Talented Genius

Chapter 2275: I'm so smart


When Aunt Han and her companion were about to smash their teeth to the end, Park Zhanjun's face sank, and cohesively shouted: "Stop it all!"

"You are not his opponent."

He drank his comrades madly, and he knew in his heart that, let alone these people, even if he had ten times the strength, he would not be able to defeat Ye Tianlong.

Instead of letting his companion continue to be injured and humiliated, Park Zhanjun might as well take it down by himself.

He let out a breath of heat, and stared at Ye Tianlong with fiery eyes: "I underestimated you."

Before coming, he still glanced at Ye Tianlong's information, the son of the rich family, but he was a waste. Compared to the dude, the **** Park Zhanjun was even more scornful of waste.

This is also the main reason why he wants to fight.

Ye Tianlong kept a gentle smile: "This is normal, and many people think I am a waste."

Pu Ziyuan's face was hot, and she was ashamed and bowed her head.

Afterwards, she looked at Ye Tianlong and said: "Ye Tianlong, let the second brother go, today is our fault, I apologize to you for the second brother."

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can vent your anger at me, just beg you to let go of your second brother's leg."

She knew what a leg meant to Park Zhanjun, not only physical torture, but also the end of official career.

So Pu Ziyuan put down her arrogance: "Tianlong, for the sake of Porcelain Autumn, please raise your hand high."

Aunt Han and their mouths moved, they wanted to threaten Ye Tianlong, and they knew it was meaningless, their own background was not enough for Ye Tianlong to wreak havoc.

"Ye Tianlong, let Shao Pu go."

Jin Lixiu squeezed out: "I owe you a favor."

Ye Tianlong burst into a smile, then turned his head to look at Park Zhanjun and said, "Should I raise my hand?"

Park Zhanjun has his own pride: "Do you think I am a person who asks for love?"

"I underestimated you, but even if I try my best, I will be crushed by you, because you are much stronger than me."

Park Zhanjun grinned and licked his lips: "Today, I am here to interrupt your leg and let you get out of Ci Qiu."

"Now, I've lost, I've fallen, I won't interfere with you and Ciqiu, I will break this leg and apologize."

He patted his left leg hard and laughed: "The loser must have the consciousness of the loser. This leg will apologize to you."

After speaking, he suddenly lifted his left leg and swept it towards a lamppost next to him, with his fragile calf facing the hard steel.

"Second brother!"

"Shao Pu!"

Pu Ziyuan and the tall girl exclaimed in unison: "Don't—"

I never thought that my second brother would become crazy and even useless himself.

Ye Tianlong also narrowed his eyes, a little surprised Pu Zhanjun's madness, and then swiped his left hand, directly overturning Pu Zhanjun.

Just this one overturned, making Piao Zhanjun shook his body, and at the same time, his toes whizzed across, leaving a mark on the edge of the lamp post.

That strength is extremely powerful, as long as it hits the lamppost, the calf will definitely break, which shows that Park Zhanjun is not talking about it.

Ye Tianlong also had a better understanding of his temperament.


Pu Zhanjun snorted and fell heavily to the ground. Before the tall woman came to help him, he bounced up with one hand and swept out quickly with one kick.

It seems that he can't break a leg, he won't be able to step down today.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his left foot a little bit, and it was in the middle of Pu Zhanjun's knee, which made him feel painful and soft, and almost kneeled on the ground.

Park Zhanjun dropped his toes and stabilized his body, then shouted at Ye Tianlong:

"I can afford to lose."

Pu Zhanjun stared at Ye Tianlong, and at the same time he felt depressed. He didn't expect that not only would Ye Tianlong be ineffective, but he would not even have a chance to harm himself.

This big gap wants people to die.

Ye Tianlong greeted Pu Zhanjun's gaze calmly, with a calm face: "I know you can afford to lose. Although you are a bastard, you still have merit."

"But I suddenly felt that interrupting your leg is boring, and it will hurt my relationship with Ci Qiu, so I don't want it anymore."

"For Ciqiu's sake, this is the end of today's affairs. I just hope you don't bother me again in the future."

Ye Tianlong patted his hands and turned to the Saints University: "I also hope you don't embarrass Ciqiu."

"She is really a kind and loving girl."

He really wanted to break Park Zhanjun's leg, but he thought of Park Ciqiu's goodness, and since Park Zhanjun was just crazy and his character was not bad, he was merciful.

"I've already said that the winner is the winner."

Park Zhanjun was generous and generous: "I lost to you today, so I won't brazenly interfere with you and Ciqiu."

"So I will never toss about you two in the future. Whether Ciqiu is good or bad with you depends on your fate."

"Of course, the rest of the Pu family wants to beat the mandarin ducks, and I will not interfere."

He added the last sentence: "After all, the backs of the hands and the palms are all meat."

Ye Tianlong was not surprised: "You can do it yourself. I don't care about the rest, and it's trivial."

mad! Arrogant! Crazy than me!

Park Zhanjun let out a sigh of heat, then pulled off a collar and shouted: "Ye Tianlong, make a friend."

He not only admired Ye Tianlong's superb skills, but also admired his ignorance.

In this society where sleekness and emotional intelligence are emphasized everywhere, there are too few such sharp-edged youths. Park Zhanjun is sympathetic:

"No matter what the future holds for you and Ciqiu, we can still make a friend."

Pu Ziyuan and the others were slightly surprised, but soon recovered to their peace, and seemed to be familiar with Pu Zhanjun's style.

"Make friends? Forget it."

Ye Tianlong turned to look at Park Zhanjun: "Being a little brother, it's welcome."

"Think carefully. I didn't make up my mind before Monday, so I didn't have to do it."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong left with his hands in his pockets. He walked simply and without looking back...

Aunt Han was furious upon hearing this, and felt that Ye Tianlong was too arrogant.

Pu Ziyuan also shook her head secretly, Ye Tianlong lost the opportunity to make friends with the Pu family, you know, to be friends with the second brother is the wish of countless people.

Looking at Ye Tianlong's fading back, Park Zhanjun also reacted, humming heavily:

"Grandma's bear, is it great if you have a little ability?"

He turned and walked towards his jeep, but when he was about to enter, he looked at Ye Tianlong's back again, with a touch of unwillingness in his eyes:

"Little brother? Huh, dreaming."

"If you don't want to be a little brother, he doesn't love me, he doesn't love me, so how can I pretend to be a force like him?"

Park Zhanjun felt very tangled while touching his bald head.

Pu Ziyuan whispered: "Second brother!"


Seeing Pu Ziyuan, Pu Zhanjun's inspiration flashed and he laughed triumphantly: "I won't be his little brother, but I can be his older brother-in-law."

"He became my little brother-in-law, not only to teach me martial arts, but also to let me, dare not fight back or scold me..."

"Hahaha, I'm so smart, so witty..."

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