Talented Genius

Chapter 2283: He can be replaced (five shifts)

Guan Siying yelled, "Asshole, what did you do to them? Quickly let them out."

She and her younger sister had no parents for a long time. They were all taken care of by an aunt. For her, the aunt is a second-born parent, and there must be no trouble.

And the younger sister, who has just grown up, is her hope for the future, and also the motivation for her to work hard in the underworld despite being tired of the rivers and lakes.

She has tried her best to cover the relationship between the three of them, except for transfers and phone calls to them, there is almost no close contact.

So when Chen Wangbei pinched them, Guan Siying couldn't help but get angry: "I have the ability to come to me."

Chen Wangbei smiled gloomily: "Sisters have deep affection, I like them."

"Let me go, don't touch me!"

As Chen Wangbei turned his head indifferently, a few strong men rudely pushed the two women out. The two women screamed, but they couldn't resist.

Guan Siying's heart trembled wildly, her body trembled slightly, and she stared sharply. It was her aunt Xie Honghong and her sister Guan Xiaomi.



The two women subconsciously wanted to pounce on Guan Siying, but were dragged by a few black men. They looked at Guan Siying with tears and looked pitiful.

Guan Siying is their heaven.

The two women who went through a sudden change hope that she can still shelter them from the wind and rain.

"Who dares to move my aunt and sister, I will kill his family!"

Guan Siying yelled hysterically, and she tried to step forward with her thin knife, but before walking a few steps, five guns were raised and aimed at her head.

At the same time, a few men in black rushed forward, kicking Guan Siying to the ground.

Guan Siying was very angry: "Chen Wangbei, you have grievances. Come at me and hurt my aunt and sister. What kind of heroes are you?"

"You will die."

Chen Wangbei, who was scolded, was calm.

"Hand over things."

Chen Wangbei burst into a smile: "I will give you a way out."

Guan Siying wanted to struggle but was held tightly: "No, no, I didn't take anything at all, I didn't have anything in my hand."

"Voldemort didn't take it, and you didn't take it. Did it fly with wings on its own?"

Chen Wangbei Yinyin laughed: "Not honest..."


As Chen Wangbei turned his head, a black-clothed hunk grinned, licked his mouth, pulled directly over the tender tube millet, and pressed it on the stone table in the courtyard.

There was a large crowd, and the poor girl's clothes were torn unscrupulously. Guan Xiaomi, who was about eighteen years old, cried, kicked and scratched, and resisted.

The black-clothed hunk slapped his hands and slapped his hands, and the weak girl was bleeding from the corner of her mouth and collapsed on the stone table.

"Beast, I killed you! I killed you!"

When Guan Siying saw this, her eyes were splitting, and her tearful sister was close at hand on the stone table, but she had no way to save her.

This kind of helplessness is absolutely heartbreaking for Guan Siying, who is all-powerful.

"I didn't take those things, I didn't take those things."

She wanted to shout out that Ye Tianlong might have taken it away, but thinking that Ye Tianlong swallowed it back abruptly, she felt that speaking out was even more devastating.

Guan Siying watched, her sister's clothes were torn off piece by piece, crying and pleading without a ray, and fell into despair little by little.


Anxiously, Guan Siying spit out a mouthful of blood, and almost fell into a coma.

The black-clothed hunk took off his black trousers, pinched Guan Xiaomi’s slender waist with both hands, and smiled...

"Let her go, let them go."

Guan Siying grabbed the soil with both hands and shouted, "Chen Wangbei, I didn't take it--"

Chen Wangbei gave a noncommittal smile: "You didn't take it, so who took it?"


At this moment, a low drink suddenly came from the door, and then a flash of light flashed across the night sky.


The black-clothed hunk behind his sister shook his body, then his head shook and fell straight back.

At the center of the eyebrow, there is a fruit knife.

The next second, Ye Tianlong walked in, with a touch of coldness on his face.

Guan Siying's heart trembled, her face was shocked and grateful...


Before the black-robed men could react, they saw Ye Tianlong's face Chen Wangbei, his heart was pulled, and he fell off the wheelchair with a loud noise:

"Ye... Ye Tianlong..."

Chen Wangbei's whole body was instantly penetrated by cold sweat, and then he roared: "Kill him, kill him."

Although he kept admonishing himself to be brave and courageous, seeing Ye Tianlong still palpitated, still panicked, like a dog in a family.

Guan Siying was surprised that Chen Wangbei also knew Ye Tianlong, and even more surprised that Chen Wangbei was so jealous of Ye Tianlong that it was the mouse that saw the cat.

Without waiting for her to figure out the relationship, a few quick figures jumped in around her, and then the sword flashed, killing intent permeated.


More than a dozen black-clothed hunks did not even have time to lift their guns, and fell under the swords of Tianmo and Canshou, and the oriole also threw several enemies from the back room.

Fifteen people died tragically in an instant.

Chen Wangbei wanted to crawl away, but was stepped on by his hand and foot, unable to move.


"Xiaomi, aunt!"

Seeing the crisis resolved, Guan Siying and Guan Xiaomi hugged each other, feeling the hard-won chance to survive.

"Take them in, it's too cold here."

Ye Tianlong took off his jacket and put it on Guan Xiaomi, then turned his head slightly to Guan Siying: "And it's bloody..."

"Yes, Shao Ye!"

Guan Siying immediately took her aunt and Guan Xiaomi into it, and kicked a few corpses out.

"Chen Wangbei, you really surprised me."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and patted Chen Wangbei's face with a smile: "I tried to kill you several times, but you have survived it abruptly."

"It's just that you survived, so why did you come out and commit crimes? It's miserable tonight? You're dead."

The corner of Chen Wangbei's mouth moved, and he struggled to squeeze out: "Ye Tianlong, you kill me, Mingyue Group will not let you go."

"Do you think I am afraid of Mingyue Group?"

Ye Tianlong has a touch of joking in his eyes: "I can still tell you, it's not that Mingyue Group will not let me go, but I will not let it go."

"You, look at the world more, you will rest in peace soon."

Ye Tianlong knocked on Chen Wangbei's forehead: "This time, you won't die, and this young man won't be in trouble in the future."


Chen Wangbei was speechless for a while, and then his voice softened: "Ye Tianlong, let me go, I promise you what you want, and I can still be your dog."

"This dog doesn't need you to do it."

At this moment, Guan Siying walked out again, holding a dagger in her hand:

"From now on, I will be Ye Shao's dog when I am born, and Ye Shao's ghost when I die."

After she finished speaking, she stabbed Chen Wangbei's heart with a knife, and a burst of blood burst out and splashed all over the floor.

Ye Tianlong patted Guan Siying on the shoulder: "I will leave this underground world to you."

Guan Siying replied respectfully: "Swear allegiance to Ye Shao to the death."

Ye Tianlong smiled, did not speak any more, just looked at the brightly lit landmark building in the distance through the sky of the yard:

Mingyue Building.

He murmured: "He can replace him..."

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