Talented Genius

Chapter 2291: Send an invitation

Steamed turbot.

Stewed chicken with mushrooms.

Steamed meatloaf with egg.

Stir-fried bean sprouts.

Yam Pork Ribs Soup.

After Ye Tianlong decided to frustrate Ye Qiuqi's "conspiracy", he rolled up his sleeves and walked into the large kitchen. When he glanced at the refrigerator, he flashed four dishes and one soup.

Although it is just a very ordinary home cooking, Ye Tianlong believes that the two women will like it, and believes that these foods will allow them to eat to support the wall.

Eight dishes and one soup don’t work...

After five dish names appeared in Ye Tianlong's mind, he rolled up his sleeves and immediately got to work.

Knowing this, Wu Ma secretly came in to help Ye Tianlong cook, but Ye Tianlong smiled and refused, but asked her to help wash the knives and cutting boards.

Wu's mother began to worry that the Ye family, who had never cooked before, would not only be unable to complete the eldest lady's task tonight, but would also mess up the kitchen.

It's just that her worries quickly turned into surprises. Not only was Ye Tianlong full of confidence, but her hands were also extremely agile.

Everything looks smooth and flowing, just like a edited video of a food show, with a full sense of rhythm.


Ye Tianlong grasped the egg and pressed it against the porcelain bowl, while chopping minced meat on the chopping board.

When the egg cracked, the yolk and egg white were separated cleanly and landed on different plates.

And the minced meat was also crushed and uniform in his fast knife method, far more delicate than the machine chopped.

Ye Tianlong seems to be juggling instead of cooking.

When Wu Ma was slightly surprised, Ye Qiuqi brought Piao Ziyuan in to gloat, but they were surprised to find that Ye Tianlong was proficient in his actions.


A large section of yam was quickly peeled in his blade, then cut into nearly equal pieces, and dropped into the soup pot along with the bones.

The turbot was also carved into a flower in the tip of his knife, and it was vaguely swimming in the sea when placed in a plate...

All kinds of raw materials, in Ye Tianlong's hands, seemed to be given life, all turned into works of art.

"Sister, Miss Park, you wait thirty minutes."

Ye Tianlong spotted Ye Qiuqi and Pu Ziyuan's figure and said with a smile, "Soon we will be able to eat."

"But I didn't make eight dishes and one soup. Four dishes and one soup are enough for the three of us."

Ye Tianlong talked while processing the dishes: "If there is not enough, I will just do it again, so as not to waste it."

While speaking, Ye Tianlong threw a bunch of bean sprouts into the air, then pierced in with a knife, shaking constantly, and the bean sprouts quickly divided into two parts.

The dry and aging part falls on one plate, and the tender part falls on another plate. Green and green are very beautiful.

Not to mention the bright color, there seems to be a hint of aura on it, which makes the index finger move when you look at it.

Ye Qiuqi and Pu Ziyuan were a little sluggish: "This—"

The two women are wealthy people. They have seen many chefs with superb cooking skills and good knives, but they have never seen Ye Tianlong split the dishes at will.

And when he was separated, Ye Tianlong didn't pay much attention to it, as if everything was under his control.

Ye Qiuqi noticed that Pu Ziyuan's eyes were hot again.

The bean sprouts fried by Ye Tianlong seemed to be washed and dried with water, and placed directly on the porcelain plate, without any change in color.

Thirty minutes later, four dishes were put on the table, and the yam bone soup was still boiling.

"Sister, Miss Park, you can eat now."

Ye Tianlong took off his aprons and invited the two women to sit down: "After we have finished our meal, the soup will be ready, and we will make up another bowl of soup at that time. It will be absolutely pleasant tonight."

Ye Qiuqi looked a little dazed: "Ye Tianlong, you really made these four dishes?"

Ye Tianlong said irritably, "You watched me do it with your own eyes. It's not me, is it the snail girl?"

"It surprised me a bit."

Ye Qiuqi originally planned to order a takeaway after Ye Tianlong messed up. He didn't expect that he would actually make four dishes and one soup. It was surprising that he still had this cooking skill.

