Talented Genius

Chapter 2282: Another city

The next night, Ye Tianlong stayed in the coffee shop to talk to everyone.

In view of the special circumstances of Taicheng, Tianlongshe is Ye Tianlong's first root in Taicheng, and it is also the indigenous team he can infiltrate into the Taicheng circle.

These eighteen people were carefully selected by Wu Xinran. They were all poor students from lower-class families, eager to get ahead, and still have blood and ideals.

Ye Tianlong likes to give pointers to the passionate young people like this, because as long as they are given trust and shelter, they will die for their confidants.

This evening, they discussed the Tianlong Society's program, discussed the purpose, and set a meeting base and plans for development in Saints.

Wu Xinran arranged very well, not only let Ye Tianlong directly enjoy the results, but also set aside one million as Tianlong Club funding.

Seeing Wu Xinran busy going up and down and looking organized, Ye Tianlong was very pleased that this woman was really a natural leader.

At the end of the discussion, when everyone dispersed, Ye Tianlong took out a token from his arms and rubbed his fingers lightly: "A single spark can start a prairie fire."

"Tianlong Society has it, and the next one is the underworld."

Before he finished muttering to himself, the phone vibrated, and a text message poured in. Ye Tianlong glanced at it, and the corner of his mouth was drawn with a knowing smile...

At ten o'clock in the evening, Guan Siying was driving a car to a bungalow in the suburbs, where her last two relatives lived.

Aunt and sister.

She had been missing for so long and had not been in contact. Guan Siying knew that they must be mad, so after compromising with Ye Tianlong, she borrowed the car.

Before Ye Tianlong supported the upper ranks, she was going to meet her aunt and sister again, and at the same time she thought about arranging them to go abroad and live in seclusion.

The environment is different, and the danger is destined to be different. If you come up to the top, your old companions are bound to meet each other.

Knowing each other's roots and knowledge will also become the most lethal, so Guan Siying wants to send her family away.


At ten thirty, the car stopped in front of a low-rise house, Guan Siying put out the car, pushed the car door out, and then took out a fruit basket.

"Aunt, Wenwen."

When Guan Siying opened the open wooden door and walked into the yard, three figures suddenly appeared, as if waiting for him for a long time.

One of them had only one arm, but he showed a vicious and murderous atmosphere.

Guan Siying's eyes were instantly narrowed, and an ominous sign rose from the bottom of her heart. At the same time, she dropped the fruit basket in her hand and flashed a thin knife:



Before her voice fell, a man in black sprang out, his eyes flashed, his left hand flashed, his body flashed quickly, and he took Guan Siying straight.

Guan Siying's face changed slightly, and then she screamed and rushed forward without retreating. At the same time, the thin knife slashed mercilessly.

Without leaving any spare energy, the fighting spirit is surging.


With a short but rapid voice, Guan Siying passed through the opponent's knife shadow and pressed it to his chest.

The next second, the man in black's forward body stagnated.

There was an additional scar on his chest, which was exactly where his heart was. After shaking it twice, he fell to the ground, his eyes widened and he died unwillingly.

The nerves of the one-armed man and the other companion were instantly tense, and Guan Siying's demonstrated strength made their eyes feel more solemn.

Guan Siying screamed: "Where are my aunt and sister?"


The one-armed man did not respond to Guan Siying, and he let out a low growl, the cold light flashed in his hand, and his body instantly disappeared from the place.

Another assassin also rushed over with a dagger in his hand, stepping on the ground, rolling up a pile of dust, and the sharp tip of the knife flickered in his hand.

Although Guan Siying still had old wounds on her body, her body was filled with anger at this moment, like a cheetah, and she greeted her without retreating.

The fierce aura on his body was released instantly, and the killing intent in his eyes was cold.


A crisp sound!

The killer's dagger was pressed against Guan Siying's ear, and Guan Siying's knife was pierced into the killer's chest. It came out from the back, bringing out a piece of blood.

The assassin's expression was so painful and terrible that he could not say anything while shaking his lips.


Guan Siying drew the knife sharply, and the killer spouted a puff of blood again on his chest, and the whole person retreated back.

When he fell to the ground, he was seeing the one-armed man attacking Guan Siying from behind, blinded by the blood spraying from his chest.

After that, Guan Siying took advantage of his stagnation and kicked out.

The one-armed man who attacked was kicked on the bridge of the nose by her.


The one-armed man clearly heard the fragile bridge of his nose, but before he felt the pain, he was stabbed with a sharp thin knife in his chest.

"Wonderful, wonderful."

At this moment, a hoarse voice appeared, the whole room was lit up, and a dozen people in black flashed around, holding knives and guns in their hands.

Then, a wheelchair slowly appeared in the hall. In the wheelchair, there was a tightly bandaged person who was very weak, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

"It deserves to be the number one horseman of Jiang Yang Dao, and he's very proficient with this sharp knife."

The person in the wheelchair looked at Guan Siying with interest: "They all say you are dead, but I know you are not dead yet, you just hid."

Guan Siying was taken aback for a moment, then surprised, and lost her voice in surprise: "Chen Wangbei!!!"

"Unexpectedly, you can recognize me like this. It seems that you have taken great pains with me and the whole Five Lakes."

The person in the wheelchair was Chen Wangbei, who was extremely weak. He squeezed a smile: "Is it surprising that I didn't die?"

Guan Siying shouted, "What are you going to do?"

She sweated in her palms, worried that her collusion with Ye Tianlong would be discovered.

"You are surprised that I am not dead, but I am not surprised that you are still alive."

Chen Wangbei smiled: "The reason is very simple, the fire did not burn the Jiang Gang master safe, and several important things were missing."

"It's impossible for the murderer to take the contents, because if he wants to take it, he will take everything, such as the 100,000 euros in the cabinet."

"Others don't know what's in the safe, and don't know what's missing, but I know it all because the Lord Jiangmen once let me take a look."

"The money is not lost, the files are not lost, but the transaction accounts, tokens and bank shields are lost. I guess I knew I took them away."

"I still have ambitions and want to be a superior person."

Chen Wangbei smiled evilly: "And his own...the one who can know the Jiangmen master password and open it...you are the only confidant."

Guan Siying's eyes were cold: "What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Chen Wangbei was very gentle: "I mean, take out all the things you took from the Jiangmen main safe."

"I don't know if you want to be the master of the door, but I, Chen Wangbei, must be in the position."

Chen Wangbei breathed out with difficulty: "So the transaction accounts, tokens and bank shields are handed over."

"Don't worry, as long as you hand it over, I will leave here immediately."

"You are not responsible for the dead killers."

His smile became weird: "Otherwise, not only will you sit in prison, but also your aunt and sister will suffer."

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