Talented Genius

Chapter 2292: Can someone solve

"Cunning Rabbit Three Caves!"

It was also on this night that Ye Tianlong closed the doors and windows of the room and turned on the computer to have a video conference with Bailihua and the others.

For security reasons, Red Arrow monitors the network throughout.

A total of six people participated in the meeting, Dai Hulang, Black Widow, Xu Facai, Lantianxiang, Huang Bajin, and Bailihua.

They have formed Ye Tianlong's strategic team, and Ye Tianlong negotiated with them regarding the future direction of Longmen and Tianmen.

"Not only do I want to treat Taicheng as a political capital, I also want to turn it into another base for us."

Ye Tianlong sits upright: "The future Tianlong Group strategy will have three bases, one Mingjiang, one Taicheng, and one Tianlong Island."

"Mingjiang is the bridgehead for us to integrate into China, and it is the place where we draw closer the relationship between black and white."

"Taicheng is our bargaining chip to balance the five big players and the West, so that there is a bargaining chip that can be buffered when we are attacked by the authorities."

His voice is low and deep: "Tianlong Island is the foundation of the Tianlong Group. Our true base camp in the future is also a base for conquering overseas."

In Ye Tianlong's heart, there are only two countries in this world, one is China and the other is outside China.

In China’s competition for the world, Ye Tianlong will follow China’s rules or be gentle, while outside of China, Ye Tianlong will use other methods.

This is also the main reason why he must prepare for the establishment of Tianlong Island.

"Mingjiang base has matured. As long as it operates step by step, it will bring a steady stream of benefits and promote our relationship with all parties."

"The Tianlong Island is still under construction, and the infrastructure and defense systems are also being assembled. It will be scaled up at the end of the year at the earliest, so don't pay attention for now."

Ye Tianlong raised a key question: "Today's video conference, I just want to ask, what do you think of the infiltration of Taicheng."

"The master's idea is very good."

On the screen, Dai Hulang held his pipe in his mouth and said with a clatter: "Compared with Hong Kong City and Macau City, Taicheng has a higher strategic significance."

"If the sect master can be at the top of Taicheng and become the apex of the pyramid, he will be able to sit on an equal footing with the five in the future."

"A high degree of autonomy, a population of 30 million, an army of 400,000, plus a strategic position, it is actually the sixth major."

Dai Hulang gave his own attitude: "So it took a lot of effort to take root in Taicheng, and I fully agree with it with both hands."

The black widow also nodded: "The master played this game very well, and I also agree that the Tianlong Group will take the lead in Taicheng."

"It's just that Taicheng is not better than Harbin and Shenzhen. Even Hong Kong and Macao are different from it. That circle is both arrogant and closed."

"People in Taicheng can invest and work in any city in China, but the entry of mainland private and official capital is subject to Taicheng's control."

"Lu Min couldn't open a barber shop in Taicheng. Even the original cooperative project between Confucius and Bai Shikang was limited to spending money and technology."

"All management and data must be controlled by Taicheng, and even the workers are mostly based on Taicheng."

There is a touch of worry in her eyes: "Without the identity of the indigenous people in Taicheng, it is difficult for us to penetrate, whether it is money, people, or even gangs."

Xu Facai always likes to use money to solve problems: "Legal identities...Can we buy a batch of legal identities to station in Taicheng through relationships?"

"Identities can of course be purchased, but such non-indigenous identities will be clearly marked on the data, and even if they enter, they will be monitored."

The black widow is obviously familiar with the rules in the political arena: "It can be as short as three years, and as long as ten years, so it doesn't make much sense to buy an identity and settle in."

Huang Bajin squeezed out a sentence: "Perhaps we can consider developing a group of Ye's diehards in Taicheng."

"I'm already doing this."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of his tea, then calmly watched everyone speak:

"The martial arts have Zhou Zhuangruo, the underworld has Guan Siying, the organization has Wu Xinran, and the business has the core of Ye Family."

"It's just that they are relatively weak now, and more of an initial framework."

"With time, I also believe that they can be strong. The problem is that there is not much time. Three years, Ma Qingdi only gave three years."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "This is also the time that Emperor Ma Qing can wait. He has been dormant for more than ten years, and he cannot wait another ten or eight years."

In the morning meeting, Ye Tianlong could feel the volcano in Ma Qingdi's heart, and he was eager to soar into the sky just like the Hanmen.

Dai Hulang dangled his pipe and thought for a while and said: "For the forces that are being cultivated, three years is indeed a little short."

"But this is a rare opportunity. We must not waste it. After all, not everyone can get the support of the Ma family."

He slowly spit out a thick smoke: "The doorkeeper, people and funds cannot be entered through normal channels, we can infiltrate in a roundabout way."

There was a little more interest on Ye Tianlong's face: "Circuitous penetration?"

Dai Hulang's eyes are scheming: "Yes, it is difficult for land capital to penetrate, but there are not too many restrictions on Hong Kong, Australian and foreign capital."

"In addition to Longmen funds, Tianlong Group now has Tianmen funds."

"Hong Kong City can let Lin Rudao help in the operation, and Fengcheng can let Jiang Ziran and the others. They are all born and raised in Hong Kong and Macao."

He reminded everyone: "It must be much easier for their funds to flow into Taicheng."

"Even if Taicheng knows about their relationship with the Tianlong Group and restricts their infiltration, we still have a batch of foreign capital to operate."

"The King Qi of Xincheng, King Chu of Mocheng, King Han of Bahrain, King Wei of Yingcheng, King Yan of Xiong Country, King Wei of Baicheng."

Dai Hulang snorted a thick smoke: "They are all foreigners from head to toe. The injection of their funds into Taicheng will definitely not make people doubt."

"Even if Taicheng finds out that they were members of Tianmen in the future, they will add points instead of subtracting them because they were suppressed by Huaxia."

His smile became meaningful: "You know, Taicheng has always liked to win over forces that the capital hates."

"Old Dai Fazi is very good."

Xu Facai let out a hearty laugh: "Taicheng does not allow land capital to enter, but we can manipulate foreign capital to enter."

"The Six Kings are all real foreign capital, each of whom has 10 billion into Taicheng, there will definitely not be too many eyes. After all, it is only six 10 billion."

His smile was terrible: "But for us, it is a full 60 billion, which is enough to provide Ye Shao with the necessary funds for activities in Taiwan."

The Black Widows also nodded together: "Yes, this way is fine."

Ye Tianlong also laughed: "This is indeed a good way. I will trouble my uncle to take care of this matter. I hope that funds can flow in."

In these years, everything is difficult without money. Under the circumstances that funds from outside cannot enter Taicheng wantonly, Ye Tianlong is almost a pauper.

Without money, whether it is recruiting troops or getting through the relationship, it will be difficult, so Ye Tianlong must have a source of funds in Taicheng.

Although the Dan Xin Ye family has money, Ye Tianlong has never thought about it. First, the flow of funds is also stretched, and second, embezzling by himself will cause suspicion.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong could only gather six kings to dig a pool of funds for himself.

If the tap water is cut off, you can only dig a well yourself.

At this moment, Dai Hulang nodded slightly: "Don't worry, the master, I will arrange this matter properly."

Lan Lanxiang raised his head: "If there is a plan for funding, then there will be manpower left. This is also a thorny issue."

"This question is not difficult..."

Bailihua, who had been silent, looked up: "Someone can solve it."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Who?"


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