While Ye Tianlong was cooking, Ye Qiuqi also ate some biscuits. At the moment, she didn't have any appetite at all, and she couldn't stimulate her appetite.

But when she saw four dishes and one soup, she couldn't help but want to try.

Pu Ziyuan was also full of surprises. She did not expect that Ye Tianlong would still cook. If the food was delicious, he would be a perfect man.

"Miss Park, come and eat some vegetables."

Ye Tianlong served Pu Ziyuan a piece of egg patties.

"Thank you!"

Pu Ziyuan picked up the chopsticks, picked up the meatloaf, blew a few breaths, and slowly put it into her mouth.

At the entrance of the meatloaf, Pu Ziyuan's pretty face immediately added a bit of brilliance, and she looked at Ye Tianlong with an indescribable shock.

Ye Qiuqi also took a bite, and her pretty face was unbelievable.

This egg patty is delicious, every piece of meat, every strand of egg, seems to be filled with hope, with an indescribable fragrance.

"Master, Master."

Pu Ziyuan couldn't help but exclaim: "It's so delicious, it's so delicious."

What does it mean to melt in the mouth, salivating, Pu Ziyuan has an epiphany at this moment.

Ye Qiuqi's eyes are more gleaming, a huge change has taken place in her family, and her whole life has been completely rewritten, which is actually a bit negative about her life.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that maybe there are many things in this world that are worth her pursuit.

Whether it's family affection, gourmet food, or fake "sister and brother affection"...

Three hours later, in the center of Taiwan city, an old castle left from the Dutch era was heavily guarded, brightly lit, and military police stood guard at the door.

Park Ziyuan drove the Yamaha into the castle, then came to a three-story building, handed the car to a guard, and went straight in.

She carried a thermos in her hand.

She walked through a corridor, then went up to the east room on the second floor, reached out and knocked on the door. After getting permission to enter, she suddenly saw a middle-aged man.

Although it was almost ten o'clock, the middle-aged man was still full of energy, holding a brush in his hand, practicing calligraphy on a piece of rice paper.

The middle-aged man looks in his fifties, with thin cheeks, broad forehead, and old-fashioned appearance. He looks inconspicuous, but he has a breathtaking majesty.

Pu Ziyuan respectfully said: "Father!"

The special consul of Nanhan, Park Zhongjian, behind his back represents the will of countries such as Mi, Dongyang, and Nanhan who are inconvenient to enter Taiwan.

He is also the most popular candidate for the next president of Nan Hu.

"came back?"

Pu Zhong didn't lift his sword, just stared at the brush writing in front of him: "Listen to your second brother, what did you go out with Ye Tianlong at night?"

"Your sister tried to find life and death to him, and your second brother shouted to worship him as a teacher. Why did you hang out with him?"

"Then Ye Tianlong is so good, let you, who have always been arrogant, take a high look?"

His tone became playful: "You know, in the past two decades, the three of you have never admired together, including my father."

Although he was talking with Pu Ziyuan, the gestures were still meticulous, and the brushes were still calm.

From that back, it also revealed the confidence and strength of my sitting on the Diaoyutai in spite of the storm.

"Father, he is really good."

Pu Ziyuan respectfully said: "Skills, football skills, car skills, and equestrian skills are all top-notch. Tonight, I saw his superb cooking skills."

"These are just his talents, not all of his talents, and even these, he can also watch the leopard, he is extremely talented and intelligent."

She gave a judgment: "I think he is worth our Pu family's investment."

Pu Zhongjian smiled disapprovingly: "Zi Yuan, the second child said, you love Ye Tianlong, you look at him so high, are you going to be dazzled by love?"


Pu Ziyuan was taken aback for a moment, but she wanted to explain but finally dispelled her thoughts. She put the thermos on the table, opened it, and poured half a bowl of soup on the lid.

"This is Ye Tianlong's soup."

She held up the lid with both hands: "I packed some back, father can taste..."

Park Zhongjian frowned slightly and wanted to refuse, but seeing his daughter's confidence and stubbornness, he picked it up and took a sip.

It was just a mouthful, his expression stagnated, and the next second, he faintly said:

"At the family reception the day after tomorrow, send an invitation to Ye Tianlong."

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