Talented Genius

Chapter 2281: Tianlongshe

Mogo Marley was quickly taken to the hospital by the police. In addition to broken fingers and legs, there were dozens of bruises all over his body, all of which were beaten by students of Saints.

Although Mogo Marley was severely injured, he stole underwear and beat the students first, coupled with the operation of Park Zhanjun, the matter was finally handled in a low-key manner.

Saints University does not expel Mogomaris, it is just a punishment for staying on campus, but Mogosmaris cannot retaliate against the besieged Saints students.

At the same time, both parties will no longer pursue legal investigations.

Although it seems that the school still favors Mogo Marley, it is satisfying for the Saints students to be able to slap a bitterness and retreat.

At least ten times better than dozens of girls kneeling down and apologizing.

Also because of this accident, S4's prestige was greatly reduced, and many students became disgusted with them, how far they hid.

And Ye Tianlong's waste not only reversed the views of Saints students, but also won the gratitude and praise of many Saints girls.

After this humiliating incident of almost kneeling, the Saints girl found that at the critical moment, Ye Tianlong with a rib was much more reliable than the handsome S4.

In addition, Ye Tianlong is backed by the Pu family, and many girls start to regard Ye Tianlong as a guardian.

On the school forum, dozens of more posts were posted all at once, all describing Ye Tianlong's bravery and letting more teachers and students know his performance.

Ye Tianlong naturally didn't know that he had become the protector of girls, but he still felt the change in the students' attitude.

No one avoids him anymore, no one calls him waste wood, some smiles kindly at him, and some girls invite him to sit with him.

Ye Tianlong was very happy to finish two classes in the afternoon. He was about to pack his schoolbags to go home but received a text message. He glanced around and then left school.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong drove his classic car straight to the cafe, where he and Wu Xinran secretly contacted.

Because of Ye Tianlong's needs, Feng Group secretly bought this place to operate it, and changed its name to Maple Leaf Cafe.

"Ye Shao, good afternoon."

When Ye Tianlong walked into the coffee shop, Wu Xinran smiled and got up from the corner, and then greeted him: "Congratulations, gather people's hearts."

"Gather people's hearts?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You were holding me back and not letting me take the shot. Do you think they couldn't get the most support from the shot when they weren't the most difficult?"

Wu Xinran did not answer directly, but said softly: "The ending now is what I want and what you want, isn't it?"

"Really good."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said: "Not only has it weakened the authority and reputation of S4, but it has also won the hearts and minds of girls. My life will be much easier in the future."

"It's not just a good life, but also the best time for you to rise."

Wu Xinran straightened her body: "Do you know how grateful and trust those girls who have experienced the situation of kneeling down in your heart?"

"They not only regard you as a patron saint, but they also trust you with an unprecedented level of trust."

She whispered: "Ye Shao, you are a smart person, you know what that means."

Ye Tianlong was very interested: "What is it?"

Wu Xinran's red lips lightly opened: "The team."

Afterwards, she took Ye Tianlong and walked inside: "I haven't been idle for the whole noon and afternoon, so I rushed to make a big gift for you before dusk."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly: "What kind of gift?"

Wu Xinran didn't speak, but just pulled Ye Tianlong to the end wing, smiled and pushed open the thick wooden door, an air flow suddenly poured in.

Ye Tianlong's vision instantly widened, not only saw the antique decorations, but also saw a large round table with eighteen men and women sitting by the table.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, the eighteen men and women immediately got up and shouted respectfully to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao!"

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, not knowing which one it was. After nodding his head subconsciously, he also scanned these faces. He quickly recognized the Shengsi student.

These eighteen men and women are all wearing school uniforms, many of them have blue noses and swollen faces, but their expressions are exceptionally tough and their eyes are indescribably clear.

Ye Tianlong made an inference that ninety-nine percent of these people were Saints students who participated in the action at noon.

He calmed down, then smiled and said hello: "Hello everyone!"

Sure enough, Wu Xinran stood up: "Ye Shao, these are all Saints students."

"Some are victims of naked loan turmoil and gang intimidation, and some are **** students who have been humiliated and beaten in restaurant conflicts."

"The origins are different, but it's all because of Ye Shao's help that allowed them to get up from the quagmire and re-behave."

"Without Ye Shao's kindness, not only will they have a difficult life, they will lose their future, and they will not even have the dignity of being a human being."

"You rescued them, safeguarded their dignity, returned justice to them, and protected them from persecution by criminals."

"Everyone is grateful, cherishes passion, and respects Ye Shao, so everyone is willing to get together to do something for Ye Shao."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a touch of approval, Wu Xinran was really thoughtful and knew what he wanted, but he suppressed his emotions and did not show it.

"Everyone, everyone gathered here today, not only because we all owe Ye Shao's kindness, but also because we all have higher ideals."

At this time, Wu Xinran scanned the eighteen people: "I believe that with Ye Shao's ability and character, we will definitely be able to take us out of the world in the future."

"So I am willing to follow Ye Shao. I wonder if you changed your mind just now?"

Eighteen people replied in unison: "Yes!"

"Very well, your hard work will definitely be rewarded generously."

Wu Xinran always mobilized the emotions of the eighteen people, and then stepped back four or five steps, straightened her body, a ray of light flashed in her eyes, and she said loudly:

"Ye Shao, from now on, we will be your sword and your arrow. As long as you give an order, even if it is a sea of ​​swords, we will not back down!"

Eighteen people also echoed together: "Follow Ye Shao, and die without hesitation."

They look like the king of a beloved king, unspeakably submissive, and their eyes burst out with the light of idealism.

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest mood swing on his face, and he was not too surprised at this scene. He didn't even polite, and stepped forward to speak:

"Thank you for your love and your trust."

"In a word, from now on, you will be Ye Tianlong's people, sharing honor and disgrace, living in the same boat."

He stretched out his hand and pressed Wu Xinran's shoulder: "Guo Shi will treat him, and Guo Shi will repay it."

Wu Xinran led everyone in reply: "Thank Ye Shao!"

"Ye Shao, now that the team is complete, with one mind, should we have our own banner?"

There was a glow in Wu Xinran's eyes: "If you have your own banner, more people will take refuge in."

"Let's not be fancy, don't want S4, and don't call it a party."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Just call it Tianlongshe."

Ye Tianlong would never know that this would be a moment in history...

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