Talented Genius

Chapter 2316: Laughing and crying

"When did you hook up with the Ma family?"

For fifteen minutes, in the car going home, Ye Qiuqi, who was dressed in the passenger seat, cushioned the residual fatigue of her body, and asked curiously:

"Emperor Ma Qing still supports you like this?"

Before last night, Ye Qiuqi had no idea that Ye Tianlong knew Ma Qingdi.

Ye Tianlong didn't hide it, and smiled faintly: "I took the risk of my life to save his life, and also gave him the **** who kidnapped him when he was a child."

"He owes me the favor of two adults, and he wants to help me in the future, so he naturally spared no effort to support me."

He stared at the front: "Of course, there is also his own desire to stir up this pool of water."

"The world of politics is really complicated, no wonder I have been at odds with returning home, and I can't fit into the atmosphere of open struggle."

Ye Qiuqi sighed faintly, and then changed the subject: "What shall we do next?"

"When the matter is so big, Newen and Kong Feixiang are dead. Neither Cuiguo nor Kong's family will stop. They will definitely find you to retaliate by any means."

Ye Qiuqi softly advised Ye Tianlong: "Tianlong, or if you go directly to the airport now, you will go back to the mainland to escape for a while."

Although the two did not have a substantial relationship, the relationship has gone a step further, and Ye Qiuqi's edges and corners disappeared in front of Ye Tianlong.

Ye Qiuqi didn't complain about Ye Tianlong's extreme methods. From the beginning to the end, she thought about how to face and survive together.

"I'm leaving, what about you and the Ye family?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "The Kong family can't find me, they will only vent their anger on the Ye family. I don't want to see you and the Ye family fall."

"This also goes against my original intention to shoot last night."

"I won't make you trouble, and I won't make the Ye Family trouble."

Then, he softly comforted Ye Qiuqi: "Don't worry, I dared to kill so many people last night, that means I have a way to deal with it."

He could understand Ye Qiuqi's worries. After all, Newen and Kong Feixiang were both big forces, and the resources were enough to crush the Ye family, she couldn't do it calmly.

So Ye Tianlong worked hard to make Ye Qiuqi more confident: "I have not only the Ma family behind me, but also the capital. The mere Confucian family is nothing."

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was so confident, Ye Qiuqi relaxed two points, and then changed the subject: "Then what should I do?"

She also wants to help.

"At this time, don't go out anymore, stay in Yejia Garden with Grandpa and them at ease."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Mother Wu and others don't go out shopping anymore."

"I notified Chen Taishi the first time last night that I not only temporarily purchased two carts of food, but also fully armed Yejia Garden."

"Yep's Group should stop operating, anyway, it's almost the Spring Festival, so we will give employees a long vacation, and the salary will still be paid."

Ye Tianlong had already thought of a way out for Ye Qiuqi: "As for the businesses that are under development, I will let Ma's take over and follow up."

"In short, during this time, I hope you will all stay in Yejia Garden in peace."

"I can deal with things outside, and at most one week, there must be a result from what happened last night."

He also shook Ye Qiuqi's hand: "As long as there is no worries, I can deal with the Kong family calmly."

Ye Qiuqi pressed Ye Tianlong's palm hard: "Okay, I promise you, I will do what you said, and stay at Ye's house from today."

Ye Tianlong smiled comfortedly: "Really a good sister."


At this time, the car was almost at the door of the Ye Family Garden, Ye Tianlong could see Chen Taishi and the others, and a text message poured in.

Ye Tianlong picked it up and glanced at it, then turned the steering wheel and smiled: "Sister, you will go home first, and I will go out to meet someone."

"it is good."

Ye Qiuqi suddenly made a request: "Stop here, I want to stay with you for a while."

She didn't know why she said this, perhaps because she was worried that Ye Tianlong would not come back again, or she didn't want to leave Ye Tianlong for half a step.

Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, and parked the car under a tree.

Ye Qiuqi didn't speak, just unfastened her seat belt and leaned gently on Ye Tianlong's shoulders, don't have feelings flowing in each other's hearts.

If the silence at this moment is a kind of silent tacit understanding, then the interlocking ten fingers indicate that the relationship between the two has gone further.

Ye Qiuqi's coldness seemed to disappear.

She had never understood Ye Tianlong seriously, but today she wanted to ask.

"Tianlong, do you have a girlfriend?"

Ye Qiuqi asked softly: "You are so good, do you have many girlfriends?"

Although she had a funny smile on her face, her eyes couldn't hide the secret of her heart.

Ye Tianlong saw at a glance that after Ye Qiuqi asked this sentence, the tension and fear in her eyes flashed, just like Han Jing at the beginning.

It's just that although Ye Qiuqi made fun of her, Ye Tianlong was not ready to lie to her.

He nodded: "Yes, many."

There is not much hesitation, and not much emotion in it, but this sentence, like Taishan, crushes Ye Qiuqi's fluke mercilessly.

She laughed at herself: "I'm such an idiot, how can I ask such silly questions? How can you not have a girlfriend if you are so good?"

Ye Tianlong didn't speak, and didn't know how to answer.

Ye Qiuqi felt that her heart became empty, filled with happiness these days, like a rock sinking into the sea, disappearing.

"I have a chance in the future, how about letting my sister meet your girlfriend?"

Ye Qiuqi burst into a smile and looked up at that handsome face: "Let sister check it out for you?"

She tried not to let her voice tremble, tried not to make a tremor in her body, and tried not to let her emotions convey any fluctuations.

Because she is a stubborn and proud woman, she never wants others to see the sadness in her heart.

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Okay!"

He could only comfort Ye Qiuqi with such a simple response, and saying more words of relief would only make Ye Qiuqi feel more uncomfortable.

Ye Qiuqi has her own pride and strength.

After Ye Tianlong responded, Ye Qiuqi smiled, did not make a sound, just closed her eyes and listened to Ye Tianlong's lively heartbeat.

"I'm leaving, be careful."

A minute later, Ye Qiuqi pushed the car door and got out. When closing the car door, she smiled at Ye Tianlong:

"Good brother, I am your forever sister. Don't molest your sister anymore, and your sister won't make fun of you anymore."

Ye Qiuqi smiled like a flower: "Otherwise your girlfriend will be unhappy when she sees it, so go and wait for you to have dinner at night.

Ye Tianlong bit his lip, wanted to say something, but finally sighed softly, stepped on the accelerator and turned away...

Looking at the back of the car, Ye Qiuqi still smiles brightly, but just smiling and smiling, her tears fell...

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