's palm obviously too late to resist, how could he suddenly bombard her chest?

"It's me."

Before his thoughts fell, Ye Tianlong moved again, pulling Pu Zhanjun forward.

Pu Zhanjun didn't want to be swayed by Ye Tianlong, but he couldn't resist at all, and his body was out of control. That coercion almost suffocated him.


Ye Tianlong's speed was too fast, not only dazzled Pu Ziyuan and others, but even Jin Lixiu who was directly facing him could not catch it.

At this moment, Jin Lixiu knew that she was not Ye Tianlong's opponent, but she did not give up resistance, and her dignity made her persevere to the end.

Aunt Han and Park Ziyuan shouted in unison: "Be careful."

Jin Lixiu moved her feet, and she backed away like a leaf. She was not as fierce as Park Zhanjun, but she had her elegance and speed.

It's a pity that she met Ye Tianlong today.

So even though she backed away with all her strength, she was still close to Ye Tianlong, and Ye Tianlong lightly slapped her with a palm.


The palm of his hand seemed light and weak, but as soon as he shot it out, the sound of howling wind blew around instantly.


The palm is pressed forward inch by inch, and inch by inch is unstoppable.

Jin Lixiu tried his best to block the attack, his hands were repeatedly missed, but he still couldn't stop Ye Tianlong's pressing palm.


With a loud noise, Jin Lixiu's chest beckoned, and the whole person flew out and fell to the ground, her pretty face pale.

The woman who used to serve in the Presidential Guard in the past, unable to face such setbacks and shame, bounced on the floor again.

It's just that Ye Tianlong kicked again before he could stand firm.

Jin Lixiu's mouth moved slightly, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and didn't dodge, but quickly stretched out two arms to cross her chest.


Ye Tianlong kicked Jin Lixiu's arm with this kick.

Jin Lixiu, who was kicked by this kick, was hit back seven or eight meters, and there were two small scratches when his shoes rubbed the floor.

Reluctantly standing still, Jin Lixiu clenched his teeth, but his complexion turned red uncontrollably.


Finally she couldn't hold on, opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and knelt down with a plop.

Inability to fight again.

Too strong!

The audience was dead again, still carrying a sense of sadness, Pu Ziyuan and the others were all in a trance.

The three can be described as the three masters of Nanhan, Park Zhanjun represents strength, Aunt Han represents heritage, and Jin Lixiu represents speed.

But these three people, the three who were able to shock the situation in Nanhan, were all defeated by Ye Tianlong's understatement.

All took less than sixty seconds.

A word came out of Pu Ziyuan's heart:


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