Talented Genius

Chapter 2315: Help me get my clothes back

When Ye Tianlong shot Kong Feixiang with a single shot, Uncle Bai waved his finger indifferently.

"Boom boom!"

A low and harsh gunshot sounded, and all of Kong Feixiang's men and friends, all of them were killed by the soldiers mercilessly.

Things have reached this point, the difference between killing or not killing is not big, it is better to kill them all and make your own voice more powerful.

Kong Feixiang and more than thirty companions fell to the ground, their eyes widened, their faces were shocked and angry, and there was an unconcealed sorrow.

No one thought that he would end like this tonight.

Seeing this scene, the Ye clan members were all dumbfounded, unable to withstand this kind of merciless killing, and at the same time, they all smelled a touch of danger.

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at the dead Kong Feixiang and the others. After losing the gun, he turned and walked in front of Ye Qiuqi, holding her hand without saying a word.

The tentacles are hot.

Ye Qiuqi was still weak. Although she was pulled by Ye Tianlong, her footsteps were vain and hard to stand firm: "Tianlong--"

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, and then regardless of everyone's gaze, he directly picked up Ye Qiuqi and walked towards the door.

At the moment when he passed by Uncle Bai, Ye Tianlong faintly said, "Leave the Ye family."

When the members of the Ye family breathed a sigh of relief, Uncle Bai suddenly raised the muzzle, pulled the trigger, and shot the club manager in the corner to death.

Manager Zhou slumped to the ground, with a face of indescribable consternation and despair, which made the members of the Ye family tremble fiercely.

They knew that this was a warning from Uncle Bai, and they also knew that Ye Tianlong saved their lives...

When Uncle Bai ordered the cleaning of the scene, Ye Tianlong was carrying Ye Qiuqi into the car, then took the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator and left the clubhouse.

He had discovered that Ye Qiuqi had taken aphrodisiac drugs, and the medicinal properties had begun to develop, so he had to find drugs as soon as possible.

The last black leaf sacred cicada pill was placed in the school bag with the other detoxification pills and trauma medicine, and Wu Xinran took it back to the Yejia Garden in the afternoon.

Now, Ye Tianlong can only find a hospital or return to Ye's house to detoxify Ye Qiuqi.


The car drove for three or four kilometers and turned into Coastal Avenue. There were not many cars on this road at night, so Ye Tianlong drove very fast.

Just after a turn to slow down, Ye Tianlong found that Ye Qiuqi had curled up, and then her teeth creaked and shivered.

She also began to pull on an air-conditioning blanket to keep warm, which was the exact opposite of piping hot in the club.

"Two heavens of ice and fire?"

A word flashed in Ye Tianlong's mind, and then he turned the steering wheel abruptly, and the car rushed to the open space at the turn and stopped in a hidden place.


Ye Tianlong stepped on the brakes, turned on the air conditioner at the same time, adjusted the temperature to the highest, then opened the door and squeezed into the back row: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

With this touch, Ye Tianlong couldn't help but his eyes flashed with surprise!

He found that Ye Qiuqi's whole body was filled with terrifying cold, cold sweat on the palms, cheeks, neck, and even forehead, as cold as a fruit.

The chill began to cover her whole body little by little, and the circulation of Qi and blood almost stopped moving.

The whole person seems to have fallen into a cold pond!

Then, Ye Tianlong discovered that Ye Qiuqi's lips were slowly turning purple, and her eyelashes were forming water drops, as if she was about to faint.

Ye Qiuqi shivered and said, "Cold, want, cold, want."

She hugged Ye Tianlong's body, her head stuck in her chest desperately, taking in that warmth.

Two days of ice and fire!

Ye Tianlong, who calmly checked and checked his pulse, quickly judged that Ye Qiuqi was indeed prescribed by Kong Feixiang and Naiwen, and that it was an ancient love potion.

One is hot and the other is cold, exploding out the nature of the Chinese medicine practitioner, when one is hot, release oneself, let the king pick it, one cold, ask for the other party, fill oneself.

It is as powerful as Lin Chenxue's Spanish fly water.

Ye Qiuqi didn't show symptoms from the Chinese medicine at first, because the cruelty on the spot tightened her nerves, so she survived the burning heart.

Now that the conflict resolution is relaxed, the medicinal properties have completely impacted the whole body, and Ye Qiuqi's inner desire to show directly.

Ye Tianlong quickly analyzed his mind, and then pressed Ye Qiuqi, who was holding him, onto the seat.

"Sister, don't move."

Ye Tianlong turned on the air conditioner to the maximum, then he hesitated for a while, squeezed into the car, and removed all Ye Qiuqi's clothes...

Smooth, fair and attractive.

He rubbed his hands to warm it up, then massaged her skillfully, transferring the heat of his palms to her body, and at the same time getting rid of her chill.


Touched by Ye Tianlong's palm, Ye Qiuqi groaned, her eyes flickered, her lips and teeth slightly bitten, and the temptation overflowing with her body was even more unparalleled.

Ye Tianlong's forehead was sweaty, and he almost wanted to use the most direct method to detoxify, but he quickly stabilized his mind.

Although the chill on Ye Qiuqi's body was tricky, as Ye Tianlong's heat transmission and massage continued, her delicate body gradually stopped and trembled.

It's just that Ye Tianlong has a trace of sin in his heart, and he touched Ye Qiuqi's whole body with both hands...

Two hours later, Ye Qiuqi's breathing finally calmed down, the chill on her body subsided, and she began to fall asleep.

Ye Tianlong also lay down because of overdrawing too much internal strength, unable to hold it tired, he also wanted to sleep for a while...

Just worried about Ye Qiuqi's attack in the middle of the night, Ye Tianlong took off his coat and hugged Ye Qiuqi to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, the east side began to shine, and in the midst of it, Ye Tianlong felt someone staring at him, and he opened his eyes subconsciously.

In the field of vision, Ye Qiuqi's pretty face instantly appeared, she was supporting her head and looking at Ye Tianlong gently.


Ye Qiuqi didn't seem to expect that Ye Tianlong would wake up suddenly, and all of a sudden he blushed and shyly lowered his head to avoid it.

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, and then he was a little embarrassed. After all, Ye Qiuqi is not wearing clothes now, and he is just wearing thin underwear.

He also hugged Ye Qiuqi's body tightly.

What made Ye Tianlong hit the wall the most was that certain parts were uncontrollably showing the majesty...

"Ye Qiuqi, sorry, I didn't mean it."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly explained: "Nothing happened last night, I just gave you a massage to detoxify, you were prescribed by Kong Feixiang."

"No... it's okay, I know you are trying to save me."

Ye Qiuqi bit her red lips and squeezed out: "You don't need to explain anymore, I believe you."

Ye Tianlong was born and died for her, and bet his life last night. How could she not believe him?

Besides, even if she really loses her body, Ye Qiuqi will not have too much regret. Compared to being ruined by Ne Wen, Ye Tianlong is much better.

And she was shy to find that she was not disgusted with being held by Ye Tianlong like this, even a little nostalgic for the warmth on his chest...

"Believe it."

Ye Tianlong was relieved, and then the conversation turned: "Ah, it's almost dawn, I'll send you back to Ye's house first, I'm afraid there will be a lot of things today."

Although Ye Tianlong also enjoys this ambiguity, the public still try to avoid it, so as not to be found to be labeled as "incest".

Of course, the most important reason was that after the drug crisis, facing Ye Qiuqi who was not wearing clothes, Ye Tianlong felt that he had no self-control ability.

Ye Qiuqi smiled sweetly and said softly: "Do me a favor again."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, then nodded: "You said."

"Help me put my clothes back..."

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